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Atari Jaguar

achievements (53)

iconinfoRA score
One-Two PunchOne-Two Punch
Learned how to punch
2 points
PPW - Bonus 1PPW - Bonus 1
Perfect the Pink Plant Woods Bonus 1
3 points
PPW - Bonus 2PPW - Bonus 2
Perfect the Pink Plant Woods Bonus 2
5 points
PPW - ElectoonsPPW - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Pink Plant Woods
5 points
Pink Plant WoodsPink Plant Woods
Clear Pink Plant Woods
3 points
Mosquito BiteMosquito Bite
Defeat the Mosquito in Anguish Lagoon
5 points
Hanging OutHanging Out
Learned how to hang
2 points
AL - ElectoonsAL - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Anguished Lagoon
5 points
Anguished LagoonAnguished Lagoon
Clear Anguished Lagoon
5 points
FS - BonusFS - Bonus
Perfect the Forgotten Swamp Bonus
5 points
FS - ElectoonsFS - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Forgotten Swamps
5 points
Forgotten SwampForgotten Swamp
Clear Forgotten Swamp
5 points
MN - BonusMN - Bonus
Perfect the Mosquito's Nest Bonus
10 points
MN - ElectoonsMN - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Mosquito's Nest
5 points
Mosquito's NestMosquito's Nest
Clear Mosquito's Nest
5 points
BH - BonusBH - Bonus
Perfect the Bongo Hills Bonus
5 points
BH - ElectoonsBH - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Bongo Hills
5 points
Bogus HillsBogus Hills
Clear Bogus Hills
5 points
AP - BonusAP - Bonus
Perfect the Allegro Presto Bonus
5 points
Spin Right RoundSpin Right Round
Learned the propeller technique
2 points
AP - ElectoonsAP - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Alegro Presto
5 points
Alegro PrestoAlegro Presto
Clear Alegro Presto
5 points
GH - ElectoonsGH - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Gong Heights
5 points
Gong HeightsGong Heights
Clear Gong Heights
5 points
SH - ElectoonsSH - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Mr Sax's Hullaballoo
5 points
Mr Sax's HullaballooMr Sax's Hullaballoo
Clear Mr Sax's Hullaballoo
10 points
TG - ElectoonsTG - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Twilight Gulch
5 points
Twilight GulchTwilight Gulch
Clear Twilight Gulch
5 points
HR - BonusHR - Bonus
Perfect the Hard Rock's Bonus
5 points
HR - ElectoonsHR - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in the Hard Rock's
5 points
The Hard Rock'sThe Hard Rock's
Clear The Hard Rock's
5 points
SP - BonusSP - Bonus
Perfect Mr Stone's Peaks Bonus
5 points
SP - ElectoonsSP - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Mr Stone's Peaks
5 points
Mr Stone's PeaksMr Stone's Peaks
Clear Mr Stone's Peaks
10 points
Running ManRunning Man
Learned the running technique
1 points
EP - BonusEP - Bonus
Perfect the Eraser Plains Bonus
5 points
EP - ElectoonsEP - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Eraser Plains
5 points
Eraser PlainsEraser Plains
Clear Eraser Plains
10 points
PP - ElectoonsPP - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Pencil Pentathlon
5 points
Pencil PentathlonPencil Pentathlon
Clear Pencil Pentathlon
10 points
SM - BonusSM - Bonus
Perfect the Space Mama's Crater Bonus
5 points
SM - ElectoonsSM - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Space Mama's Crater
5 points
Space Mama's CraterSpace Mama's Crater
Clear Space Mama's Crater
10 points
CP - BonusCP - Bonus
Perfect the Crystal Palace Bonus
5 points
CP - ElectoonsCP - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Crystal Palace
5 points
Crystal PalaceCrystal Palace
Clear Crystal Palace
10 points
EJ - ElectoonsEJ - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Eat At Joe's
10 points
Eat At Joe'sEat At Joe's
Clear Eat At Joe's
10 points
SS - ElectoonsSS - Electoons
Rescue all Electoons in Skops' Stalactites
10 points
Skops' StalactitesSkops' Stalactites
Skops' Stalactites
10 points
Mr Dark's CastleMr Dark's Castle
Clear Mr Dark's Castle
25 points
Beat all levels of Breakout!
25 points
Breakout! TingsBreakout! Tings
Collect 10 ting's in Breakout!
10 points
© 2024 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).