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Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers | Donald Duck: Quack Attack Progress

Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers | Donald Duck: Quack Attackmore about Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers | Donald Duck: Quack Attack
53.3% complete

44 / 70 🏆
/ points

iconinfoRA score
He's Goin' Quackers!He's Goin' Quackers!
Activate Donald's Hyper Mode for the first time.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:16:23 PM
1 points
There's No Fault in These StarsThere's No Fault in These Stars
Gain an extra life by collecting 100 Stars.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:16:35 PM
1 points
Three Bears Walk Into a ForestThree Bears Walk Into a Forest
Collect the 3 bear toys in Forest Edge, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:17:41 PM
4 points
Warped ForestWarped Forest
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Forest Edge.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:17:36 PM
2 points
My Time in the ForestMy Time in the Forest
Complete Forest Edge Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:31:26 AM
3 points
Three Bears on the EdgeThree Bears on the Edge
Collect the 3 bear toys in Dangerous Cliff, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:41:03 PM
4 points
Warped CliffWarped Cliff
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Dangerous Cliff.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:40:40 PM
2 points
Speeding Through the CliffSpeeding Through the Cliff
Complete Dangerous Cliff Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:33:50 AM
3 points
Three Bears on the TrackThree Bears on the Track
Collect the 3 bear toys in The Track, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:44:55 PM
4 points
Warped TrackWarped Track
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in The Track.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:44:05 PM
2 points
Donald's RacewayDonald's Raceway
Complete The Track Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:36:29 AM
3 points
Three Bears of the ValleyThree Bears of the Valley
Collect the 3 bear toys in The Gorge, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:47:45 PM
4 points
Warped GorgeWarped Gorge
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in The Gorge.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:46:59 PM
2 points
Narrowly TimedNarrowly Timed
Complete The Gorge Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:38:42 AM
3 points
Down the Bear's PathDown the Bear's Path
Complete Bear's Path.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:51:44 PM
3 points
Where We Goin', Donald?Where We Goin', Donald?
Unlock the Tourist Outfit for Donald.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:38:50 AM
5 points
Duckie MountainDuckie Mountain
Complete the 5 stages of Duckie Mountain.
✅ unlocked at 10/27/2024, 7:51:44 PM
10 points
Bernadette the BirdBernadette the Bird
Defeat Bernadette the Bird.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:56:18 AM
3 points
Bird CageBird Cage
Defeat Bernadette the Bird without taking any damage or losing a life. [Exit stage to reset]
5 points
Three Trains on the AvenueThree Trains on the Avenue
Collect the 3 train toys in First Avenue, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:59:41 AM
4 points
Warped AvenueWarped Avenue
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in First Avenue.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 12:59:35 AM
2 points
Running Down the AvenueRunning Down the Avenue
Complete First Avenue Time Attack
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:26:39 AM
3 points
Three Trains Above the High-RiseThree Trains Above the High-Rise
Collect the 3 train toys in Urban High-Rises, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:04:41 AM
4 points
Warped UrbanWarped Urban
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Urban High-Rises.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:04:34 AM
2 points
City SkylineCity Skyline
Complete Urban High-Rises Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:30:52 AM
3 points
Three Trains on the Roof TopsThree Trains on the Roof Tops
Collect the 3 train toys in Roof Tops, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:09:23 AM
4 points
Warped TopsWarped Tops
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Roof Tops.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:08:59 AM
2 points
Rooftop RunRooftop Run
Complete Roof Tops Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:34:18 AM
3 points
Three Trains Above the RoofsThree Trains Above the Roofs
Collect the 3 train toys in The Roofs, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:13:02 AM
4 points
Warped RoofsWarped Roofs
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in The Roof.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:12:10 AM
2 points
Breaking the Speed LimitBreaking the Speed Limit
Complete The Roofs Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:40:48 AM
3 points
City EscapeCity Escape
Complete Main Street.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:17:19 AM
3 points
The Magic of Disney's WalletThe Magic of Disney's Wallet
Unlock the Magician Outfit for Donald.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:40:55 AM
5 points
Complete the 5 stages of Duckberg.
✅ unlocked at 10/31/2024, 1:17:19 AM
10 points
Beagle BoysBeagle Boys
Defeat the Beagle Boy.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:23:06 AM
3 points
Bring Your Hard HatBring Your Hard Hat
Defeat the Beagle Boy without pressing A more than 6 times. [Die or Exit Stage to reset]
10 points
Three Guns, Probably HauntedThree Guns, Probably Haunted
Collect the 3 gun toys in Haunted Hall, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:27:27 AM
4 points
Warped HallWarped Hall
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Haunted Hall.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:27:24 AM
2 points
Running, But Not Because I'm ScaredRunning, But Not Because I'm Scared
Complete Haunted Hall Time Attack.
3 points
Three Guns for GhostsThree Guns for Ghosts
Collect the 3 gun toys in Ghostly Path, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:33:06 AM
4 points
Warped GhostWarped Ghost
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Ghostly Path.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:32:19 AM
2 points
Ghosts Aren't Real, DonaldGhosts Aren't Real, Donald
Complete Ghostly Path Time Attack.
3 points
Three Guns in the CorridorThree Guns in the Corridor
Collect the 3 gun toys in Creepy Corridor, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:39:02 AM
4 points
Warped CorridorWarped Corridor
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Creepy Corridor.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:38:57 AM
2 points
All Fun and No Time AttackAll Fun and No Time Attack
Complete Creepy Corridor Time Attack.
3 points
Three Guns in the AlleyThree Guns in the Alley
Collect the 3 gun toys in Earie Alley, then complete the stage.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:57:28 AM
4 points
Warped AlleyWarped Alley
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Earie Alley.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:42:46 AM
2 points
Sneaking Through the Alley (But Quickly)Sneaking Through the Alley (But Quickly)
Complete Earie Alley Time Attack.
3 points
I Gotta Hand it to YouI Gotta Hand it to You
Complete Under 'Hand'ed.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 5:02:13 AM
3 points
Goodnight, DonaldGoodnight, Donald
Unlock the Bedtime Outfit for Donald.
5 points
Magica de Spells' ManorMagica de Spells' Manor
Complete the 5 stages of Magica de Spells' Manor.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 5:02:13 AM
10 points
Magica De SpellMagica De Spell
Defeat Magica De Spell.
3 points
You Didn't Fool Penn and Teller With ThisYou Didn't Fool Penn and Teller With This
Defeat Magica without taking any damage, losing a life and in 10 A presses or less. [Exit Stage to Reset]
10 points
Three Planes in the TempleThree Planes in the Temple
Collect the 3 plane toys in Temple's Entrance, then complete the stage.
4 points
Warped TempleWarped Temple
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Temple's Entrance.
2 points
Indiana DonaldIndiana Donald
Complete Temple's Entrance Time Attack.
3 points
Three Planes of the AncientsThree Planes of the Ancients
Collect the 3 plane toys in Ancient Fate, then complete the stage.
4 points
Warped FateWarped Fate
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Ancient Fate.
2 points
Fate of the RaceFate of the Race
Complete Ancient Fate Time Attack.
3 points
Three Planes of the DarkThree Planes of the Dark
Collect the 3 plane toys in Murky Way, then complete the stage.
4 points
Warped MurkyWarped Murky
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Murky Way.
2 points
Gloomy RacingGloomy Racing
Complete Murky Way Time Attack.
3 points
Three Planes of the ArtifactThree Planes of the Artifact
Collect the 3 plane toys in Artifact Way, then complete the stage.
4 points
Warped ArtifactWarped Artifact
Collect the Warp Boss Icon in Artifact Way.
2 points
Come On, Short Round!Come On, Short Round!
Complete Artifact Way Time Attack.
3 points
Head to the Temple, They Said...Head to the Temple, They Said...
Complete Head Alley.
3 points
Grab Your Whip and Your GunGrab Your Whip and Your Gun
Unlock the Indiana Outfit for Donald.
5 points
Merlock's Secret TempleMerlock's Secret Temple
Complete the 5 stages of Merlock's Secret Temple
10 points
Defeat Merlock.
10 points
I Am Merlock!I Am Merlock!
Defeat Merlock without taking any damage, losing a life and in 30 B/Y presses or less. [Exit Stage to Reset]
25 points
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