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icon | info |
Naughty You received detention | |
Delinquent You received five detentions in one game. | |
Truant You refused to attend any classes! | |
Expelled Too many demerits ended your school year. | |
Stressed Out You maxed out your Stress. | |
Star Student You maxed out your Merits. | |
Cutie-Pie You maxed out your Cute. | |
Weirdo You maxed out your Weird. | |
Treasurer You won the election for class treasurer. | |
Secret Society You became a full member of the Rose And Wasp. | |
Bunny!! You retrieved the elusive stuffed bunny. | |
Married Oops! Accidentally married. | |
Been Kissed Someone has locked lips with you. | |
Divorced After a year locked in the school dungeons. Nasty. | |
Conspiracy You helped Ellen form a school conspiracy | |
Prom Date You had an escort for the May Day Ball. | |
Sophomore You made it through the school year! | |
Red Mastery You maxed out your Red Magic. | |
Blue Mastery You maxed out your Blue Magic. | |
Green Mastery You maxed out your Green Magic. | |
Black Mastery You maxed out your Black Magic. | |
White Mastery You maxed out your White Magic. | |
I love being STRONG You maxed out your strength. | |
Studious You maxed out your smarts. | |
Walking in Darkness You broke your oath and lost your magic - for now. | |
Summer School You can't go home again. |