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Divide by Sheep Progress

more about Divide by SheepDivide by Sheep
5.3% complete

1 / 19 🏆

Who put these lasers here?Who put these lasers here?
Get all stars in Green World
Ice Ice BabyIce Ice Baby
Get all stars in Ice World
Death StarDeath Star
Get all stars in Dark World
He doesn't biteHe doesn't bite
Get all stars in Spring World
Hello WorldHello World
Beat the Green World
Stay frostyStay frosty
Beat the Ice World
No more room In hellNo more room In hell
Beat the Dark World
Beat the Spring World
First blood
Om nom nomOm nom nom
Eat the first sheep
Will it float?Will it float?
Drown the first sheep
✅ unlocked at 10/28/2017, 4:06:44 PM
Will it burn?Will it burn?
Burn the first sheep
Get all the achievements
 It's a trap! It's a trap!
Put a wolf in a cage
Use the totem to crush a critter
The Sheep Is A LieThe Sheep Is A Lie
Send a sheep through a portal
World in RuinsWorld in Ruins
Beat the 5th world
I know mathI know math
Beat the 5th world with 3 stars in all levels
Achievement HunterAchievement Hunter
Get all achievements in 5th world

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