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icon | info |
Back And Forth Create an endless loop in a level using two directional signs | |
Convey Away Create an endless loop in a level using a conveyor | |
Endless Telewarping Create an endless loop in a level using a telewarp | |
No Need to Rush Create an endless loop in an Easy level | |
Loop de Loop Create an endless loop in a Medium level | |
Eternally Hard Create an endless loop in a Hard level | |
Traffic Control Complete a level with signs to spare | |
In the Right Direction Complete all tutorial levels | |
Easy Going Complete all easy levels | |
Average Joe Complete all medium levels | |
It's a Hard Block Life Complete all hard levels | |
No Hiding Cubism Complete all hidden levels | |
Pile Up Make 6 collisions at the same time | |
Tracker Find a hidden level | |
Sleuth Find all hidden levels | |
All Signed Up | |
Hidden Chicken Find the hidden Toki Tori statue | |
Number One Savior Lead 1111 cubes to their exits | |
Clueless | |
All Aboard! Create a conveyor belt of 10 signs | |
That's Different Solve a level different from how the hint system suggests | |
Actual Solution Complete all actual challenge levels | |
Actual Best | |
Solar Flare Complete the Solar Flare level | |
Santa's Little Helper Deliver all presents in the eight levels when they are touched by frost in December |