15 / 108 🏆
icon | info |
Champion of a New Era Obtain every achievement. | |
One and All Recruit all units. | |
Defender of Morality Reach a sufficient Morality Conviction value. | |
Seeker of Utility Reach a sufficient Utility Conviction value. | |
Believer of Liberty Reach a sufficient Liberty Conviction value. | |
Unshakable Convictions Reach a sufficient Morality, Utility, and Liberty Conviction value. | |
Negotiator Successfully persuade an ally. ✅ unlocked at 6/26/2023, 12:44:03 AM | |
Unanimous Successfully persuade everyone to vote the same way. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 7:38:56 PM | |
Tiebreaker Cast the deciding vote when there is a tie. | |
As Lord Do not sacrifice the town of Wolffort during chapter 7. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 5:57:05 PM | |
The Enemy of an Enemy Reveal Roland's identity to Svarog. | |
Birthright Receive the royal signet from Symon. | |
Secret of the Continent Find the key in the Rosellan village. ✅ unlocked at 6/30/2023, 7:15:42 PM | |
Wrongdoing Exposed Successfully report Sorsley's misdeeds. | |
Never-Ending Path Assent to Benedict's strategy. | |
The End of Sin Stand with Roland's idea. | |
Silent Sea Place your faith in Frederica's ideals. | |
Grand Finale | |
First Campaign Win a battle for the first time. ✅ unlocked at 6/25/2023, 7:35:06 PM | |
Veteran Warrior Win 100 battles. | |
Efficiency Is Key Exploit enemy weaknesses 100 times. | |
Working Together Perform 100 follow-up attacks. ✅ unlocked at 6/26/2023, 9:00:20 PM | |
From Behind Perform 100 back attacks. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 3:28:06 AM | |
Playing with Fire Set the ground ablaze 50 times. | |
Playing with Ice Freeze the ground 50 times. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 11:05:22 PM | |
Playing with Water Create puddles 50 times. | |
Playing with Lightning Electrocute units 50 times. | |
Forces Collide Deal collision damage 50 times. | |
From Above Deal fall damage 50 times. | |
On the Defensive Counter 50 times. ✅ unlocked at 7/1/2023, 2:38:51 AM | |
Healer Heal 100 times. ✅ unlocked at 6/27/2023, 3:57:41 AM | |
Supporter Perform 100 support actions to give allies an advantage. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 3:25:25 AM | |
Enfeebling Force Perform 100 support actions to put enemies at a disadvantage. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 7:58:17 PM | |
Item User Use items 100 times. ✅ unlocked at 6/30/2023, 8:58:26 PM | |
One Fell Swoop Defeat 5 or more units at one time. | |
Few but Fierce Embark with half or less than the maximum units and claim victory. | |
Careful! Deal damage with a mine cart. | |
Spoils of War Pick up 100 spoils. ✅ unlocked at 6/29/2023, 6:34:33 PM | |
Shrewd Strategist Use quietuses 50 times. | |
Bold Battler Accumulate 1,000 kudos. ✅ unlocked at 7/1/2023, 2:39:47 AM | |
A Heavy Purse Accumulate 1,000,000 coins. | |
Reaper of 100 Souls Complete the mental mock battle "The Assassins." | |
Tavern Regular Complete all mental mock battles. | |
Feline Fanatic Speak to all cats. | |
Sundry Shop Regular Learn all quietuses and obtain the maximum amount of Quietus Points. | |
Weaver of Histories Travel all paths. | |
Avid Reader Collect all notes. | |
Wise Warrior Gather all information. | |
Smithy Regular Learn the Weapon Skill of all units. | |
Swordmaster Reach the pinnacle of Serenoa's strength. | |
Master Cavalryman Reach the pinnacle of Roland's strength. | |
Master Strategist Reach the pinnacle of Benedict's strength. | |
Fire Master Reach the pinnacle of Frederica's strength. | |
Master Curist Reach the pinnacle of Geela's strength. | |
Master Assassin Reach the pinnacle of Anna's strength. | |
Master Flyer Reach the pinnacle of Hughette's strength. | |
Master Guardian Reach the pinnacle of Erador's strength. | |
Bow Master Reach the pinnacle of Rudolph's strength. | |
Ice Master Reach the pinnacle of Corentin's strength. | |
Master Advisor Reach the pinnacle of Julio's strength. | |
Master Dancer Reach the pinnacle of Milo's strength. | |
Prayer Master Reach the pinnacle of Cordelia's strength. | |
Big Boss Reach the pinnacle of Travis's strength. | |
Treasure Hunter Reach the pinnacle of Trish's strength. | |
Great General Reach the pinnacle of Avlora's strength. | |
Cure Knight Reach the pinnacle of Hossabara's strength. | |
Spell Master Reach the pinnacle of Narve's strength. | |
Medicine Master Reach the pinnacle of Medina's strength. | |
Craft Master Reach the pinnacle of Jens's strength. | |
Divine Spear Reach the pinnacle of Maxwell's strength. | |
Divine Bow Reach the pinnacle of Archibald's strength. | |
Winguard Reach the pinnacle of Flanagan's strength. | |
Spirit Master Reach the pinnacle of Ezana's strength. | |
Elocutionist Reach the pinnacle of Lionel's strength. | |
Divine Fist Reach the pinnacle of Groma's strength. | |
Trick Master Reach the pinnacle of Piccoletta's strength. | |
Numerologist Reach the pinnacle of Decimal's strength. | |
Timespeaker Reach the pinnacle of Quahaug's strength. | |
Land Master Reach the pinnacle of Giovanna's strength. | |
King and Friend View all of Roland's character stories. | |
A Toast to the Future View all of Benedict's character stories. | |
Beneath the Starry Sky View all of Frederica's character stories. | |
Tutor View all of Geela's character stories. | |
True Parents View all of Anna's character stories. | |
To the Open Skies View all of Hughette's character stories. | |
For an Eternity View all of Erador's character stories. | |
A Promise Fulfilled View all of Rudolph's character stories. | |
Groundbreaking Research View all of Corentin's character stories. | |
A Lord Worth Serving View all of Julio's character stories. | |
A Useful Poisonous Plant View all of Milo's character stories. | |
A Princess and Her People View all of Cordelia's character stories. | |
Bandit Boss View all of Travis's character stories. | |
Allies of the Poor View all of Trish's character stories. | |
For a Peaceful World View all of Avlora's character stories. | |
A Spot of Sunshine View all of Hossabara's character stories. | |
Disciple of the Archmage View all of Narve's character stories. | |
The Value of a Life View all of Medina's character stories. | |
The Perfect Weapon View all of Jens's character stories. | |
A Righteous Kingdom View all of Maxwell's character stories. | |
An Old Soldier's Regrets View all of Archibald's character stories. | |
A Shield for the People View all of Flanagan's character stories. | |
Blessed Rain View all of Ezana's character stories. | |
A Merchant's Joy View all of Lionel's character stories. | |
Unwavering Fist View all of Groma's character stories. | |
Of Circuses and Smiles View all of Piccoletta's character stories. | |
The Automaton's Master View all of Decimal's character stories. | |
Dreaming of Mother View all of Quahaug's character stories. | |
Every Corner of Norzelia View all of Giovanna's character stories. |