2 / 45 🏆
3 / 291 points
icon | info | RA score |
I Thought This Game Was About Skittles® Watch the intro cutscene to learn the lore ✅ unlocked at 9/27/2024, 8:05:36 AM | 0 points | |
The Adventure Begins Use True Sight to find the way to leave Lynlora with the orange prism | 5 points | |
The Keepers of the Rainbow Find Merlin in Ogmire Archipelago and learn about the Keepers of the Rainbow | 5 points | |
Getting out of Tikniki Swamp Once you get used to the smell, it's actually quite lovely | 10 points | |
The City Beyond the Sea Search Ogmire City for clues to the whereabouts of the yellow prism | 5 points | |
The Ogmire Jailbreak Escape from the Ogmire Dungeons | 5 points | |
Bloodsquall's Quick Escape Help Bloodsquall escape the Prison Tower with the yellow prism in-hand | 10 points | |
One Toot on This Whistle... Get whisked away to the Pirates' Sky Camp | 5 points | |
Crafting a MacGuffin Reach Yancey's ship in the sky and ask about the green prism | 10 points | |
The Hills Have Zen'jais Escape the Zen'jai Hills with Dorian | 5 points | |
How to Train Your Dragon Hitch a ride on Black Heart's back-- destination: the dark warlord's palace | 10 points | |
Some Assembly Required Assemble the pieces of General Quang's secret weapon | 10 points | |
Harmonious Living Bring together the five birds of harmony and leave Zen'jai | 10 points | |
Fruitcake Millionaire Trade your fruitcake for entry into the Zogle Gem Mines | 5 points | |
Delighted Exchange a bag full of rare gemstones for the green prism | 5 points | |
Triple Cherries at the Stoneheath Slot Machine Wake the Stoneheath golems and free Gwenella's horse in Stoneheath Circles | 10 points | |
Do You Think Love Can Bloom Even in a Goblin Lair? Sneak through the goblin dungeons up into their secret lair | 5 points | |
Trust Me and We Will Escape From the City Execute a flawless prison escape from the Goblin Lair | 10 points | |
Gwenella's Return Play Frankenskye and revive Gwenella by assembling her possessions | 10 points | |
Honey, I Shrunk the Protagonist Slay the Manta-krynn and recover the five elixirs | 5 points | |
Stan's Kozy Krypts: Everybody's Just Dying to Get In! Draak doesn't seem to be in the graveyard. Head down into the crypts | 5 points | |
It's Not That He Sucks Blood... He Just Sucks Defeat the whiny vampyre (ugh) and make your way to the great cathedral | 10 points | |
Carillon, My Wayward Son Climb the Bell Tower. That's where gargoyles usually hang out, right? | 5 points | |
Heart of the Rainbow Defeat Necroth in his lair and restore the power of the rainbow | 25 points | |
Come Sail Away Enter Twell Country in search of the green prism | 5 points | |
Straight Outta Crypt-town Oops, wrong crypt! Head back to the graveyard so you can find the right one | 10 points | |
Schism Fight the mysterious villain in the cathedral, and win-- duh! | 10 points | |
A Happy Family Reunion Use the Heart of the Rainbow to gain access to Necroth's lair for the final showdown | 10 points | |
RSVP (Ruthless Slayer Vanquished Permanently) in Lynlora Get invited to Stumpy's party (don't forget to bring a funny gift) ✅ unlocked at 9/27/2024, 8:28:44 AM | 3 points | |
A Marketing Decision Even horrifying lake monsters can't get enough of that delicious Skittles® flavor | 1 points | |
So That's Where All the Unsold Copies Went If you can believe it, video games used to come out on these ancient circles called "CDs" | 2 points | |
Build-a-Wizard Workshop Try bringing along a few friends to meet your estranged father | 3 points | |
But Wait, There's More! Listen to all of the gadget salesman's sales pitches. It seems like every time you visit, he has something new! | 3 points | |
The Gargoyles' Riddle #1 - Skulls in the Graveyard "I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even." | 5 points | |
The Gargoyles' Riddle #2 - Skulls in the Grey Tunnels "I have two hands, but cannot clap." | 5 points | |
The Gargoyles' Riddle #3 - Skulls at the Top of the Stairs "What word becomes shorter by adding two letters?" | 5 points | |
The Gargoyles' Riddle #4 - Skulls in the Crystal Halls "I have a great many keys, but I open no locks." | 5 points | |
Never Pay for Squelk Insurance Collect and turn in a full bag of gems in the Zogle Gem Mines without your squelk's health dropping below 50% | 10 points | |
More Bang for Your Buck Cast the Magnify Magic spell to power up your attacks | 2 points | |
I'm Walking on Sunshine Cast the Wind Glide spell and defy gravity | 2 points | |
Short People Got Nobody Cast the Diminish spell to get a fresh perspective | 1 points | |
I Don't Wanna Grow Up Stubbornly refuse to let the Diminish spell wear off for 15 seconds | 3 points | |
Lvl 99 Fishing Every good JRPG has a fishing minigame. Collect 3 fish | 10 points | |
Full of Skittles® Juice Collect and hold 10 life potions at the same time | 10 points | |
While Supplies Last Collect the toy seller's whole line of Wood Wizard products | 1 points |