34 / 215 🏆
185 / 1665 points
icon | info | RA score |
Hangar Beat Level 1: Hangar ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 4:56:56 AM | 2 points | |
Plant Beat Level 2: Plant ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 5:16:17 AM | 5 points | |
Toxin Refinery Beat Level 3: Toxin Refinery ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 5:55:38 AM | 5 points | |
Command Control Beat Level 4: Command Control ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 6:02:38 AM | 5 points | |
Phobos Lab Beat Level 5: Phobos Lab ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 6:24:03 AM | 5 points | |
Central Processing Beat Level 06: Central Processing ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 6:34:11 AM | 5 points | |
Computer Station Beat Level 07: Computer Station ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 6:43:44 AM | 5 points | |
Phobos Anomaly Beat Level 08: Phobos Anomaly ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:03:00 AM | 5 points | |
Deimos Anomaly Beat Level 09: Deimos Anomaly ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:08:38 AM | 5 points | |
Containment Area Beat Level 10: Containment Area ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:19:32 AM | 5 points | |
Refinery Beat Level 11: Refinery ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:28:14 AM | 5 points | |
Deimos Lab Beat Level 12: Deimos Lab ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:46:51 AM | 5 points | |
Command Center Beat Level 13: Command Center ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:52:37 AM | 5 points | |
Halls of the Damned Beat Level 14: Halls of the Damned ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:13:31 AM | 5 points | |
Spawning Vats Beat Level 15: Spawning Vats ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:28:16 AM | 5 points | |
Hell Gate Beat Level 16: Hell Gate ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:31:47 AM | 5 points | |
Hell Keep Beat Level 17: Hell Keep ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:39:18 AM | 5 points | |
Pandemonium Beat Level 18: Pandemonium ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:43:03 AM | 5 points | |
House of Pain Beat Level 19: House of Pain ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:53:16 AM | 5 points | |
Unholy Cathedral Beat Level 20: Unholy Cathedral ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 9:04:31 AM | 5 points | |
Mt. Erebus Beat Level 21: Mt. Erebus ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 9:13:13 AM | 5 points | |
Limbo Beat Level 22: Limbo ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 9:33:11 AM | 5 points | |
Tower of Babel Beat Level 23: Tower of Babel ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 9:49:18 AM | 5 points | |
Hell Beneath Beat Level 24: Hell Beneath | 5 points | |
Perfect Hatred Beat Level 25: Perfect Hatred | 5 points | |
Sever the Wicked Beat Level 26: Sever the Wicked | 5 points | |
Unruly Evil Beat Level 27: Unruly Evil | 5 points | |
Unto the Cruel Beat Level 28: Unto the Cruel | 5 points | |
Twilight Descends Beat Level 29: Twilight Descends | 5 points | |
Threshold of Pain Beat Level 30: Threshold of Pain | 10 points | |
Entryway Beat Level 31: Entryway | 5 points | |
Underhalls Beat Level 32: Underhalls | 5 points | |
The Gantlet Beat Level 33: The Gantlet | 5 points | |
The Focus Beat Level 34: The Focus | 5 points | |
The Waste Tunnels Beat Level 35: The Waste Tunnels | 5 points | |
The Crusher Beat Level 36: The Crusher | 5 points | |
Dead Simple Beat Level 37: Dead Simple | 5 points | |
Tricks and Traps Beat Level 38: Tricks and Traps | 5 points | |
The Pit Beat Level 39: The Pit | 5 points | |
Refueling Base Beat Level 40: Refueling Base | 5 points | |
O of Destruction! Beat Level 41: O of Destruction! | 5 points | |
The Factory Beat Level 42: The Factory | 5 points | |
The Inmost Dens Beat Level 43: The Inmost Dens | 5 points | |
Suburbs Beat Level 44: Suburbs | 5 points | |
Tenements Beat Level 45: Tenements | 5 points | |
The Courtyard Beat Level 46: The Courtyard | 5 points | |
The Citadel Beat Level 47: The Citadel | 5 points | |
Nirvana Beat Level 48: Nirvana | 5 points | |
The Catacombs Beat Level 49: The Catacombs | 5 points | |
Barrels of Fun Beat Level 50: Barrels of Fun | 5 points | |
Bloodfalls Beat Level 51: Bloodfalls | 5 points | |
The Abandoned Mines Beat Level 52: The Abandoned Mines | 5 points | |
Monster Condo Beat Level 53: Monster Condo | 5 points | |
Redemption Denied Beat Level 54: Redemption Denied | 10 points | |
Fortress of Mystery Beat Level 55: Fortress of Mystery (secret level) | 5 points | |
The Military Base Beat Level 56: The Military Base (secret level) | 5 points | |
The Marshes Beat Level 57: The Marshes (secret level) | 5 points | |
The Mansion Beat Level 58: The Mansion (secret level) | 5 points | |
Club Doom Beat Level 59: Club Doom (super secret level) | 5 points | |
Sever the Kindness Beat any Level from Thy Flesh Consumed (Levels 24-30) on Pacifist (Don't do punching animation) | 25 points | |
Just another day, to save the earth Beat Ultimate Doom in under 2 hours (Levels 1-30)(Hurt Me Plenty or above) | 50 points | |
Born for this Beat Doom ll in under 2 hours (Levels 31-54)(Hurt Me Plenty or above) | 50 points | |
Attention to details Find a Secret Level | 1 points | |
Mustache-man your worst nightmare has arrived Beat a Doom PSX Exclusive Level | 2 points | |
Training Day Beat 5 Levels without Dying (Loading levels via passwords or warp cheat will restart the count) ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 6:24:03 AM | 5 points | |
Looking good Marine! Beat 10 Levels without Dying (Loading levels via passwords or warp cheat will restart the count) ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 7:19:32 AM | 10 points | |
I can do this all day Beat 20 Levels without Dying (Loading levels via passwords or warp cheat will restart the count) ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 9:04:31 AM | 25 points | |
Paingar Beat Level 1: Hangar in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
That's a rough plant Beat Level 2: Plant in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Heavy-Toxin Beat Level 3: Toxin Refinery in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Break time has come to an end Beat Level 4: Command Control in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Black Research Beat Level 5: Phobos Lab in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
We need a better server Beat Level 6: Central Processing in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Geek Paradise Beat Level 7: Computer Station in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Do you mean Anomaly or Catastrophy? Beat Level 8: Phobos Anomaly in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Where's the quality control? Beat Level 9: Deimos Anomaly in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Global Warming Beat Level 10: Containment Area in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Creating resources Beat Level 11: Refinery in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
What happens in Deimos, stays in Deimos Beat Level 12: Deimos Lab in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Heavy Operation Beat Level 13: Command Center in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Halls of the Doomed Beat Level 14: Halls of the Damned in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Spawning Bats Beat Level 15: Spawning Vats in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The second Book of Enoch Beat Level 16: Hell Gate in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Hell Leave Beat Level 17: Hell Keep in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Paradise Lost Beat Level 18: Pandemonium in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
House of Torture Beat Level 19: House of Pain in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
God has forsaken us Beat Level 20: Unholy Cathedral in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Flight 901 Beat Level 21: Mt. Erebus in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Unbaptized Beat Level 22: Limbo in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Retaliation breeds Retaliation Beat Level 23: Tower of Babel in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Hell Among-Us Beat Level 24: Hell Beneath in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
Ultimate Hatred Beat Level 25: Perfect Hatred in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
Tear the Wicked Beat Level 26: Sever the Wicked in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
Anarchist Evil Beat Level 27: Unruly Evil in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
Deep down in to the Cruel Beat Level 28: Unto the Cruel in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
The Twilight rules now Beat Level 29: Twilight Descends in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
Threshold of Suffering Beat Level 30: Threshold of Pain in Ultra-Violence | 25 points | |
Enter from the back door Beat Level 31: Entryway in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Deep halls Beat Level 32: Underhalls in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The Infinity Gantlet Beat Level 33: The Gantlet in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Can't Focus will all this noise Beat Level 34: The Focus in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Wastelands Beat Level 35: The Waste Tunnels in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The Punisher Beat Level 36: The Crusher in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Not that simple Beat Level 37: Dead Simple in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Catching the biggest prey Beat Level 38: Tricks and Traps in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Bottomless Pit Beat Level 39: The Pit in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Full Tank Beat Level 40: Refueling Base in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
F for Pray Respects Beat Level 41: O of Destruction! in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Rat race Beat Level 42: The Factory in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The innermost Beat Level 43: The Inmost Dens in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Arrived at the wrong Neighborhood Beat Level 44: Suburbs in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The Households Beat Level 45: Tenements in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The backyard Beat Level 46: The Courtyard in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Greetings Mr. President Beat Level 47: The Citadel in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The law of Karma Beat Level 48: Nirvana in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Sealed Coffin Beat Level 49: The Catacombs in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Healthy Fun Beat Level 50: Barrels of Fun in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Bloodrain Beat Level 51: Bloodfalls in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Mining trilobites and killing demons Beat Level 52: The Abandoned Mines in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Devil's Penthouse Beat Level 53: Monster Condo in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Humanity has been forsaken Beat Level 54: Redemption Denied in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Castle of Mystery Beat Level 55: Fortress of Mystery (secret level) in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Area 51 Beat Level 56: The Military Base (secret level) in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
The Death Marshes Beat Level 57: The Marshes (secret level) in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Maniac Mansion Level 58: The Mansion (secret level) in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Danza Kuduroooo! Beat Level 59: Club Doom (super secret level) in Ultra-Violence | 10 points | |
Just like mama said Finish a level with 200% armor and 200% health ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 5:55:38 AM | 2 points | |
Full Warehouse Beat Level 1: Hangar with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Overstaffing Beat Level 2: Plant with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Overdose Beat Level 3: Toxin Refinery with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Max Security Beat Level 4: Command Control with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Intense Research Beat Level 5: Phobos Lab with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Enough Power Beat Level 06: Central Processing with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
High Sierra Beat Level 07: Computer Station with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Code Red Beat Level 08: Phobos Anomaly with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The beginning of a catastrophe Beat Level 09: Deimos Anomaly with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The Blackout Beat Level 10: Containment Area with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Raw material Beat Level 11: Refinery with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
One giant leap for mankind Beat Level 12: Deimos Lab with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Operation Doomed Beat Level 13: Command Center with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Walls of the Damned Beat Level 14: Halls of the Damned with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Cleaning day Beat Level 15: Spawning Vats with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Brave New World Beat Level 16: Hell Gate with 100% kills and secrets ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 8:31:47 AM | 5 points | |
Hell Deep Beat Level 17: Hell Keep with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The High Capital Beat Level 18: Pandemonium with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The best floor of the night Beat Level 19: House of Pain with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Heretic Cathedral Beat Level 20: Unholy Cathedral with 100% kills and 87% secrets | 5 points | |
The second-highest Volcano Beat Level 21: Mt. Erebus with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Lost Souls Beat Level 22: Limbo with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Don't step above God Beat Level 23: Tower of Babel with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The Depths of Hell Beat Level 24: Hell Beneath with 100% kills and 50% secrets | 5 points | |
Just like some greek God Beat Level 25: Perfect Hatred with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Praise the wicked Beat Level 26: Sever the Wicked with 100% kills and 96% secrets | 5 points | |
Chaotic Evil Beat Level 27: Unruly Evil with 100% kills and secrets (Hurt Me Plenty or Above) | 5 points | |
Unto the Heartless Beat Level 28: Unto the Cruel with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Twilight is Imminent Beat Level 29: Twilight Descends with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Sill of Death Beat Level 30: Threshold of Pain with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Welcome party Beat Level 31: Entryway with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Clandestine Rute Beat Level 32: Underhalls with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Gantlet of Death Beat Level 33: The Gantlet with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The Kaizen Way Beat Level 34: The Focus with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Wasted Beat Level 35: The Waste Tunnels with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Demolition 101 Beat Level 36: The Crusher with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Dead Complex Beat Level 37: Dead Simple with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Dead Trap Beat Level 38: Tricks and Traps with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Of the 100 Trials Beat Level 39: The Pit with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Ready to Action Beat Level 40: Refueling Base with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
K of Explotion! Beat Level 41: O of Destruction! with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Personnel Only Beat Level 42: The Factory with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Deepest thoughts Beat Level 43: The Inmost Dens with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
The Neighbourhood Beat Level 44: Suburbs with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
House of floors Beat Level 45: Tenements with 87% kills and 100% secrets | 5 points | |
Courtyard Graveyard Beat Level 46: The Courtyard with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Royal Place Beat Level 47: The Citadel with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Nor sense of Self Beat Level 48: Nirvana with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Tomb Raider Beat Level 49: The Catacombs with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
It's not about winning, it's about fun Beat Level 50: Barrels of Fun with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Bloodbath Beat Level 51: Bloodfalls with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Crystal Peak Beat Level 52: The Abandoned Mines with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Satan District Beat Level 53: Monster Condo with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Excuse me, you Edgar Ross? Beat Level 54: Redemption Denied with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
My last Riddle Beat Level 55: Fortress of Mystery (secret level) with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Camp Omega Beat Level 56: The Military Base (secret level) with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Death Swamp Beat Level 57: The Marshes (secret level) with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
Spoooky... Where's the Princess?! Beat Level 58: The Mansion (secret level) with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
I like your poom-poom Girl! Beat Level 59: Club Doom (super secret level) with 100% kills and secrets | 5 points | |
All kinds of tastes Kill one of every enemy (in one game session) | 5 points | |
All kind of meals! Kill one of every enemy using the chainsaw (in one game session) | 25 points | |
You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle Get 20 kills using your fists ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 10:07:18 AM | 5 points | |
Those that tasted the bite of his fists Get 25 kills using the berserk | 5 points | |
American Psycho Get 50 kills using the chainsaw | 5 points | |
The old reliable Get 30 kills using the pistol ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 5:44:40 AM | 5 points | |
American Saturday Morning Get 50 kills using the shotgun ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 6:22:48 AM | 5 points | |
Come to papa! Get 35 kills using the Supershotgun | 5 points | |
Heavy Machinery Get 70 kills using the chaingun | 5 points | |
Love to make things blow! Shot a total of 50 Rockets using the Rocket Launcher ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 9:43:35 AM | 5 points | |
Best device of all mankind Shot a total of 600 energy cells using the Plasma Gun | 5 points | |
Hey, this is fun! Shot the BFG a total of 6 times | 5 points | |
Just chill out dude! Get an enemy to kill another one without you holding any weapon who shot projectiles (Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, BFG) ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 5:22:19 AM | 1 points | |
In his ravenous hatred he found no peace Get 15 kills using a Berserk Powerup while the screen is still in red | 5 points | |
You're just big talk Beat the CyberDemon at Map 23 by only using your fists on the entire map | 25 points | |
Ammunition shortage Kill 3 or more enemies with a single super-shotgun shot | 5 points | |
Soft meat Tear an enemy using the chainsaw | 1 points | |
Who will survive? Kill 25 enemies using the chainsaw consecutively without releasing the attack button | 10 points | |
Imperative Shooter Kill 10 enemies shooting the chaingun consecutively without releasing the attack button | 5 points | |
I love when it does boom Kill 4 or more enemies with a single rocket using the rocket launcher | 5 points | |
Plasma Lover Kill 15 enemies shooting the plasma rifle consecutively without releasing the attack button | 5 points | |
I'm more about big guns! Get the BFG without having used any other weapon beside the pistol (Dont use any passwords) | 25 points | |
No Kill Like Overkill Kill just one enemy with a single BFG shoot | 1 points | |
Was worth it Kill 12 enemies with a single BFG shoot | 10 points | |
Best friends Run a long with a single BFG's energy ball for more than 200 meters | 2 points | |
Don't leave your trash in the middle of the door! Crush a corpse in a door at Level 1 (Hurt Me Plenty Only) | 3 points | |
My True Nature Beat an Entire level using only the berserk with 100% kills (Hurt Me Plenty or above) | 10 points | |
Two Birds with One Stone Kill 2 or more enemies with a single shotgun shot ✅ unlocked at 11/21/2024, 5:58:43 AM | 5 points | |
Better than Turkey Puncher 3 Beat an Entire level having the Map Activated with 100% kills (Hurt Me Plenty or above) | 5 points |