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Wheel of Fortune: Starring Vanna White Progress

more about Wheel of Fortune: Starring Vanna WhiteWheel of Fortune: Starring Vanna White
100.0% complete

22 / 22 🏆
112 / 112 points

iconinfoRA score
Round ChampRound Champ
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 1 on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:32:48 AM
2 points
Puzzle PerfectionistPuzzle Perfectionist
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 2 on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:37:28 AM
3 points
Wheel WhizWheel Whiz
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 3 on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:00:55 AM
3 points
Puzzle ProdigyPuzzle Prodigy
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 4 on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:57:54 AM
4 points
Bonus Bonus BonusBonus Bonus Bonus
Win the bonus round on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:45:36 AM
10 points
Ultimate SolverUltimate Solver
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 1 on hard difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:32:48 AM
3 points
Puzzle MaestroPuzzle Maestro
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 2 on hard difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:37:28 AM
4 points
Letter RevealerLetter Revealer
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 3 on hard difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:00:55 AM
4 points
Smartest Tool in the ShedSmartest Tool in the Shed
Correctly answer the puzzle on round 4 on hard difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:57:54 AM
5 points
A Well Deserved PrizeA Well Deserved Prize
Win the bonus round on hard difficulty
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:45:36 AM
25 points
Correctly solve a 'Thing' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:57:54 AM
4 points
Correctly solve a 'Place' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:13:17 AM
4 points
Denver PyleDenver Pyle
Correctly solve a 'Fictional Character' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 10:05:07 AM
4 points
A Litter of PuppiesA Litter of Puppies
Correctly solve a 'Things' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 10:02:06 AM
4 points
Investment BankersInvestment Bankers
Correctly solve a 'Phrase' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 10:08:06 AM
4 points
Alexander's Ragtime BandAlexander's Ragtime Band
Correctly solve a 'Title' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:32:48 AM
4 points
Emmy Awards NightEmmy Awards Night
Correctly solve a 'People' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:37:30 AM
4 points
A Prime SuspectA Prime Suspect
Correctly solve a 'Event' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 10:12:26 AM
4 points
Martin Van BurenMartin Van Buren
Correctly solve a 'Person' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:52:25 AM
4 points
Hot Dog Stand By MeHot Dog Stand By Me
Correctly solve a 'Before and After' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 9:00:55 AM
4 points
Nancy & Trini LopezNancy & Trini Lopez
Correctly solve a 'Same Name' puzzle
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 10:24:18 AM
4 points
I Don't Need "U"I Don't Need "U"
Solve a puzzle correctly without ever buying a vowel
✅ unlocked at 11/2/2023, 8:32:48 AM
5 points
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