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Bomberman B-Daman Progress

more about Bomberman B-DamanBomberman B-Daman
100.0% complete

20 / 20 πŸ†
365 / 365 points

iconinfoRA score
The Beginning!The Beginning!
Make 1000 points at once on Level 1 and pass the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 8:15:43 AM
10 points
There Is Only One Way To GoThere Is Only One Way To Go
Make 1000 points at once without press the Right d-pad on normal game Level 1
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 8:15:35 AM
10 points
Special Bomber!Special Bomber!
Make 10 perfects in a row on Special Mode
βœ… unlocked at 1/7/2025, 2:01:55 AM
10 points
The Training Continues!The Training Continues!
Make 1000 points at once on Level 2 and pass the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 8:29:50 AM
10 points
Adventure in Forest IAdventure in Forest I
Make 1000 points at once on Level 3 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 9:01:40 AM
25 points
Blast on the Beach IBlast on the Beach I
Make 1000 points at once on level 5 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:29:34 PM
25 points
Blast on the Beach IIBlast on the Beach II
Make 1000 points at once on Level 6 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:54:44 PM
25 points
Bomberman in the Space IBomberman in the Space I
Make 1000 points at once on Level 7 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 8:37:05 PM
25 points
Bomberman in the Space IIBomberman in the Space II
Make 1000 points at once on Level 8 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 9:00:36 PM
25 points
Battle in JBA Stadium!Battle in JBA Stadium!
Make 1000 points at once on Level 9 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 9:19:02 PM
25 points
Final Battle on JBA Stadium!Final Battle on JBA Stadium!
Make 1000 points on level 10 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 9:45:05 PM
25 points
Adventure in Forest IIAdventure in Forest II
Make 1000 points at once on Level 4 and complete the level
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:49:20 PM
25 points
The Legendary Gold BomberThe Legendary Gold Bomber
Score 10.000 points on normal game see the credits and return to title screen
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 9:46:20 PM
50 points
Pacifist BombermanPacifist Bomberman
Pass a round on Battle Mode vs CPU time set 60 without dropping bombs and without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 11/18/2023, 7:37:55 AM
10 points
It’s Too Dangerous To Move!It’s Too Dangerous To Move!
Win a round on Battle mode vs CPU without going left or right (restart if you get a draw)
βœ… unlocked at 11/18/2023, 7:41:42 AM
10 points
The Path to Becoming the Master of B-DamaThe Path to Becoming the Master of B-Dama
Gather 2000 points or more
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 8:29:46 AM
5 points
Discovering the Powers of MarblesDiscovering the Powers of Marbles
Gather 4000 points or more
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:49:15 PM
5 points
More Explosive Than a Bomb!More Explosive Than a Bomb!
Gather 6000 points or more
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:54:40 PM
10 points
Getting Close to Something SpecialGetting Close to Something Special
Gather 8000 points or more
βœ… unlocked at 1/6/2025, 9:00:31 PM
25 points
A Difficult FightA Difficult Fight
Win a Round on Battle Mode vs CPU on Hard time set 120
βœ… unlocked at 11/5/2024, 7:41:04 AM
10 points

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