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Snatcher Progress

more about SnatcherSnatcher
100.0% complete

66 / 66 πŸ†
500 / 500 points

iconinfoRA score
From Junkie to JunkerFrom Junkie to Junker
Obtain your Junker ID and Blaster
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:15:05 PM
3 points
Head of the JunkersHead of the Junkers
Meet up with Gibson in the Abandoned Factory
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:26:32 PM
3 points
Does This Mean I'm Promoted?Does This Mean I'm Promoted?
Abandoned Factory - Fully investigate the crime scene
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:41:23 PM
4 points
Abandoned Factory - Kill all the insectors without missing or taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:48:58 PM
5 points
A Floppy What?A Floppy What?
Junker HQ - Discover and investigate the floppy disk at Gibson's house
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 11:05:50 PM
4 points
The Short AnswerThe Short Answer
Give the correct password to Napoleon, AFTER taking the steps to obtain it
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 11:46:40 PM
5 points
Missing You AlreadyMissing You Already
Receive a distress call from Katrina and search the house
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 7:07:49 PM
5 points
Operation Intrude N313Operation Intrude N313
Obtain a mask and successfully infiltrate Outer Heaven
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 1:43:54 AM
5 points
I Gotta Hand it to YouI Gotta Hand it to You
Shoot a gun out of someone's hand before they have a chance to shoot you
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 3:20:12 AM
10 points
Snatcher Don't SurfSnatcher Don't Surf
Finish investigating Ivan's Apartment
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 3:26:29 AM
5 points
Damaged GoodsDamaged Goods
Take out your first Snatcher without missing or taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 4:55:34 AM
5 points
Her SnatchHer Snatch
View a Startling Voice Message
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 6:17:12 PM
3 points
I've Seen Things You People Wouldn't Believe...I've Seen Things You People Wouldn't Believe...
See what should not be seen
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 7:26:03 PM
5 points
Random Act of KindnessRandom Act of Kindness
Escape the hospital
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 3:27:02 AM
5 points
Neo Kobe DecadenceNeo Kobe Decadence
Get Isabella's phone number then celebrate with all the food and drinks you can handle
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 2:02:13 AM
5 points
Gillian? What happened!? Gillian! GILLIAAAANN!!Gillian? What happened!? Gillian! GILLIAAAANN!!
Get kicked out of Outer Heaven
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 2:04:24 AM
3 points
How Far Can Too Far Go?How Far Can Too Far Go?
Get forced to leave Gibson's house
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:49:06 AM
4 points
A Seed Without SoilA Seed Without Soil
Try to pick up women in Alton Plaza until options are exhausted
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:16:59 AM
4 points
What a Hack...What a Hack...
Visit the Fortune Teller in Alton Plaza
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:13:41 AM
3 points
Two Hungry Four ThisTwo Hungry Four This
Try the Ramen at Alton Plaza
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 6:31:51 PM
3 points
The Good Ol' DaysThe Good Ol' Days
Get more information on the group of Konami characters
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 6:47:11 AM
3 points
Late Night MasqueradeLate Night Masquerade
Discover the locations of Outer Heaven and Plato's Cavern
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 1:15:28 AM
5 points
God Save the QueenGod Save the Queen
Finish the investigation at Queens Hospital
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 1:43:03 AM
5 points
Table This DiscussionTable This Discussion
Solve the patient record riddle
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 2:16:09 AM
5 points
I Can't Drive 55I Can't Drive 55
Experience some car trouble
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 2:40:42 AM
4 points
Kill the snatcher in the hospital basement without missing or taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 3:04:36 AM
5 points
Sowing the SeedsSowing the Seeds
Watch the entire intro
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 8:44:11 AM
0 points
A Random TopicA Random Topic
Find out about Random Hajile from the Chief
βœ… unlocked at 12/10/2024, 5:47:35 AM
3 points
Trust Me, I'm a JunkerTrust Me, I'm a Junker
Gain entry into Gibson's home without getting any questions wrong
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:29:11 AM
5 points
Find out the reason Gibson was killed
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:38:09 AM
4 points
A Sketchy SuspectA Sketchy Suspect
Complete the composite sketch and find two suspects
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 2:16:03 AM
5 points
Some Random GuySome Random Guy
Complete Act I
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 5:00:32 AM
10 points
Under ReconstructionUnder Reconstruction
Finish investigating the hospital basement
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 3:18:33 AM
5 points
A Sinking FeelingA Sinking Feeling
Try the Neo Kobe Pizza outside of Plato's Cavern
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 1:33:14 AM
3 points
Snatcher HeartSnatcher Heart
Get a perfect score without missing any shots at the shooting range while Mika is showing you around
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:05:49 PM
5 points
Survive the insector swarm in Act II without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 3:39:57 AM
10 points
A Taxing RideA Taxing Ride
Kill the Snatcher on your way back to HQ without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 3:49:10 AM
5 points
Father's DayFather's Day
Reunite a father with his son
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 2:31:04 AM
4 points
Junkers' HonorJunkers' Honor
Kill the snatcher at the end of Act II without missing, wasting ammo, or harming the hostage
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 4:12:07 AM
10 points
This Town Ain't Big EnoughThis Town Ain't Big Enough
Call the LoveLine until they go out of business.
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:05:13 AM
4 points
This is a RaidThis is a Raid
Act III - Survive the Super Insector battle
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 8:05:20 AM
10 points
Once Upon a Time in Neo KobeOnce Upon a Time in Neo Kobe
Kill all the snatchers in the church without missing or taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 12/10/2024, 5:06:52 AM
10 points
Heat of the MomentHeat of the Moment
Act III - Kill the... oh.... shit....
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 8:12:13 AM
5 points
A Trivial PursuitA Trivial Pursuit
Do not get any of Metal's questions wrong at the beginning of Act III
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 6:51:32 AM
5 points
Bugging the Girl of My DreamsBugging the Girl of My Dreams
Bug Jamie and learn about her dreams
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 11:39:52 PM
3 points
Get a perfect score without missing any shots at the shooting range on the introductory difficulty
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:05:49 PM
5 points
Captain ObviousCaptain Obvious
Complete Act III with the Captain rank or higher
βœ… unlocked at 12/10/2024, 5:40:04 AM
10 points
Colonel of TruthColonel of Truth
Complete Act III with the Colonel rank or higher
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 6:37:41 AM
25 points
Seeds of DoubtSeeds of Doubt
Complete Act II
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 4:55:37 AM
10 points
Get a perfect score without missing any shots at the shooting range on the intermediate difficulty
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 6:13:15 PM
10 points
The Neo Kobe KidThe Neo Kobe Kid
Get a perfect score without missing any shots at the shooting range on the highest difficulty
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 7:36:05 AM
50 points
Major MalfunctionMajor Malfunction
Complete Act III with the Major rank or higher
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 6:37:41 AM
25 points
Saving the DaySaving the Day
Complete the game with less than 3 saves
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 6:40:15 AM
25 points
Sweet Smell of SuccessSweet Smell of Success
Complete Act III with the General rank
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 6:37:41 AM
50 points
Metal Gear Must Be StoppedMetal Gear Must Be Stopped
Exhaust all options in your new apartment
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 11:51:27 PM
4 points
Deeply Seeded ConvictionsDeeply Seeded Convictions
Complete Act III
βœ… unlocked at 12/10/2024, 5:42:43 AM
25 points
The Big BossThe Big Boss
Use Jordan to look up Snatcher's creator
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 2:42:59 AM
2 points
Chief the ThiefChief the Thief
Spot the Chief in Alton Plaza
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 12:59:13 AM
3 points
Ancient RelicAncient Relic
Find an old videotape
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 1:41:43 AM
2 points
Privates InvestigatorPrivates Investigator
Attempt to investigate Mika until she cracks
βœ… unlocked at 12/9/2024, 2:25:33 AM
5 points
She's as Green as They ComeShe's as Green as They Come
Have Mika eavesdrop on your phone call with Jamie
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 11:41:24 PM
2 points
It's the Only Way to Be Sure!It's the Only Way to Be Sure!
Shoot only the civilians and no snatchers without missing any shots while Mika looks on in horror
βœ… unlocked at 12/7/2024, 10:04:40 PM
5 points
Food for ThoughtFood for Thought
Receive a stiff reprimand from the chief for spending too much money
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 2:53:06 AM
5 points
If You've Seen One Shopping Plaza, You’ve Seen the MallIf You've Seen One Shopping Plaza, You’ve Seen the Mall
Promise to take Katrina shopping
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 1:55:34 AM
5 points
My Chief ConcernMy Chief Concern
Find out what Jamie was doing with the Chief
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 6:22:26 PM
5 points
This is No Trick. This is True Power!This is No Trick. This is True Power!
Visit the fortune teller again in Act 2
βœ… unlocked at 12/8/2024, 7:21:28 PM
5 points

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