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Final Fight 2 Progress

more about Final Fight 2Final Fight 2
100.0% complete

45 / 45 πŸ†
651 / 651 points

iconinfoRA score
Hong Kong 12:00PMHong Kong 12:00PM
Clear Round 1
βœ… unlocked at 4/24/2018, 12:52:54 AM
10 points
France 5:00PMFrance 5:00PM
Clear Round 2
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:19:06 AM
10 points
Smash The CarSmash The Car
Beat The Car Bonus Stage with perfect
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:19:46 AM
10 points
Holland 4:00PMHolland 4:00PM
Clear Round 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:30:42 AM
10 points
Street FighterStreet Fighter
Score 1.500.000 Points [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:51:38 AM
25 points
Beyond Metro CityBeyond Metro City
Score 1.000.000 Points [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:34:48 AM
10 points
England 8:00PMEngland 8:00PM
Clear Round 4
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:41:19 AM
25 points
Italy 12:00PMItaly 12:00PM
Clear Round 5
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:54:05 AM
25 points
Smash The DrumsSmash The Drums
Beat The Oil Drum Bonus Stage with perfect
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:09:20 PM
10 points
Beat the game as Maki [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:42:35 PM
25 points
Beat the game as Carlos [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:19:02 AM
25 points
Mayor Of Metro CityMayor Of Metro City
Beat the game as Haggar [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:04:01 AM
25 points
Japan 11:30PMJapan 11:30PM
Clear Round 6
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:19:04 AM
25 points
Beat the game on hard or above difficulty
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:04:03 AM
25 points
Beat the game on expert difficulty
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:04:03 AM
50 points
Get the Guy item and earn an extra life
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:59:59 AM
5 points
Metro City SlugfestMetro City Slugfest
Score 2.000.000 Points [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:07:54 AM
25 points
Metro City BrawlerMetro City Brawler
Kill 100 enemies
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:16:10 AM
10 points
Knife MasterKnife Master
Kill 5 enemies while holding knives as Carlos
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:45:20 PM
5 points
Club PunishmentClub Punishment
Kill 5 enemies while holding Tonfas (batons) or 2x4 (wooden sticks) as Haggar
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 4:30:24 AM
5 points
Careful StepsCareful Steps
Avoid all mines at the Windmills part on Round 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:22:44 AM
5 points
Don't Resort To These Things!Don't Resort To These Things!
Avoid all Cocktail Molotov on the train rooftop part on Round 4
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:39:52 AM
5 points
Twins ModeTwins Mode
Do the 2P Same Player Code
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:46:21 PM
1 points
Chopping Down At The HarborChopping Down At The Harbor
Beat Won Won on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:53:13 AM
10 points
C'est Amusant De Rester Au YMCAC'est Amusant De Rester Au YMCA
Beat Freddie on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 4:03:04 AM
10 points
It's Alive! It's Alive!It's Alive! It's Alive!
Beat Bratken on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 4:29:44 AM
10 points
Beat Philippe on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 5:16:59 AM
10 points
The War Is Over EncoreThe War Is Over Encore
Beat Rolento on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 5:30:52 AM
25 points
The Mad Gear KabukiThe Mad Gear Kabuki
Beat Retu on expert difficulty (1P Mode)
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:04:03 AM
25 points
Chinese NoonChinese Noon
Reach Won Won without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:03:00 AM
10 points
Sunset In ParisSunset In Paris
Reach Freddie without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:17:27 AM
10 points
Beyond The WindmillsBeyond The Windmills
Reach Bratken without using continues this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:28:43 AM
10 points
Railroad AmbushRailroad Ambush
Reach Philippe without using continues (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:36:34 AM
10 points
Rolling Over In VeniceRolling Over In Venice
Reach Rolento without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:50:14 AM
10 points
Showdown In The Land Of The Rising SunShowdown In The Land Of The Rising Sun
Reach Retu without using continues during this round (1P Mode) [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:12:38 AM
25 points
Metro City CarnageMetro City Carnage
Kill 200 enemies
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:41:10 AM
25 points
Spinning ClotheslineSpinning Clothesline
Kill 20 enemies with Haggar's special attack
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:50:51 AM
5 points
Spinning PiledriverSpinning Piledriver
Kill 20 enemies with Haggar's Spinning Piledriver move
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:58:33 AM
5 points
Backdrop SuplexBackdrop Suplex
Kill 20 enemies with Haggar's suplex move
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 3:51:34 AM
5 points
Off The Wall KickOff The Wall Kick
Kill 5 enemies with Maki's off the wall kick move
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:22:33 AM
5 points
Handstand KickHandstand Kick
Kill 20 enemies with Maki's special attack
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:27:42 AM
5 points
Death ThrowDeath Throw
Kill 20 enemies with Carlos' throwing move
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:00:11 AM
5 points
Sword SlashSword Slash
Kill 20 enemies with Carlos' special attack
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:05:21 AM
5 points
Flying KickFlying Kick
Kill 20 enemies using flying kicks with any character
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:10:22 AM
5 points
1CC Finish1CC Finish
Beat the game without using continues [Normal or above difficulty]
βœ… unlocked at 12/31/2024, 6:42:37 PM
50 points

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