76 / 76 🏆
489 / 489 points
icon | info | RA score |
Secret Plans Complete the level "Secret Plans" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 6:16:10 PM | 3 points | |
Through the Jundland Wastes Complete the level "Through the Jundland Wastes" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 6:38:49 PM | 5 points | |
Mos Eisley Spaceport Complete the level "Mos Eisley Spaceport" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 6:58:31 PM | 5 points | |
Rescue the Princess Complete the level "Rescue the Princess" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/27/2024, 5:26:54 PM | 5 points | |
Death Star Escape Complete the level "Death Star Escape" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/27/2024, 7:47:16 PM | 5 points | |
Rebel Attack Complete the level "Rebel Attack" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/27/2024, 7:55:34 PM | 5 points | |
Hoth Battle Complete the level "Hoth Battle" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/28/2024, 7:18:27 PM | 5 points | |
Escape from Echo Base Complete the level "Escape from Echo Base" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/28/2024, 7:32:40 PM | 5 points | |
Falcon Flight Complete the level "Falcon Flight" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/29/2024, 3:25:23 PM | 5 points | |
Dagobah Complete the level "Dagobah" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 11:27:51 PM | 5 points | |
Cloud City Trap Complete the level "Cloud City Trap" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 11:43:10 PM | 5 points | |
Betrayal Over Bespin Complete the level "Betrayal Over Bespin" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/19/2024, 7:21:06 PM | 5 points | |
Jabba's Palace Complete the level "Jabba's Palace" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/19/2024, 7:43:52 PM | 5 points | |
The Great Pit of Carkoon Complete the level "The Great Pit of Carkoon" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/19/2024, 8:02:42 PM | 5 points | |
Speeder Showdown Complete the level "Speeder Showdown" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 6:52:46 PM | 5 points | |
The Battle of Endor Complete the level "The Battle of Endor" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 7:20:34 PM | 5 points | |
Jedi Destiny Complete the level "Jedi Destiny" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 7:30:18 PM | 5 points | |
Into The Death Star Complete the level "Into The Death Star" in Story Mode. ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 7:40:49 PM | 5 points | |
Secret Studs Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Secret Plans". ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 10:35:22 PM | 5 points | |
Health Plans Complete the level "Secret Plans" without dying. (For these achievements, non-cosmetic extras are not allowed except for Use Old Save and using ghost characters are not permitted.) ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 10:35:23 PM | 10 points | |
Money Back Guarantee for Stolen Droids Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Through the Jundland Wastes". ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 11:09:50 PM | 5 points | |
Where's Uncle Owen? Complete the level "Through the Jundland Wastes" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 9/21/2024, 11:09:51 PM | 10 points | |
More than Landspeeder Money Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Mos Eisley Spaceport". ✅ unlocked at 9/22/2024, 1:55:04 PM | 5 points | |
I Have the Death Sentence on Twelve Systems Complete the level "Mos Eisley Spaceport" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 9/30/2024, 9:26:10 PM | 10 points | |
True Rescue Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Rescue the Princess". ✅ unlocked at 9/22/2024, 2:19:45 PM | 5 points | |
And You Gotta Help Us Complete the level "Rescue the Princess" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 9/30/2024, 9:32:25 PM | 10 points | |
True Escape Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Death Star Escape". ✅ unlocked at 9/22/2024, 4:57:04 PM | 5 points | |
Nothing But a Cape Complete the level "Death Star Escape" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 7:43:44 PM | 10 points | |
True Rebel Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Rebel Attack". ✅ unlocked at 9/23/2024, 4:29:49 PM | 5 points | |
Easier than Surviving the Mariana Trench Complete the level "Rebel Attack" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 9/30/2024, 9:45:23 PM | 10 points | |
A Fine Addition to My Collection I Collect all minikits and Red Bricks in Episode IV. ✅ unlocked at 9/23/2024, 10:01:12 PM | 10 points | |
Episode IV in a Nutshell Complete the Super Story for Episode IV. ✅ unlocked at 9/28/2024, 2:25:14 PM | 5 points | |
Intrepid Adventures I Complete Episode IV's Character Bonus under 5 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 8/29/2024, 8:01:02 PM | 3 points | |
Intrepid Adventures II Complete Episode IV's Minikit Bonus under 5 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 1:48:16 PM | 3 points | |
Finding Studs in the Snow Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Hoth Battle". ✅ unlocked at 9/23/2024, 6:08:38 PM | 5 points | |
Hoth Warrior Complete the level "Hoth Battle" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 9/30/2024, 9:52:54 PM | 10 points | |
Studs First, Escape Second Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Escape from Echo Base". ✅ unlocked at 9/23/2024, 6:26:52 PM | 5 points | |
Deathless Escape Complete the level "Escape from Echo Base" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 7:49:56 PM | 10 points | |
Falcon Financing Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Falcon Flight". ✅ unlocked at 9/24/2024, 8:26:12 PM | 5 points | |
Never Tell Me the Odds Complete the level "Falcon Flight" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 7:55:22 PM | 10 points | |
Dagoldbah Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Dagobah". ✅ unlocked at 9/24/2024, 8:43:57 PM | 5 points | |
I Hate Snakes Complete the level "Dagobah" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 9:10:45 PM | 10 points | |
Child Support Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Cloud City Trap". ✅ unlocked at 9/23/2024, 4:42:09 PM | 5 points | |
Still Hanging On Complete the level "Cloud City Trap" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 9:19:32 PM | 10 points | |
Bigger Bounty than Han Solo's Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Betrayal Over Bespin". ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 6:40:44 PM | 5 points | |
A Fate Worse Than Death Complete the level "Betrayal Over Bespin" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 9:46:55 PM | 10 points | |
A Fine Addition to My Collection II Collect all minikits and Red Bricks in Episode V. ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 6:40:44 PM | 10 points | |
Episode V in a Nutshell Complete the Super Story for Episode V. ✅ unlocked at 9/28/2024, 5:31:04 PM | 5 points | |
Intrepid Adventures III Complete Episode V's Character Bonus under 5 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 1:41:27 PM | 3 points | |
Intrepid Adventures IV Complete Episode V's Minikit Bonus under 5 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 10:20:25 PM | 3 points | |
A Palace Full of Gold Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Jabba's Palace". ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 6:59:13 PM | 5 points | |
No More Rancor Food Complete the level "Jabba's Palace" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 10:05:32 PM | 10 points | |
Pillaging Jabba Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "The Great Pit of Carkoon". ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 7:19:40 PM | 5 points | |
Boba Fett Failed This Achievement Complete the level "The Great Pit of Carkoon" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/2/2024, 5:03:15 PM | 10 points | |
Speeder Showdown Studs Speedrunner Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Speeder Showdown". ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 7:40:15 PM | 5 points | |
Tree Dodging Complete the level "Speeder Showdown" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/3/2024, 9:00:54 PM | 10 points | |
War Bonds Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "The Battle of Endor". ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 8:07:31 PM | 5 points | |
Endor of the Line Complete the level "The Battle of Endor" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/2/2024, 7:12:24 PM | 10 points | |
The True Jedi and The Chosen One vs. Old Guy Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Jedi Destiny". ✅ unlocked at 9/28/2024, 1:20:09 PM | 5 points | |
Your Destiny: This Achievement Complete the level "Jedi Destiny" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/2/2024, 5:08:48 PM | 10 points | |
Maybe The Real Studs Was the True Jedis We Made Along the Way Achieve True Jedi on both Story and Free Play in the level "Into The Death Star". ✅ unlocked at 9/28/2024, 1:28:29 PM | 5 points | |
The Ultimate Challenge Complete the level "Into The Death Star" without dying. ✅ unlocked at 10/3/2024, 9:07:24 PM | 25 points | |
A Fine Addition to My Collection III Collect all minikits and Red Bricks in Episode VI. ✅ unlocked at 9/28/2024, 1:25:54 PM | 10 points | |
Episode VI in a Nutshell Complete the Super Story for Episode VI. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 12:16:33 PM | 5 points | |
Intrepid Adventures V Complete Episode VI's Character Bonus under 5 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 10:03:32 PM | 3 points | |
Intrepid Adventures VI Complete Episode VI's Minikit Bonus under 5 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 10:15:52 PM | 3 points | |
Get the Hint? Obtain all Hints. ✅ unlocked at 9/28/2024, 1:30:31 PM | 3 points | |
Everybody is Here? Purchase all of the characters and vehicles. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 10:43:39 PM | 10 points | |
It's Like Cheating Except Cheating Purchase every extra (with the exception of Use Old Save). ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 10:43:56 PM | 10 points | |
Leave No Prisoners Complete all of the Bounty Hunter missions. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 9:46:32 PM | 5 points | |
Speedrunning with LEGO Yoda ft. Boba Fett Complete the Yoda Bounty Hunter mission with a remaining time of 2:40 or less. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 9:47:56 PM | 5 points | |
Questionable Door Complete LEGO City. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 9:57:41 PM | 3 points | |
The Midas Touch Collect all 99 Gold Bricks. ✅ unlocked at 9/29/2024, 10:20:30 PM | 10 points | |
All Your Landspeeder Are Belong to Us Sell your Landspeeder in the level "Mos Eisley Spaceport". ✅ unlocked at 9/22/2024, 1:39:52 PM | 1 points | |
Too Short To Be a Stormtrooper, But Short Enough To Enter Complete the level "Mos Eisley Spaceport" by entering the Falcon with the Womp Rat and without damaging the Imperial Spy. ✅ unlocked at 9/23/2024, 9:38:40 PM | 1 points | |
Stormtrooper Jedi Complete the level "Cloud City Trap" while wearing the Stormtrooper hat. ✅ unlocked at 10/1/2024, 9:26:55 PM | 5 points |