7 / 88 🏆
40 / 571 points
icon | info | RA score |
It's a Start Have me collect over 5,000 coins! It's not a lot, but it's a start! | 5 points | |
Getting Closer... Have me collect 10,000 coins! I'm starting to get more comfortable now.... | 10 points | |
I'll Just BUY a New Castle! Have me collect 20,000 coins! Now that's more like it! | 25 points | |
Kingpin Show off my bowling skills and knock out all 5 pins in Wonky Circus | 2 points | |
I've Got a Little List Have me defeat 750 enemies total on a single file | 5 points | |
Wario Warfare Have me defeat 1,500 enemies total on a single file | 10 points | |
Home of the Knuckle Sandwich Have me defeat 2,500 enemies total on a single file | 25 points | |
Seeds and Teeth In Greenhorn Forest, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 40.0 or greater | 3 points | |
What's a Few More Cracks? In Greenhorn Ruins, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 32.0 or greater | 4 points | |
Them Bones Are Now Powder In Horror Manor, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 26.0 or greater | 3 points | |
Breaking Them Funny Bones In Wonky Circus, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 67.0 or greater | 3 points | |
Frozen Bones Are Easily Shattered In Shivering Mountains, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 41.0 or greater | 3 points | |
Planting Spines In Beanstalk Way, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 50.0 or greater | 4 points | |
70 Years Bad Luck? Excellent! In Mirror Mansion, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 57.0 or greater | 3 points | |
By the Time They Find You, You’ll Be History! In Pecan Sands, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 43.0 or greater | 4 points | |
To the Depths With Ye! In his boss fight, have me Piledrive Captain Skull with a force of 58.0 or greater - doing damage doesn't matter, just do it! | 4 points | |
You Call THAT a Fight? Ridiculous! Have me defeat Greenfist in Greenhorn Forest without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) âś… unlocked at 9/17/2024, 3:46:09 PM | 4 points | |
Have a Rotten Day, Greenie! Help me beat up some green guy and clear Greenhorn Forest âś… unlocked at 9/17/2024, 3:41:03 PM | 3 points | |
I Win! I Win! WAHAHAHAHAHA! Help me defeat the Black Jewel! Now where's my castle? | 10 points | |
I'm-a Number One! Have me defeat the Black Jewel without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 25 points | |
These Guys Are Weird, but They're Sorta a Collectable Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Greenhorn Forest | 1 points | |
Victory Is Mine! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Greenhorn Forest | 3 points | |
Gemstones, Lovely Gemstones! Help me collect all the treasures in Greenhorn Forest | 3 points | |
Not Sure If I Want These, But I'll Take Them Too! Help me collect all the red diamonds in Greenhorn Forest | 4 points | |
Finally! Some Color around Here! Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Greenhorn Ruins | 1 points | |
I Am Not a Crook! I Just Love Money! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Greenhorn Ruins | 4 points | |
Treasure Hunting in Some Ruins? Now It’s a Wario Game! Help me collect all the treasures in Greenhorn Ruins | 4 points | |
Whoever These Belonged To, They're Wario's Now! Help me collect all the red diamonds in Greenhorn Ruins | 4 points | |
Great, Now There's Sand Everywhere No idea what that was, but I beat it and Greenhorn Ruins! âś… unlocked at 9/17/2024, 9:39:38 PM | 4 points | |
That Reminds Me, I Need to Mow the Lawn after This Have me defeat the Sandworm in Greenhorn Ruins without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) âś… unlocked at 9/17/2024, 9:39:37 PM | 5 points | |
DinoMighty? More Like DinoWimpy! Have me defeat DinoMighty so I can get their key! âś… unlocked at 9/18/2024, 9:14:07 PM | 10 points | |
And Your Outfit Stinks Too! Have me defeat DinoMighty without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
No Time For Losers! Beat my game having me rescue only one of those Spriteling guys | 25 points | |
You're Welcome! No, You're Not Invited to My New Castle! Beat my game having rescued all 40 Spritelings. I'm such a nice guy! Now get outta here! | 10 points | |
You Have a Lot of Nerve Being Alive! Have me defeat the Sandworm in Pecan Sands! And this time, stay dead! | 3 points | |
Get Outta Here Guys, It's Scary Here! Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Horror Manor | 2 points | |
Check Out This Flex! Ho! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Horror Manor | 4 points | |
There's Always Interesting Things in the Basement! Help me collect all the treasures in Horror Manor | 4 points | |
This Color Reminds Me of Blood... Cool! Help me collect all the red diamonds in Horror Manor | 4 points | |
I'm Not Scared of Anything! Help me defeat some doll thing and clear Horror Manor âś… unlocked at 9/19/2024, 6:02:05 PM | 4 points | |
Destroying the Collector's Value Have me defeat Brawl Doll in Horror Manor without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
You Guys Aren't Clowns Too, Are You? Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Wonky Circus | 3 points | |
A Testament to My Glorious Laugh! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Wonky Circus | 4 points | |
Something’s Funny about These Treasures... Help me collect all the treasures in Wonky Circus | 4 points | |
These Aren't Clown Noses, Thank Goodness! Help me collect all the red diamonds in Wonky Circus | 4 points | |
Just Kidding, I'm Scared of Clowns Help me defeat the creepy elf clown thing and clear Wonky Circus! Now get me outta here, this place gives me the creeps. | 4 points | |
Great, I'm Even More Scared of Clowns Now! Have me defeat Clown-a-Round in Wonky Circus without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
Two Heads Aren't Better Than One! Help me Defeat Dual Dragon so I can get its key! | 10 points | |
Double Dragon... I Should Name My Next Game That! Have me defeat Dual Dragon without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
Trial of the Dragon Have me defeat Dual Dragon without pressing the B button or dying - exit the stage if you screw up! | 5 points | |
I, Wario, Can Beat You Up without Throwing a Punch! Have me damage DinoMighty without attacking or dashing - exit the stage if you screw up! | 5 points | |
Are You Guys Cold? I'm Not! WAHAHAHA! Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Shivering Mountains | 4 points | |
This Statue Hits Almost as Hard as I Do! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Shivering Mountains | 5 points | |
Help! I Lost the Glass Treasures in the Snow! Help me collect all the treasures in Shivering Mountains | 5 points | |
Maybe If I Rub These Together, I Can Start a Fire! Help me collect all the red diamonds in Shivering Mountains | 5 points | |
Giving Him My Cold Shoulder! Ha! I'm So Clever! Help me beat up some blue guy with a huge head so I can clear Shivering Mountains! | 5 points | |
Giving Him The... Colder Shoulder! Ha! Nailed It! Have me defeat Winter Windster in Shivering Mountains without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 10 points | |
Get Your Jack-Looking Butts Outta Here! Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Beanstalk Way | 4 points | |
Consider This Thumbs Up Your Payment! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Beanstalk Way | 5 points | |
No Golden Harp? Fairy Tales Lied to Me! Help me collect all the treasures in Beanstalk Way | 5 points | |
I Heard If You Plant These You Get More, Is That True? Help me collect all the red diamonds in Beanstalk Way | 5 points | |
What’s That Word for Being Afraid of Spiders? Help me beat up a spider so I can clear Beanstalk Way! | 5 points | |
Arachnophobia! Glad I Remembered! WAHAHA! Have me defeat Spideraticus in Beanstalk Way without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
Crispy Bacon Help me beat up some steroid-taking pig so I can get his key! | 10 points | |
Burnt Bacon Have me defeat Red-Brief J without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
There’s Only Five of You Here, Right? Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Mirror Mansion | 3 points | |
I'm the Greatest Anime Protagonist! WAHAHA! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Mirror Mansion | 5 points | |
In This Level Only, I Have Two of Each! HA! Help me collect all the treasures in Mirror Mansion | 5 points | |
Rose-Tinted Reflections Help me collect all the red diamonds in Mirror Mansion | 5 points | |
Staff Job, Double the Money! Help me beat up another green guy so I can clear Mirror Mansion! | 5 points | |
More Like Master of None! WAHA! Have me defeat Mean Emcee in Mirror Mansion without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 5 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Greenhorn Forest Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Greenhorn Forest, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 3 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Greenhorn Ruins Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Greenhorn Ruins, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 4 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Horror Manor Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Horror Manor, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 10 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Wonky Circus Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Wonky Circus, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! âś… unlocked at 9/29/2024, 1:59:14 PM | 10 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Shivering Mountains Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Shivering Mountains, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 25 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Beanstalk Way Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Beanstalk Way, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 25 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Mirror Mansion Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Mirror Mansion, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 25 points | |
Unithorn Challenge: Pecan Sands Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Pecan Sands, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare! | 25 points | |
You Guys Stink, Making Me Come out to Egypt! Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Pecan Sands | 3 points | |
Check Out These Pythons! Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Pecan Sands | 10 points | |
Treasures in the Sand Help me collect all the treasures in Pecan Sands | 4 points | |
Diamonds in the Rough Help me collect all the red diamonds in Pecan Sands | 10 points | |
I Worked Up a Sweat! Now Where's the AC? Help me beat up an iron statue so I can clear Pecan Sands! | 5 points | |
Come on and Slam, and Welcome to My Land! Have me defeat Ironsider in Pecan Sands without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 10 points | |
Sorry... Fine, I'll stop singing the song of my people. | 2 points | |
Your Booty is Mine Now, Old Man! Help me beat up some boneheaded buccaneer so I can get his key! Let's finish this thing! | 10 points | |
Given an Inch, Took a Nautical Mile Have me defeat Captain Skull without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!) | 10 points |