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Star Fox Adventures Progress

more about Star Fox AdventuresStar Fox Adventures
Infinity% complete

12 / 53 🏆
50 / points

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Complete Krazoa Palace as Krystal.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 1:21:33 AM
3 points
Gold Rings of Dinosaur PlanetGold Rings of Dinosaur Planet
Fly through all 10 Gold Rings while flying to Dinosaur Planet.
2 points
A Burning StaffA Burning Staff
Obtain the Fire Blaster Staff Upgrade.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 2:16:05 AM
3 points
Prince of the EarthwalkersPrince of the Earthwalkers
Rescue Prince Tricky from the Sharpclaws.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 2:39:12 AM
3 points
And This is...And This is...
Obtain the first Staff Energy upgrade.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 2:55:17 AM
1 points
Rocket Fox, Burning Out His Fuse up Here AloneRocket Fox, Burning Out His Fuse up Here Alone
Obtain the Rocket Boost Staff Upgrade.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 3:32:55 AM
5 points
It's Harder Down Where It's DarkerIt's Harder Down Where It's Darker
Upon going down the second ladder in ThornTail Underground, obtain all White Grubtubs without using any Fireflies or returning to the top of the ladder.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 4:12:11 AM
5 points
...To Go......To Go...
Obtain the second Staff Energy upgrade.
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 3:38:21 AM
2 points
With Help From the PrinceWith Help From the Prince
Rescue Garunda Te, SpellStone GateKeeper of DarkIce Mines.
✅ unlocked at 1/20/2025, 11:53:59 AM
5 points
Gold Rings of DarkIce MinesGold Rings of DarkIce Mines
Fly through all 10 Gold Rings while flying to DarkIce Mines.
5 points
Fire Breathing Dinosaur!Fire Breathing Dinosaur!
Learn Tricky's Flame Command.
✅ unlocked at 1/21/2025, 12:34:42 AM
3 points
Galdon, Bioweapon of DarkIce MinesGaldon, Bioweapon of DarkIce Mines
Defeat Galdon and obtain the first SpellStone.
✅ unlocked at 1/21/2025, 3:02:44 AM
5 points
Six Careful ShotsSix Careful Shots
Defeat Galdon without using Fire Blast more than six times.
✅ unlocked at 1/21/2025, 3:02:44 AM
10 points
Giving Them the Cold ShoulderGiving Them the Cold Shoulder
Obtain the Freeze Blast Staff Upgrade.
3 points
The First SpellStoneThe First SpellStone
Return the first SpellStone to the central Force Point.
5 points
Shake the EarthShake the Earth
Obtain the Ground Quake Staff Upgrade.
3 points
Show Us Your Strength, Star Fox!Show Us Your Strength, Star Fox!
Complete the Test of Combat without depleting your Magic.
10 points
Spirit Returned... But Who Is That Girl?Spirit Returned... But Who Is That Girl?
Return the Test of Combat Krazoa Spirit to Krazoa Palace.
5 points
Queen CloudRunnerQueen CloudRunner
Rescue the Queen CloudRunner in Cape Claw and open the pathway to CloudRunner Fortress.
5 points
Gold Rings of CloudRunner FortressGold Rings of CloudRunner Fortress
Fly through all 10 Gold Rings while flying to CloudRunner Fortress.
10 points
Suiting UpSuiting Up
Obtain the SharpClaw Disguse.
5 points
Running on CloudsRunning on Clouds
Defeat the three SharpClaw and obtain the second SpellStone.
10 points
Fire Can Make Water FlowFire Can Make Water Flow
During your first visit, douse the four flames in Ocean Point Temple within 1 minute.
5 points
The Second SpellStoneThe Second SpellStone
Return the second SpellStone to the central Force Point.
10 points
Try Using Fox IllusionTry Using Fox Illusion
Complete the LightFoots' Tracking Test within 1:30.
10 points
Put Your Back Into ItPut Your Back Into It
Complete the LightFoots' Test of Strength within 10 seconds.
10 points
What's the Matter, Scared?What's the Matter, Scared?
Complete the Test of Fear.
5 points
Now You're Thinking With Portal DevicesNow You're Thinking With Portal Devices
Obtain the Portal Device Staff Upgrade.
3 points
...Even Further Beyond!...Even Further Beyond!
Obtain the third Staff Energy upgrade.
3 points
Gold Rings of Walled CityGold Rings of Walled City
Fly through all 10 Gold Rings while flying to Walled City.
10 points
Magnitude 10Magnitude 10
Obtain the Super Ground Quake Staff Upgrade.
3 points
King RedEye, Scaled Ruler of Walled CityKing RedEye, Scaled Ruler of Walled City
Defeat King RedEye and obtain the third SpellStone
5 points
Clever KingClever King
Defeat King RedEye, knocking him down only a total of 4 times.
10 points
The Original Prince EarthWalkerThe Original Prince EarthWalker
Change Tricky's colour to his original Dinosaur Planet look.
5 points
The Third SpellStoneThe Third SpellStone
Return the third SpellStone to the central Force Point.
10 points
You Are a True Hero, Fox.You Are a True Hero, Fox.
Save the ThornTails from the Bloops' attack.
5 points
OK, I'll sell it to you.OK, I'll sell it to you.
Purchase the SnowHorn Artifact for a good discount.
3 points
Direct MashDirect Mash
Complete the Krazoas' Test of Strength within 10 seconds.
10 points
Another Spirit ReturnsAnother Spirit Returns
Return the Test of Strength Krazoa Spirit to Krazoa Palace.
5 points
Gold Rings of Dragon RockGold Rings of Dragon Rock
Fly through all 10 Gold Rings without taking any damage while flying to Dragon Rock.
25 points
Let's Do Some Damage!Let's Do Some Damage!
Destroy the four generators on Dragon Rock
5 points
Drakor, Bioweapon of DragonRockDrakor, Bioweapon of DragonRock
Defeat Drakor and obtain the final SpellStone.
5 points
Dragon, Dragon, Rock the DragonDragon, Dragon, Rock the Dragon
Defeat Drakor without taking damage more than 3 times. [Die to Reset, No Bafomdad Continues]
25 points
Rainbow of FlamesRainbow of Flames
During your second visit, douse the four flames in Ocean Point Temple within 1 minute.
10 points
The Final SpellStoneThe Final SpellStone
Return the fourth SpellStone to the central Force Point.
10 points
Return the Slab. And the Horn. And the Rock.Return the Slab. And the Horn. And the Rock.
Complete the Test of Knowledge.
5 points
Mission CompleteMission Complete
Defeat the Krazoa God.
10 points
The Brains to Rule LylatThe Brains to Rule Lylat
Defeat the Krazoa God taking no more than 5 hits and firing only 3 Smart Bombs.
25 points
Fueled UpFueled Up
Collect all Fuel Cells.
10 points
You Want to Cheat?You Want to Cheat?
Collect all Cheat Tokens.
5 points
Make a WishMake a Wish
Throw all the Cheat Tokens into the Game Maze Well.
5 points
Area 6Area 6
Listen to the hidden Area 6 theme.
1 points
Dinosaur Planet CartographerDinosaur Planet Cartographer
Purchase all the Maps.
✅ unlocked at 1/21/2025, 12:08:20 AM
5 points

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