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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Progress

more about Fire Emblem: Path of RadianceFire Emblem: Path of Radiance
100.0% complete

72 / 74 πŸ†
707 / 707 points

iconinfoRA score
Fresh Member of the Greil MercenariesFresh Member of the Greil Mercenaries
Clear 'The Battle Begins'
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 4:08:40 AM
2 points
Clear 'Rescue'
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 4:39:33 AM
2 points
Sea ScumSea Scum
Clear 'Pirates Aground'
βœ… unlocked at 12/12/2024, 5:07:09 AM
3 points
The War BeginsThe War Begins
Clear 'Roadside Battle'
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 5:52:27 AM
5 points
Into the MistInto the Mist
Clear 'Flight!'
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 6:55:24 AM
5 points
Dakova the SlainDakova the Slain
Clear 'Flight!' after killing Dakova
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 6:55:24 AM
5 points
Escaping the HomelandEscaping the Homeland
Clear 'A Brief Diversion'
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 7:57:59 AM
5 points
A Hard March Towards the SouthA Hard March Towards the South
Clear all chapters up to 'A Brief Diversion' on Hard difficulty and begin your march towards Gallia
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 7:57:59 AM
25 points
Clear 'Shades of Evil'
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 9:38:42 AM
5 points
Heya, Boss!Heya, Boss!
Recruit Mia
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 8:35:19 AM
2 points
Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter
Clear 'Shades of Evil' after obtaining all treasures in one session
3 points
Backed into a CornerBacked into a Corner
Clear 'Despair and Hope'
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 11:34:08 AM
5 points
Hero TrainingHero Training
Clear 'Despair and Hope' using only Ike
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 11:34:09 AM
10 points
Merchant MercenaryMerchant Mercenary
Recruit Ilyana
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 1:48:30 PM
5 points
Clear 'Gallia'
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 3:23:50 PM
5 points
On WingsOn Wings
Recruit Marcia
βœ… unlocked at 12/13/2024, 2:46:49 PM
5 points
Pressured ShouldersPressured Shoulders
Clear 'Prisoner Release'
βœ… unlocked at 12/14/2024, 9:57:54 AM
5 points
Solid IkeSolid Ike
Clear 'Prisoner Release' without alarming the guards
βœ… unlocked at 12/14/2024, 9:57:54 AM
10 points
A Classic ProfessionA Classic Profession
Hire Volke
βœ… unlocked at 12/14/2024, 8:22:00 AM
1 points
Ignorance Is BlissIgnorance Is Bliss
Clear 'Blood Runs Red'
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 1:45:10 AM
5 points
United We StandUnited We Stand
Recruit Zihark
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 12:42:14 AM
5 points
Helping HandHelping Hand
Clear 'A Strange Land'
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 4:30:56 AM
5 points
Recruit Sothe
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 1:52:04 AM
1 points
Laguz HunterLaguz Hunter
Recruit Jill
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 3:22:22 AM
2 points
Begnion BeginningsBegnion Beginnings
Clear 'A Guiding Wind'
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 12:21:13 PM
5 points
Pushed by the StormPushed by the Storm
Recruit Astrid & Gatrie on the first turn during 'A Guiding Wind'
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 12:06:25 PM
5 points
The True Lord of BegnionThe True Lord of Begnion
Clear 'A Guiding Wind' selecting only Ike during the battle preperations
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 12:21:13 PM
10 points
Obtain all treasures during 'A Guiding Wind' in one session and clear the chapter
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 5:33:08 AM
10 points
Halfway through a Hard JourneyHalfway through a Hard Journey
Clear 'A Guiding Wind' on Hard difficulty and make your way into Begnion
βœ… unlocked at 12/15/2024, 12:21:13 PM
25 points
Sniffing the TruthSniffing the Truth
Clear 'Training'
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 7:38:32 AM
5 points
Stupid BrotherStupid Brother
Recruit Makalov
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 7:17:05 AM
5 points
Desert ClassicDesert Classic
Clear 'The Feral Frontier'
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 9:13:29 AM
10 points
Freedom and PeaceFreedom and Peace
Clear 'The Feral Frontier' while not killing any Laguz
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 9:13:29 AM
10 points
Is That an OSRS Reference?Is That an OSRS Reference?
Clear 'The Feral Frontier' after obtaining all the desert treasures
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 10:19:39 AM
10 points
Hidden SwordsmasterHidden Swordsmaster
Recruit Stefan
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 10:12:10 AM
5 points
Suspicious BishopSuspicious Bishop
Clear 'The Atonement'
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 12:50:08 PM
5 points
Polite and Well Mannered!Polite and Well Mannered!
Recruit Devdan
βœ… unlocked at 12/16/2024, 12:26:48 PM
5 points
Holy TributeHoly Tribute
Obtain all treasures during 'The Atonement' in one session and clear the chapter
10 points
Champion of BeautyChampion of Beauty
Fully clear 'Day Breaks'
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 5:32:03 AM
10 points
Clear 'Crimea Marches'
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 8:14:58 AM
5 points
Birds of a Feather Flock TogetherBirds of a Feather Flock Together
Recruit Ulki, Janaff and Reyson
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 6:19:58 AM
1 points
Recruit Shinon
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 8:12:14 AM
10 points
Normal RouteNormal Route
Clear 'Entrusted'
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 9:50:15 AM
10 points
Pacifist RoutePacifist Route
Clear 'Entrusted' after having Reyson and Naesala make up while having no Ravens die during the chapter
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 1:01:28 PM
10 points
Challenger RouteChallenger Route
Clear 'Entrusted' after defeating Naesala and having no Ravens die during the chapter
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 10:02:19 AM
25 points
Dialogue RouteDialogue Route
Clear 'Entrusted' after having all swordsmen meet Homasa
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 12:17:46 PM
5 points
Clear 'Defending Talrega'
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 7:24:06 AM
10 points
The First LoverThe First Lover
Recruit Calill
βœ… unlocked at 12/17/2024, 1:05:07 PM
1 points
The Truth RevealedThe Truth Revealed
Clear 'Without a King'
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 10:19:23 AM
10 points
Finders KeepersFinders Keepers
Obtain all treasures during 'Without a King' in one session and clear the chapter
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 10:16:42 AM
10 points
Honorable GeneralHonorable General
Recruit Tauroneo
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 10:01:27 AM
5 points
Clear 'Without a King' on Hard difficulty and arrive in Nevassa
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 10:19:23 AM
25 points
Holy Spirit ActivateHoly Spirit Activate
Clear 'Solo'
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 11:06:07 AM
10 points
Clear 'Solo' without killing any priests
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 11:06:07 AM
10 points
Peter's PencePeter's Pence
Obtain all treasures during 'Solo' in one session and clear the chapter
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 12:59:21 PM
10 points
Riven BridgeRiven Bridge
Clear 'The Great Bridge'
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 2:58:43 PM
10 points
Taking a NapTaking a Nap
Recruit Haar
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 2:25:52 PM
5 points
The Elite GuardThe Elite Guard
Clear 'Battle Reunion'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 6:42:46 AM
10 points
Early ExitEarly Exit
Have the Black Knight leave early during 'Battle Reunion', then clear the chapter
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 6:42:46 AM
5 points
Uphill BattleUphill Battle
Clear 'Strange Lands'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 7:42:48 AM
10 points
A New RecruitA New Recruit
Clear 'Clash!'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 12:45:56 PM
10 points
Bad OmenBad Omen
Clear 'Moment of Fate' and recruit Ena
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 2:12:14 PM
10 points
Clear 'Moment of Fate' and recruit Nasir
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 1:58:03 PM
25 points
Last CallLast Call
Obtain all treasures during 'Moment Of Fate' in one session and reach the Black Knight
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 1:41:16 PM
10 points
Child of GawainChild of Gawain
Clear 'Moment of Fate' and recruit Nasir on Hard difficulty
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 1:58:04 PM
50 points
Laguz SlayerLaguz Slayer
Clear 'Twisted Tower'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 2:40:23 PM
10 points
It Is Truly OverIt Is Truly Over
Clear 'Repatriation'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 3:50:43 PM
50 points
An End to the TerrorAn End to the Terror
Clear 'Repatriation' on Hard difficulty and end the Mad King's terror
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 3:50:43 PM
50 points
Shining LightShining Light
Steal the Rex Aura during 'Repatriation' and view your inventory afterwards
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 3:31:39 PM
10 points
Tough LoveTough Love
Have Mist scold you for not handling your sword properly
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 9:20:26 AM
2 points
Clear the Trial Map 'Hillside Battle'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:18:34 PM
10 points
Clear the Trial Map 'Lonely Isle'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:25:29 PM
10 points
Clear the Trial Map 'Strange Turn'
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:37:12 PM
10 points
What Side Are You On?What Side Are You On?
During 'Defending Talrega', witness the special conversation between Shiharam and Jill without her leaving the army
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2024, 7:13:29 AM
10 points

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