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Dragon Quest V Progress

more about Dragon Quest VDragon Quest V
98.6% complete

103 / 104 πŸ†
685 / 695 points

iconinfoRA score
Friends of FiendsFriends of Fiends
Recruit your first monster
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 6:52:59 PM
5 points
Thanks, Pops!Thanks, Pops!
Win your first battle with the help of your Father
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 3:31:00 AM
1 points
Stuck Between A Rock and A Cave PlaceStuck Between A Rock and A Cave Place
Save the man in Santa Rosa Cave
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 2:21:18 PM
5 points
The Places I've Been, the Evil I've DefeatedThe Places I've Been, the Evil I've Defeated
Fill your Monster Box (the Bestiary)
βœ… unlocked at 10/4/2023, 2:57:18 AM
25 points
Set FreeSet Free
Obtain the Gold Orb from Castle Lenule
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 3:20:52 PM
5 points
Cat Kitty Cat Cat Kitty Cat CatCat Kitty Cat Cat Kitty Cat Cat
Have the Sabercub join your party
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 3:24:10 PM
2 points
Defeat the Ice Queen and obtain the Spring Flute
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 4:05:33 PM
5 points
You Must Never ForgetYou Must Never Forget
Fight Gema in the Ancient Ruins and suffer the consequences
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 5:55:16 PM
10 points
Watery WondersWatery Wonders
Find every possible piece of treasure in the Santa Rosa Adit (must return after childhood)
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 6:58:52 PM
4 points
Castle CuriosCastle Curios
Find every piece of treasure in Castle Lenoule
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 3:15:57 PM
5 points
Ancient ArtifactsAncient Artifacts
Find every piece of treasure in the Ancient Ruins
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 5:48:53 PM
5 points
Oraclebury TrailOraclebury Trail
Purchase the Wagon in Oraclebury
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 6:37:25 PM
5 points
Gift from PopsGift from Pops
Obtain the Heavenly Sword in the Santa Rosa Adit
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 7:00:51 PM
5 points
Rustic RetreaterRustic Retreater
Defeat your first Metal Slime!
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 6:53:09 PM
5 points
Open Thine EyesOpen Thine Eyes
Obtain the Mirror of Ra
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 8:16:38 PM
5 points
Nice Doggy...?Nice Doggy...?
Defeat the two 'dogs' in Reinhart Castle before receiving King Dale's key
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 7:21:18 PM
3 points
Don't Talk About My Moms, YoDon't Talk About My Moms, Yo
Defeat the Fake Queen with Henry without letting him fall in battle
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 8:24:04 PM
10 points
Impawssibly Good FriendsImpawssibly Good Friends
Reunite with Saber
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 9:03:58 PM
5 points
Learn the Zoom Spell
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 9:31:45 PM
5 points
Yo Mama's So UglyYo Mama's So Ugly
Defeat the Fake Queen
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 8:24:04 PM
5 points
Don’t Cast This One Into the FireDon’t Cast This One Into the Fire
Obtain the Fire Ring
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 10:14:42 PM
5 points
Obtain the Water Ring
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 10:43:36 PM
5 points
Mawwiage Is What Brings Us TogetherMawwiage Is What Brings Us Together
Get Married to the love of your life!
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 11:05:06 PM
10 points
Hear some wonderful news at Granvania Castle
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 7:22:39 PM
3 points
Return of the KingReturn of the King
Become king of Granvania
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 7:54:05 PM
5 points
8 Years Have Passed, But I Do Not Age8 Years Have Passed, But I Do Not Age
Defeat Jami...and suffer the consequences
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 9:04:08 PM
5 points
Bridled FuryBridled Fury
Defeat Jami without using any of the Hero's magic
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 8:57:47 PM
10 points
Kiss the SkyKiss the Sky
Obtain the Magma Staff
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 11:10:40 PM
5 points
He's Even Got A Little Turban!He's Even Got A Little Turban!
Talk to your Younger Self in Santa Rosa
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 12:37:08 AM
5 points
Sky HighSky High
Raise Heaven's Castle to the skies once again
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 12:40:33 AM
5 points
Rock the DragonRock the Dragon
Receive the Heavenly Bell
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 1:19:31 AM
5 points
A New Fantastic Point of ViewA New Fantastic Point of View
Obtain the Magic Carpet
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:31:16 PM
3 points
Open SesameOpen Sesame
Obtain the Magic Key
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:29:25 PM
1 points
Knight to BishopKnight to Bishop
Defeat Bishop Ramada
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 3:32:55 PM
5 points
Not ConstantinopleNot Constantinople
Defeat Ibuul and receive the Ring of Life
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 3:48:43 PM
5 points
All Along the WatchtowerAll Along the Watchtower
Defeat Buon
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:55:17 PM
5 points
I Killed An Ancient Evil and All I Got Was this KeyI Killed An Ancient Evil and All I Got Was this Key
Defeat Buon without the hero surpassing level 30
10 points
Darkened SkiesDarkened Skies
Reach the Dark World
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 7:12:33 PM
5 points
Good Always WinsGood Always Wins
Defeat Mildrath and return to Heaven's Castle!
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2023, 12:30:23 AM
10 points
The Legendary FamilyThe Legendary Family
Defeat Mildrath with your family (Must have Wife and both Children in party)
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2023, 12:29:40 AM
10 points
The Cover HeroesThe Cover Heroes
Defeat Mildrath with your wife, your sabercat, and a slime!
βœ… unlocked at 3/2/2023, 1:53:04 PM
25 points
Kingly Cast-Iron CutlassKingly Cast-Iron Cutlass
Purchase the Metal King Sword
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 10:28:50 PM
10 points
The Best DefenseThe Best Defense
Purchase the Metal King Shield
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2023, 12:47:30 AM
10 points
Brief Bubbly BoostBrief Bubbly Boost
Defeat your first Liquid Metal Slime!
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 7:07:14 PM
10 points
Rotund Royal PainRotund Royal Pain
Defeat your first Metal King Slime!
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2023, 1:22:13 AM
10 points
Have the Hero reach level 5
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 2:18:12 PM
1 points
Have the Hero reach level 10
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 2:58:08 PM
5 points
Have the Hero reach level 20
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 10:04:43 PM
10 points
Have the Hero reach level 30
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:14:18 PM
10 points
True KingTrue King
Have the Hero reach level 40
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 3:17:25 PM
25 points
Hooded HomieHooded Homie
Recruit Zalie
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 12:28:41 AM
5 points
Wild MagicWild Magic
Learn the Chance spell
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:05:28 PM
5 points
Wrong Chest, Wrong Chest!Wrong Chest, Wrong Chest!
Defeat your first Man-Eating Chest
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 8:56:51 PM
2 points
Amazing Chest AheadAmazing Chest Ahead
Defeat your first Mimic
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 6:59:30 PM
5 points
Defeat Gonze
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 1:01:40 AM
5 points
Tower TroveTower Trove
Find every piece of treasure in the Tower of Bobel
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 1:01:45 AM
4 points
Harry's HoardHarry's Hoard
Find every piece of treasure in Reinhart
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 9:55:10 PM
5 points
Fishy FindsFishy Finds
Find every piece of treasure in Port Selmi
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:38:53 PM
3 points
Redneck RichesRedneck Riches
Find every piece of treasure in Squashton and the Mountain Village
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 9:56:59 PM
5 points
Gamblin' GoogawsGamblin' Googaws
Find every piece of treasure in Oraclebury (not counting the Sugoroku board)
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 1:26:27 AM
4 points
Roll the DiceRoll the Dice
Obtain the treasures at the end of the Oraclebury Sugoroku board
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 6:45:28 PM
5 points
Spellbound SilverSpellbound Silver
Find every piece of treasure in Zoomfen
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 9:27:36 PM
5 points
Behind the CounterBehind the Counter
Get mistaken for a bartender in Zoomfen
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2023, 12:46:01 AM
1 points
Wealthy WondersWealthy Wonders
Find every piece of treasure in Sarabona
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 11:06:11 PM
3 points
Fits Like A Comfortable ShoeFits Like A Comfortable Shoe
Obtain the Heavenly Helm
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 9:44:09 PM
5 points
Desert DoodadsDesert Doodads
Find every piece of treasure in Telpador
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 9:44:09 PM
4 points
Self SabotageSelf Sabotage
Find every piece of treasure in Granvania
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 10:39:31 PM
5 points
Baby's First Treasure HuntBaby's First Treasure Hunt
Find every piece of treasure on the S. S. Stranger
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 3:23:49 AM
3 points
Shiney ShrinesShiney Shrines
Find every piece of treasure in the Shrine of the Desert and Rumors
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 11:56:40 PM
3 points
Hot Cakes and Chute ChestsHot Cakes and Chute Chests
Find every piece of treasure in Death Volcano and Waterfall Cave
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 10:44:44 PM
5 points
Mounds of MountainMounds of Mountain
Find every piece of treasure on Chizotte Mt Road, Chizotte, and Granvania Cave
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 7:15:41 PM
10 points
Godly GoldGodly Gold
Find every piece of treasure in the Tower of God and the Road to Heven
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2023, 11:09:40 PM
5 points
Cold ChestsCold Chests
Find every piece of treasure in the Ice Palace
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 4:05:29 PM
2 points
Demonic Demonstrous DoubloonsDemonic Demonstrous Doubloons
Find every piece of treasure in the Sealed Cave and Demon's Tower
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 1:36:02 AM
10 points
Demon World ItemsDemon World Items
Find every piece of treasure in Jahanna and Mt. Evil
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 11:54:02 PM
10 points
For Papa, For MamaFor Papa, For Mama
Defeat Gema on top of Mount Evil
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 11:45:55 PM
5 points
A Pirates Life For Me!A Pirates Life For Me!
Obtain the treasure at the end of the Sugoroku Board on the Casino Ship
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 11:34:05 PM
5 points
Gambling is a SinGambling is a Sin
Obtain the treasure at the end of the Sugoroku Board in the Dark World
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 8:02:20 PM
10 points
Slime TimeSlime Time
Defeat Gema on Mt. Evil with the Hero, a Slime, Healslime, and Slime Knight
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 11:45:55 PM
10 points
Why Were You Inside A Chest...?Why Were You Inside A Chest...?
Open the treasure at the end of the Sugoroku Board in the Mysterious Cave and befriend its contents
βœ… unlocked at 11/18/2024, 2:01:28 PM
10 points
Pint Sized TroublePint Sized Trouble
Befriend Puon...awww!
βœ… unlocked at 11/18/2024, 2:06:29 PM
5 points
The Real Real Final BossThe Real Real Final Boss
Defeat Esturk
βœ… unlocked at 3/2/2023, 2:22:17 PM
10 points
Pip PipPip Pip
Obtain the treasure at the end of the Sugoroku Board in the Sugoroku Hole
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 12:19:22 AM
5 points
Speedrun ChampionSpeedrun Champion
Defeat Esturk in 15 turns or less
βœ… unlocked at 3/2/2023, 2:33:36 PM
25 points
Master CuratorMaster Curator
Complete the Collectible Museum and speak to Mr. Spookz
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 3:27:13 PM
25 points
Metal King True DefenseMetal King True Defense
Find the Metal King Armor inside the Mysterious Cave
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2023, 12:57:46 AM
5 points
Wheres Mazin?Wheres Mazin?
Have 3 Golems in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 9:26:22 AM
5 points
Legendary GearLegendary Gear
Find all pieces of the Heavenly Armor set (Helm, Sword, Shield, Armor)
βœ… unlocked at 2/18/2023, 3:28:55 PM
10 points
The Gang's All Here!The Gang's All Here!
Have the Little Fighter, Mage, and Priest in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 1:54:29 PM
5 points
*Watches with Murderous Intent**Watches with Murderous Intent*
Defeat the Moving Statue in Castle Lenule
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2023, 3:00:51 PM
3 points
Devils in the DetailsDevils in the Details
Recruit a Hell Battler
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 7:54:06 AM
10 points
One King to AnotherOne King to Another
Recruit a King Slime
βœ… unlocked at 2/20/2023, 2:07:53 AM
5 points
Green MeanieGreen Meanie
Recruit a Restore Slime
βœ… unlocked at 2/20/2023, 6:18:36 AM
5 points
Bombs Away!Bombs Away!
Recruit a Kerplunk Rock
βœ… unlocked at 2/20/2023, 4:34:07 AM
10 points
Recruit a Killer Machine
βœ… unlocked at 2/20/2023, 2:15:25 AM
10 points
It's the Cyclops!It's the Cyclops!
Recruit a Gigante
βœ… unlocked at 2/20/2023, 2:33:37 AM
5 points
Undead NightmareUndead Nightmare
Have a Ghost, Rotting Corpse, and Demon Candle in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 9:34:22 AM
5 points
Devil is in the DetailsDevil is in the Details
Have a Minidemon, Messala, and Evil Master in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 9:36:23 AM
5 points
Birds of a FeatherBirds of a Feather
Have a Chimera, Cluckster, and Hawkman in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 10:07:11 AM
5 points
Material GirlsMaterial Girls
Have a Mystery Doll, Puppet Man, and Mudslough in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 10:39:44 AM
5 points
Dragovian DruidsDragovian Druids
Have a Great Dragon, Mad Dragon, and Dragon Pup in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 10:40:30 AM
5 points
Frozen FiendsFrozen Fiends
Have a Blizzardman, Yeti, and Blizzard Hawk in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 11:30:11 AM
5 points
Ominous OdditiesOminous Oddities
Have a Big Eye, Dancing Jewel, and Wizard in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 12:26:16 PM
5 points
Threatening ThreeThreatening Three
Have a Zapper, Armlion, and Soldier Bull in your party (Not Wagon)
βœ… unlocked at 11/19/2024, 1:03:26 PM
5 points

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