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Final Fantasy III Progress

more about Final Fantasy IIIFinal Fantasy III
26.5% complete

21 / 97 🏆
167 / 630 points

iconinfoRA score
You Have Been ChosenYou Have Been Chosen
Receive the Wind Crystal's power.
5 points
Wrest the Wight Slayer from its current owner.
5 points
Filling in the BlanksFilling in the Blanks
Lift Jinn's Curse.
5 points
We Fear ChangeWe Fear Change
Conquer the Cave of the Seal with a party full of Onion Kids.
25 points
Share a Potion with a citizen in need.
5 points
The Best MedicineThe Best Medicine
Help Cid's granny out.
5 points
Diminishing ReturnsDiminishing Returns
Obtain the Mini spell.
5 points
The Doctor's DoctorThe Doctor's Doctor
Find the hidden road to Myraluka.
5 points
Find the Viking Base.
5 points
Pest ControlPest Control
Return the Eye to its rightful place.
5 points
Why Are You Even Here?!Why Are You Even Here?!
Conquer the Shrine of Nepto with a non-caster in the lead spot.
10 points
Amateur PianistAmateur Pianist
Take a lesson in the worst possible place.
1 points
Intermediate PianistIntermediate Pianist
You won't believe this one weird trick for improving your skill tenfold!
2 points
Claim your prize for riding a chocobo around the continent.
5 points
Meet the GurgansMeet the Gurgans
Obtain the Toad spell from Gurgan Valley.
5 points
Jump in the FireJump in the Fire
Save the Floating Continent from collapse.
5 points
The Grass Is Greener HereThe Grass Is Greener Here
Find the farming town of Gisahl.
5 points
You're Gonna Carry That WeightYou're Gonna Carry That Weight
Meet the Fat Chocobo.
5 points
Stone-Cold RobbedStone-Cold Robbed
Return the Dwarf Horn...?
5 points
I Dub Thee Sir HotpantsI Dub Thee Sir Hotpants
Receive the Fire Crystal's power.
5 points
The Root of the ProblemThe Root of the Problem
Save the Eldest Tree.
5 points
Illiterate WarriorsIlliterate Warriors
Conquer Castle Hyne without a Scholar in the party.
10 points
Is This Safe to Drink...?Is This Safe to Drink...?
Receive a gift from a reclusive chemist.
5 points
It's a Square World After AllIt's a Square World After All
Leave the Floating Continent.
5 points
The Password Is Not SwordfishThe Password Is Not Swordfish
Gain entrance to the Water Cave.
5 points
Wave of SuccessWave of Success
Receive the Water Crystal's power.
5 points
Virtuoso PianistVirtuoso Pianist
Get the crowd moving.
5 points
Respect Your EldersRespect Your Elders
Obtain the Floating Shoes.
5 points
The Midas TouchThe Midas Touch
Take back the Enterprise.
5 points
The Honest ApproachThe Honest Approach
Conquer Goldor's Mansion without a Thief in the party.
10 points
Welcome to Summoning 101Welcome to Summoning 101
Find the village of Leprit.
5 points
The Musical KingdomThe Musical Kingdom
Find the village of Dastar.
5 points
We're Gonna Have to JumpWe're Gonna Have to Jump
Ransack the Dragon Tower.
5 points
Ludicrous SpeedLudicrous Speed
Obtain the Nautilus.
5 points
Kupo... I Mean, Uh... Nyaah!Kupo... I Mean, Uh... Nyaah!
Meet the original moogles.
5 points
You're Going to Be SubmergedYou're Going to Be Submerged
Gain the ability to go underwater.
5 points
In Case You Missed AnythingIn Case You Missed Anything
Find Dorga's Village.
5 points
The AllfatherThe Allfather
Prove yourself worthy of summoning Odin.
10 points
Rocking OutRocking Out
Find Noah's Lute.
5 points
Sunken TreasureSunken Treasure
Loot the hidden chests in the Undersea Cave.
10 points
The Flying FortressThe Flying Fortress
Unearth the Airship Invincible.
5 points
The Power of the Dark SideThe Power of the Dark Side
Find all the Magic Knight equipment laying around Fargabaad.
5 points
The Sea SerpentThe Sea Serpent
Prove yourself worthy of summoning Leviathan.
10 points
The King of DragonsThe King of Dragons
Prove yourself worthy of summoning Bahamut.
10 points
Oops, Forgot My SunscreenOops, Forgot My Sunscreen
Defeat Bahamut without casting Wall.
10 points
Into the Depths of DespairInto the Depths of Despair
Obtain the Earth Fang.
5 points
Divided They FallDivided They Fall
Conquer the Cave of Darkness without a Magic Knight in the party.
25 points
With Friends Like These...With Friends Like These...
Obtain the Eureka and Sylx keys.
5 points
Master of MagicMaster of Magic
Receive the Earth Crystal's power.
5 points
Beyond the WallsBeyond the Walls
Enter Sylx Tower.
5 points
I Am ProtectedI Am Protected
Obtain the Ribbon from Forbidden Land Eureka.
5 points
Keep Away from WerewolvesKeep Away from Werewolves
Obtain the Full Moon.
5 points
A True SamuraiA True Samurai
Obtain the Masamune.
5 points
The Holy SwordThe Holy Sword
Obtain Excalibur.
5 points
Obtain Ragnarok.
5 points
Employees of the MonthEmployees of the Month
Receive the Ninja and Sage jobs. Oh, and a staff, too.
5 points
Supreme WarlockSupreme Warlock
Have every black magic spell on one character.
10 points
Supreme ShamanSupreme Shaman
Have every white magic spell on one character.
10 points
Supreme SummonerSupreme Summoner
Have every summon spell on one character.
10 points
Need Some Ammo?Need Some Ammo?
Find the hidden passage at the bottom of Eureka.
2 points
Dragon HunterDragon Hunter
Find and defeat a Green Dragon.
10 points
Dragon SlayerDragon Slayer
Find and defeat a Yellow Dragon.
10 points
Dragon DominatorDragon Dominator
Find and defeat a Red Dragon.
10 points
There's a New Goldor in TownThere's a New Goldor in Town
Have 1,000,000 or more Gil.
10 points
Walk in the ShadowsWalk in the Shadows
Enter the Dark World.
5 points
Attack of the ClonesAttack of the Clones
Obtain all four Ribbons from the Dark World.
10 points
Dark World TourDark World Tour
Meet all the Dark Warriors.
5 points
Bringer of HopeBringer of Hope
Defeat the Dark Cloud.
25 points
The GauntletThe Gauntlet
Conquer both Sylx and the Dark World without any Ninjas, Sages, or Onion Kids.
25 points
Raise the level of all party members to 65 or above.
25 points
Top of the ClassTop of the Class
Raise a party member's Skill in any job to 99.
10 points
No Stone UnturnedNo Stone Unturned
Loot every single chest and hidden item in the game.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:34 PM
25 points
The Irresistible ForceThe Irresistible Force
Obtain an Onion Sword.
10 points
The Immovable ObjectThe Immovable Object
Obtain an Onion Shield.
10 points
The Hardest HeadThe Hardest Head
Obtain an Onion Helm.
10 points
The Sturdiest BodyThe Sturdiest Body
Obtain an Onion Armor.
10 points
The Strongest HandsThe Strongest Hands
Obtain an Onion Gauntlet.
10 points
Protégé of PerseusProtégé of Perseus
The malicious Medusa has been slain by the Warriors of Light, with a single Fighter doing all of the damage!
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 9:40:14 PM
10 points
Chill OutChill Out
And lo, the Warriors of Light froze the cunning Guzco, finishing him off with ice-elemental black magic!
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 10:36:35 PM
10 points
Pyro Punching PowerPyro Punching Power
The scorching fires of the Salamander have been extinguished by our heroes without any mages in the party!
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 10:44:20 PM
10 points
Seafood SoupSeafood Soup
The Warriors of Light, utilizing all four vocations granted by the Fire Crystal, have defeated the Kraken!
✅ unlocked at 11/5/2024, 11:44:59 PM
10 points
Robin Hood and His Merry MenRobin Hood and His Merry Men
A motley band of hunters, bards, and thieves has knocked Goldor down!
✅ unlocked at 11/6/2024, 1:13:57 AM
10 points
Or Maybe We Won'tOr Maybe We Won't
Our heroes have laid waste to the blusterous Garuda without the aid of any dragoons!
✅ unlocked at 11/6/2024, 5:19:26 AM
10 points
The Weight of WaterThe Weight of Water
The Warriors of Light, utilizing four different vocations granted by the Water Crystal, have defeated Hekaton!
✅ unlocked at 11/6/2024, 10:50:32 PM
10 points
Teaching the MastersTeaching the Masters
Dorga and Unne have been bested by the Warriors of Light using the vocations of Shaman, Warlock, and Summoner - with one Warrior of Light in the same vocation as another!
✅ unlocked at 11/7/2024, 12:51:41 AM
10 points
Blast Apart the EarthBlast Apart the Earth
Using only the powers of their magical vocations, the Warriors of Light have toppled Titan!
✅ unlocked at 11/6/2024, 11:09:56 PM
10 points
Culture for the CountrysideCulture for the Countryside
And so the Four Warriors of Light did play some Beethoven for the farmers, with decidedly poor reviews.
✅ unlocked at 12/10/2016, 8:51:12 PM
2 points
With their admirable piano skills, a talented Warrior of Light has inspired the people to dance!
✅ unlocked at 12/11/2016, 2:04:29 AM
5 points
Interior AcquisitionInterior Acquisition
After their plummet from the summit, the Four Warriors of Light acquired every treasure from the nearby tiny town and all of the areas accessible from the inner sea of their world.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Peripheral PilferingPeripheral Pilfering
With passage clear to the outer seas, the Warriors of Light amassed a collection of loot from the outer areas of their floating world and a mysterious flying tree...
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Floodborne FindsFloodborne Finds
Ahoy! The Four Warriors of Light discovered the surface world and collected what could be found in flooded lands and those reachable on foot after they floodwaters receded.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
From the Rich and Poor AlikeFrom the Rich and Poor Alike
The Four Warriors of Light have stripped Salonia clean of treasures, along with the villages of Leprit and Dastar.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Homeland HaulHomeland Haul
And so, the four Warriors of Light acquired all of the treasures from the northwestern portion of their homeland, from Ur and the Kingdom of Sasoon to Canaan and its mighty mountain.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Nautical NecessitiesNautical Necessities
Upon acquiring a swift new craft, the Warriors of Light proceeded to collect treasures from the seas and the depths below.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Invicible ItemisingInvicible Itemising
Our four heroes gathered all that could be found in the ancient ruins, then used their new-found fortress to help collect everything remaining on this side of the four barrier statues.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Mighty Terrors, Mighty TreasureMighty Terrors, Mighty Treasure
The Warriors of Light braved the lairs of two ancient summonable beasts and obtained the riches found within.
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points
Forbidden PleasuresForbidden Pleasures
The Warriors of Light set out into the Ancients' Labyrinth and collected its wonders as well as all of those in the areas beyond...
✅ unlocked at 12/18/2016, 1:57:33 PM
5 points

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