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Lunar: Silver Star Story Progress

more about Lunar: Silver Star StoryLunar: Silver Star Story
Infinity% complete

3 / 88 🏆
15 / points

iconinfoRA score
Treasure Hunter ITreasure Hunter I
Open all treasure chests in Burg and the White Dragon cave.
✅ unlocked at 1/19/2025, 11:48:24 PM
5 points
The Start of the Long Journey To becoming a Dragon MasterThe Start of the Long Journey To becoming a Dragon Master
Finish the white dragon trial and witness the events unfold.
✅ unlocked at 1/19/2025, 11:49:31 PM
5 points
The Golden LiarThe Golden Liar
Help pay off Ramus 30 silver debt.
✅ unlocked at 1/19/2025, 11:35:17 PM
5 points
I Got This I Am a Dragon Master In TrainingI Got This I Am a Dragon Master In Training
Don't accept Laike help in weird woods.
10 points
Treasure Hunter IITreasure Hunter II
Open all treasure chests in Weird Woods and old hag's house.
5 points
We Saved You JerkWe Saved You Jerk
Meet Nash at the old hag's house and witness events unfold.
5 points
We Got SlimedWe Got Slimed
Defeat Saline Slimer with no one fainting.
10 points
Blue SlimerBlue Slimer
Defeat Saline Slimer and witness the events unfold.
5 points
Returning a Good Luck CharmReturning a Good Luck Charm
Return Fortune Cane to the old hag before leaving for Meribia.
5 points
Fan Service Soap DealerFan Service Soap Dealer
Purchase two soaps from store on Hispaniola.
5 points
You Are No Match For a Dragon MasterYou Are No Match For a Dragon Master
Win battle against Mel without using magic.
10 points
Dragon Master in TrainingDragon Master in Training
Learn all of Alex's non Dragon Master spells.
10 points
Learn all of Luna's magic spells.
10 points
The Stink of the SewersThe Stink of the Sewers
Defeat Water Dragon with no one fainting.
10 points
That Thing is your PetThat Thing is your Pet
Defeat Water Dragon and witness the events unfold.
5 points
The Chief of the BootlickersThe Chief of the Bootlickers
Talk to the shrine aid at Althena's Shrine after you meet Phycia for the first time.
5 points
Its Fine I Got ThisIts Fine I Got This
Complete the cave trial in Vane without getting healed by the priests.
10 points
Treasure Hunter IIITreasure Hunter III
Open all treasure chests in Meribian Sewers and Cave of Trial.
5 points
I Mashed That Floating MushroomI Mashed That Floating Mushroom
Defeat Truffle Troubler without Alex or Luna Faiting.
10 points
A Shocking ExamA Shocking Exam
Defeat Truffle Troubler to pass cave trial to gain enterance to Vane.
5 points
It Pays To Read BooksIt Pays To Read Books
Find hidden money in Vane's library.
3 points
Nall Is a PlayerNall Is a Player
Meet Mia for the first time at Vane and witness events unfold.
5 points
Amazing Leader and BoyfriendAmazing Leader and Boyfriend
Meet Kyle for the first time in a jail cell and witness events unfold.
5 points
She is Too Good for KyleShe is Too Good for Kyle
Meet Jessica for the first time in Lann and witness the events unfold.
5 points
Only a Real Dragon Master Knows how to Pitch a TentOnly a Real Dragon Master Knows how to Pitch a Tent
Check the fake dragon master tent for a intersting conversation about tents.
3 points
Fried ToadFried Toad
Defeat fake dragon master without magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Will The Real Dragon Master Please Stand UpWill The Real Dragon Master Please Stand Up
Defeat fake dragon master and witness events unfold.
5 points
Sweet Cup O' HoneySweet Cup O' Honey
Speak to boat guy in Lann a second time before defeating fake dragon master.
5 points
Great You Made Nall Mad At YouGreat You Made Nall Mad At You
Deny Mia Help mutiple times in Vane's jail before crystal tower.
5 points
Vane's Best StudentVane's Best Student
Have Nash learn all of his spells before he leaves on the Airship.
10 points
The Heart of VaneThe Heart of Vane
Have Mia learn all of her spells.
10 points
Treasure Hunt IVTreasure Hunt IV
Open all treasure chests in Lann Island and Crystal Tower.
5 points
The Witches RevealedThe Witches Revealed
Survive the events at crystal tower and find out more about the Vile Tribe.
5 points
I Don't Need Your Help GhaleonI Don't Need Your Help Ghaleon
Don't have Ghaleon attack enemies while he is in your party must be done in one session.
10 points
Ghaleon The Magic EmperorGhaleon The Magic Emperor
Visit Quark with Ghaleon and witness the events unfold.
5 points
Warm Welcome From ThievesWarm Welcome From Thieves
Witness Nall get robbed of the Dragon Wings in Reza.
5 points
A Gift From a Old HagA Gift From a Old Hag
Receive mace from old hag with Ghaleon in party.
5 points
She Has a SisterShe Has a Sister
Talk to the old hag's sister at Meribian until she mentions she has a sister before Ghaleon reveals himself as magic emperor.
5 points
Show OffShow Off
Collect reward from traveling merchant at saith while Ghaleon is in your party.
5 points
He is StonedHe is Stoned
Save the town of Meribian from attack and witness events unfold.
5 points
You are the One Who is DoomedYou are the One Who is Doomed
Defeat Doom Crustacean without Alex using his magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Athena PriestessAthena Priestess
Learn all of Jessica's magic.
10 points
Treasure Hunt VTreasure Hunt V
Open all treasure chests in Nanza Pass.
5 points
Guys ClubGuys Club
Watch the male bath scene at the hotsprings.
5 points
Get PlasteredGet Plastered
Win battle against stone Mel without Kyle using magic.
10 points
Alex's HeartAlex's Heart
Witness scene of Alex making a clay statue of Luna in Damon's Spire.
5 points
Treasure Hunt VITreasure Hunt VI
Open all treasure chests in Meryod Woods and Damon's Spire.
5 points
A Dragon Master is Always HonestA Dragon Master is Always Honest
Return old notebook to guy at Meryrod bar and get something nice in return.
5 points
Making New FriendsMaking New Friends
Talk to Lilly before she gets taken away by Royce.
5 points
Jessica Has a StalkerJessica Has a Stalker
Receive Jessica bromide 1 from boy at Althena shrine before entering Lyton.
5 points
Alex The Dragon Master and the Master of Lock PickingAlex The Dragon Master and the Master of Lock Picking
Open all red treasure chests.
10 points
Hot Dogs AnyoneHot Dogs Anyone
Defeat Bronze Dogs without Mia or Nash using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Treasure Hunt VIITreasure Hunt VII
Open all treasure chest in Iluk Field and Red Dragon Cave
5 points
Red Dragon PowerRed Dragon Power
Receive red dragon power and witness events unfold.
5 points
Was It Worth ItWas It Worth It
Open treasure chest in Forbidden Forest before entering Pao.
10 points
Nothing Can Stop The Fan ServiceNothing Can Stop The Fan Service
Survive the forbidden forest and make it the female hot spring before entering Pao.
25 points
No Peeping KyleNo Peeping Kyle
Watch the female hotspring scene.
5 points
Treasure Hunt VIIITreasure Hunt VIII
Open all treasure chest in Lyton Shrine and Blue Dragon's Shrine.
5 points
The Power Of WaterThe Power Of Water
Receive the power of the water dragon and witness the events unfold.
5 points
Saved By The ArrowSaved By The Arrow
Witness Alex and friends be saved by Tempest and Fresca in Tamur Pass.
5 points
Treasure Hunt IXTreasure Hunt IX
Open all treasure chests in Tamur Pass and Myght's Tower.
5 points
Mad ScientistMad Scientist
Meet Myght for the first time and witness events unfold.
5 points
I Am Taking It Easy on YouI Am Taking It Easy on You
Win battle against Tempest without using magic or wearing dragon equipment.
10 points
Treasure Hunt XTreasure Hunt X
Open sll treasure chests in Lost Woods and Black Dragon Fortress.
5 points
Dragon Master or Dragon SlayerDragon Master or Dragon Slayer
Defeat Black Dragon without Alex using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Destiny FulfilledDestiny Fulfilled
Witness Alex become Dragon Master for the first time.
10 points
Link I Found Your SwordLink I Found Your Sword
Receive gift from Tempest the master sword.
5 points
Dragon Master of LannDragon Master of Lann
Talk to mayor of Lann and become a honorary citizen.
5 points
Treasure Hunt XITreasure Hunt XI
Open all treasure chest in Talon Mine.
10 points
I Ain't Afaird of No GhostI Ain't Afaird of No Ghost
Defeat Evil Spirit without Alex using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
She Is a Good WitchShe Is a Good Witch
Witness the kind side of Phacia when she gives you the password to enter Ruid.
5 points
Treasure Hunt XIITreasure Hunt XII
Find all treasure chests in Ruid.
10 points
We're Going To Knock Some Sense Into YouWe're Going To Knock Some Sense Into You
Defeat Magic Masher without Alex or Mia using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Did This Tear Really Come From HimDid This Tear Really Come From Him
Receive Ghaleon's Tear from the mayor of Lann.
10 points
A Powerful Gift From a FriendA Powerful Gift From a Friend
Receive Gale Ring as a gift from Lilly.
10 points
Hell of a GiftHell of a Gift
Receive Hell ring as a gift from Damon.
10 points
Treasure Hunt XIIITreasure Hunt XIII
Open all treasure chests in Grindery.
10 points
Is That All You GotIs That All You Got
Defeat the Magic Emperor Ghaleon at Grindery without Alex using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Sword In The StoneSword In The Stone
Witness Alex pull out Althena's sword from Dyne's grave and unlock the true power of the dragon master.
10 points
I Have a Fortune For YouI Have a Fortune For You
Defeat Royce without Alex using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
Treasure Hunt XIVTreasure Hunt XIV
Open all treasure chests in Althena's Fort.
10 points
The Queen of the DamnedThe Queen of the Damned
Defeat Xenobia without Alex using magic and no one fainting.
10 points
End of an EmpireEnd of an Empire
Defeat Ghaleon at Althena's Fort without Alex using magic.
25 points
Feeling Pity For Your EnemyFeeling Pity For Your Enemy
Check up on Ghaleon after your battle with him at Althena's Fort.
5 points
Ramus Why Do You Have a Picture of LunaRamus Why Do You Have a Picture of Luna
Receive Luna's bromide 1 as a gift from Ramus.
5 points
The EndThe End
Talk to Laike and watch Luna and Alex head on their journey home.
25 points
Dignity, Malice, and Cat FeverDignity, Malice, and Cat Fever
Acquire the bromides of the Vile Tribe
5 points
Fandom and SecurityFandom and Security
Receive Jessica's Bromide 2 and Mia's Bromide 2
5 points

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