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Lunar: The Silver Star Progress

more about Lunar: The Silver StarLunar: The Silver Star
5.9% complete

7 / 90 🏆
33 / 562 points

iconinfoRA score
Time for AdventureTime for Adventure
Open the chest in Alex's basement
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 8:23:04 AM
5 points
A Coprolite of RichesA Coprolite of Riches
Obtain the Dragon Diamond
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 10:58:47 AM
5 points
Forest RecoveryForest Recovery
Return the lost axe to the woodscutter for assistance in your quest
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 11:17:35 AM
5 points
Master in ArroganceMaster in Arrogance
Join forces with an overconfident magician in Saith
✅ unlocked at 1/10/2025, 2:03:49 PM
5 points
Closer to Setting SailCloser to Setting Sail
Return the Sea Chart to its rightful owner
✅ unlocked at 1/10/2025, 2:09:14 PM
5 points
Light The WayLight The Way
Re-light the Lighthouse
✅ unlocked at 1/10/2025, 2:10:44 PM
5 points
Fruits of LaborFruits of Labor
Receive a reward for your deeds in Saith
✅ unlocked at 1/10/2025, 2:15:03 PM
3 points
The City of FreedomThe City of Freedom
Arrive in Meribia ready to sell your diamond
5 points
Beastly GovernorBeastly Governor
Introduce yourself to Master Mel in Meribia
5 points
A Sorcerer's ApprenticeA Sorcerer's Apprentice
Learn your first true magic spell
5 points
Serpent SlayerSerpent Slayer
Defeat the Water Dragon without a character being knocked out (L<=13)
10 points
Master NegotiatorMaster Negotiator
Get the maximum amount of silver out of Dross
5 points
Meribian SernadeMeribian Sernade
Witness the maiden in Meribia perform a musical number
2 points
Shrine SerenadeShrine Serenade
Witness a maiden at an Althena's Shrine perform a musical number
2 points
Heel to the FireHeel to the Fire
Defeat the Bronze Dogs without taking damage (L<=16)
5 points
Wilt to the FireWilt to the Fire
Defeat the Trouble Truffle without taking damage (L<=16)
10 points
Passed With No InterruptionsPassed With No Interruptions
Clear the Cave of Trial examination in one session without leaving or talking to anyone except the Vane entrance guard (L<=16; includes the Spring of Transmission)
10 points
The City of MagicThe City of Magic
Enter Vane for the first time
5 points
Legendary MagicianLegendary Magician
Introduce yourself to Ghaleon
5 points
Pretty PicturePretty Picture
Obtain Mia's Bromide
2 points
Good Ol' BrawlerGood Ol' Brawler
Run into Laike in Nanza
2 points
Lann SerenadeLann Serenade
Witness a maiden in Lann perform a musical number
2 points
Hyper PriestessHyper Priestess
Join forces with Jessica in Lann
5 points
Dragon's NestDragon's Nest
Defeat the Dragons on Lann Island without a character being knocked out (L<=23)
5 points
Steadfast MissionSteadfast Mission
Clear the Lann Island Cave in one session of all its treasures and taking care of the Dragonmaster without leaving
10 points
Striking Up The Band!Striking Up The Band!
Have the Magic Guild band perform a musical piece for you
2 points
On the SkidsOn the Skids
Test Nall's patience to the limit before agreeing to help Mia
2 points
The Truth Shown WithinThe Truth Shown Within
Obtain Althena's Mirror
5 points
Vile GuardiansVile Guardians
Defeat the Ultragoyles without a character being knocked out (L<=27)
5 points
Discover the goings-on at the Guild, and then set up a plan of action
5 points
Blackjack SwindlerBlackjack Swindler
Leave a Blackjack match with Brett having more silver than you started with
10 points
Dark WizardDark Wizard
Visit the Old Hag with Ghaleon, and get a random reference
2 points
Instant TransmissionInstant Transmission
Obtain the White Dragon Wings
5 points
Power Through TribulationPower Through Tribulation
Receive the White Dragon Wings re-powered, but after witnessing a tragic outcome
5 points
Lowest of the LowLowest of the Low
Defeat the monsters impersonating Alex's parents without the use of Dragon Bolt (L<=33; use a different spell in a world map battle beforehand if used)
5 points
Lets Get This Party StartedLets Get This Party Started
Obtain a full party for the true quest
5 points
Dune PillagerDune Pillager
Defeat an enemy group of 4 Death Worms without a character being knocked out (L<=35)
10 points
Reza SerenadeReza Serenade
Have Lily sing you a tune in Reza
2 points
Lost and FoundLost and Found
Become a member of the Thieves Guild and get the White Dragon Wings back
5 points
Loot 'n PlunderLoot 'n Plunder
Open all the red chests in the game
10 points
Uprooted to SpaceUprooted to Space
Give the Giant Root to the Iluk inventor
5 points
Meryod CacophonyMeryod Cacophony
Witness the maiden in Meryod perform a...musical number
2 points
Manly CharmsManly Charms
Observe a scene at the mens' Althena Spring
5 points
Puzzle MastermindPuzzle Mastermind
Obtain the Spire Key in the basement of Damon's Tower without an erroneous switch press
5 points
Enter O Seeker of Knowledge!Enter O Seeker of Knowledge!
Enter Damon's room for the first time
5 points
Inflamatory DefenseInflamatory Defense
Obtain the Red Dragon Shield
5 points
Legacy in DevotionLegacy in Devotion
Discover Damon's ultimate fate after meeting with him (starts by talking to fan in Meryod bar)
2 points
Girly SwoonsGirly Swoons
Observe a scene at the womens' Althena shrine
5 points
Muscle Over MindMuscle Over Mind
Defeat the Brainiac without using magic or a character being knocked out (L<=40)
5 points
The Art of the Double-CrossThe Art of the Double-Cross
Obtain the Blue Dragon Helmet, but...
5 points
The Cranky Rude GeniusThe Cranky Rude Genius
Meet Myght
5 points
Unexpected EncounterUnexpected Encounter
Witness a scene on the roof of Myght's Tower
2 points
Re-evaluated CircumstancesRe-evaluated Circumstances
Obtain the Blue Dragon Helmet from a reunited friend
5 points
Something Dire This Way ComesSomething Dire This Way Comes
Meet the Prairie Tribesmen after reuniting with your party in Tamur, and witness an unfortunate turn of events
2 points
The Inca GodThe Inca God
Defeat Grimzol without using magic or a character being knocked out (L<=44)
5 points
Activate the Transmission Spring into the Frontier
5 points
Heroic AmuletHeroic Amulet
Obtain the Hero's Crest
5 points
Mercenary for HireMercenary for Hire
Defeat the Talon Mine commander and his enforcements without using magic or a character being knocked out (L<=48)
10 points
A Full PardonA Full Pardon
Free the prisoners of the Talon Mine
5 points
Unruly LizardUnruly Lizard
Defeat the Black Dragon without the use of magic or a character being knocked out (L<=50)
10 points
Onyx-Branded CuriassOnyx-Branded Curiass
Obtain the Black Dragon Armor
5 points
Factory of ServitudeFactory of Servitude
Open the gate into Ruid
5 points
Well-Tasked TravelerWell-Tasked Traveler
Unlock all the locations for the White Dragon Wings
5 points
Rage Against the MachineRage Against the Machine
Defeat Taben's mechs without a character being knocked out (L<=53; no Alex magic)
10 points
Fallen GoddessFallen Goddess
Witness the Grindery in action
5 points
Striking ResemblanceStriking Resemblance
Gaze upon an interesting portrait in the Goddess Tower
2 points
Test of EfficiencyTest of Efficiency
Defeat both Dragon Angels at the same time (L<=55)
10 points
A New HeroA New Hero
Obtain Althena's Sword, and become a Dragonmaster
5 points
The Kink in the ArmorThe Kink in the Armor
Gain entrance into the Grindery
5 points
Out of GasOut of Gas
Defeat the Flame Elementals without a character being knocked out (L<=56; no Alex magic)
10 points
Penthouse ParadisePenthouse Paradise
Gain entrance into the secret garden at the top of the Grindery
5 points
Defeat Xenobia without a character being knocked out (L<=60; no Alex or Kyle magic)
10 points
The Punching MagicianThe Punching Magician
Defeat Ghaleon without a character being knocked out (L<=60; no Alex or Kyle magic)
10 points
The Beast WithinThe Beast Within
Defeat the Blue Demon without a character being knocked out (L<=60; no Alex or Kyle magic)
10 points
A Long Lost MemoryA Long Lost Memory
Use a shared hobby to awaken Luna
1 points
Love Is All You NeedLove Is All You Need
Finish the game
25 points
Prairie SkillsPrairie Skills
Show off all of Tempest skills (one session)
5 points
Sorcerer SkillsSorcerer Skills
Show of all of Ghaleon's skills (one session)
5 points
Caldor CollectorCaldor Collector
Open all the chests of Caldor Isle
5 points
Katarina AppraiserKatarina Appraiser
Open all the chests of the Katarina Zone
10 points
Marius HoarderMarius Hoarder
Open all the chests of the Marius Zone
10 points
Stadius MiserStadius Miser
Open all the chests of the Stadius Zone
10 points
Frontier Pack-RatFrontier Pack-Rat
Open all the chests of the Frontier (includes the Grindery)
10 points
Lunar ConnoisseurLunar Connoisseur
Open all the chests of the game
25 points
Dragon SkillsDragon Skills
Show off all of Alex's unique moves (one session)
10 points
Virtuoso SkillsVirtuoso Skills
Show off all of Luna's songs (one session)
5 points
Dynasty SkillsDynasty Skills
Show off all of Mia's unique offensive and debuff spells (one session)
10 points
Priestess SkillsPriestess Skills
Show off all of Jessica's unique skills (one session)
10 points
Thunder SkillsThunder Skills
Show off Nash's skills (one session)
10 points
Brigand SkillsBrigand Skills
Show off Kyle's moves (one session)
10 points

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