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Tomb Raider Progress

more about Tomb RaiderTomb Raider
100.0% complete

86 / 86 πŸ†
600 / 600 points

iconinfoRA score
Lead BarsLead Bars
Find the 3 Lead Bars in Palace Midas
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:44:24 PM
3 points
Kill the first Natla's men
βœ… unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:49:11 AM
3 points
Kill the second Natla's men
βœ… unlocked at 2/13/2025, 5:46:23 AM
3 points
Extreme Raider - The Great PyramidExtreme Raider - The Great Pyramid
6 Kills, 31 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2025, 6:14:32 AM
50 points
Saphire KeysSaphire Keys
Find both keys in City of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 9:57:54 PM
2 points
Extreme Raider - AtlantisExtreme Raider - Atlantis
32 Kills, 50 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2025, 6:43:59 AM
50 points
Swan Dive VIISwan Dive VII
A great fall in the arms of the Sphinx
βœ… unlocked at 2/11/2025, 1:46:57 AM
4 points
Finish Level 8
βœ… unlocked at 2/8/2025, 9:25:42 AM
10 points
Find the Magnums in Colosseum
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 8:00:56 AM
2 points
Extreme Raider - Palace MidasExtreme Raider - Palace Midas
43 Kills, 22 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols - Glitched 23rd pickup not allowed
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:59:10 PM
10 points
Extreme Raider - CisternExtreme Raider - Cistern
34 Kills, 28 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/8/2025, 9:25:42 AM
10 points
Swan Dive IIISwan Dive III
Lara would be excellent food for lions, if they can walk through the spikes
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 6:53:16 AM
4 points
Lara's HomeLara's Home
Complete the training level
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 2:32:20 AM
1 points
Seal of AnubisSeal of Anubis
Get the Seal of Anubis in Obelisk of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 11:04:18 PM
2 points
Find boths Ankhs in Sanctuary of the Scion
βœ… unlocked at 2/10/2025, 2:05:30 AM
3 points
Extreme Raider - The Lost ValleyExtreme Raider - The Lost Valley
13 Kills, 16 Pickups and 5 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 3:43:27 AM
10 points
Extreme Raider - St. Francis' FollyExtreme Raider - St. Francis' Folly
23 Kills, 19 Pickups and 4 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:17:16 AM
10 points
Black Panthers SecretsBlack Panthers Secrets
Discover the three secrets in City of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 9:55:01 PM
5 points
Mummy SecretsMummy Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Obelisk of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 11:05:11 PM
5 points
Swan Dive ISwan Dive I
First cool and safe swan dive
βœ… unlocked at 2/4/2025, 9:04:06 AM
1 points
Pacifist LaraPacifist Lara
No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of This Achievement
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 3:31:14 AM
5 points
The Lost ValleyThe Lost Valley
Finish Level 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 3:43:27 AM
5 points
Tomb of QualopecTomb of Qualopec
Finish Level 4
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 9:32:46 AM
10 points
Palace MidasPalace Midas
Finish Level 7
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:59:10 PM
10 points
Get the Ankh in Obelisk of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 10:52:25 PM
2 points
Hold the three Fuses in Natla's Mines
βœ… unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:38:02 AM
3 points
The Ruler of AtlantisThe Ruler of Atlantis
Kill Jacqueline Natla
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2025, 5:53:19 AM
10 points
Extreme Raider - Tomb of QualopecExtreme Raider - Tomb of Qualopec
8 Kills, 8 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 9:30:43 AM
10 points
Extreme Raider - Natla's MinesExtreme Raider - Natla's Mines
3 Kills, 30 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/13/2025, 6:39:43 AM
25 points
Lions SecretsLions Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Colosseum
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 8:00:45 AM
5 points
Swan Dive IVSwan Dive IV
Lara C1 x Spikes B3, Checkmate
βœ… unlocked at 2/8/2025, 8:30:30 AM
4 points
Finish Level 6
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 8:15:38 AM
10 points
Machine CogsMachine Cogs
Find all Machine Cogs in The Lost Valley
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 3:28:34 AM
2 points
Eye of HorusEye of Horus
Get the Eye of Horus in Obelisk of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 10:19:44 PM
2 points
Rex RaiderRex Raider
Kill the T-Rex without being hurt
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 1:35:50 AM
3 points
Centaurs SecretsCentaurs Secrets
Discover the two secrets in Tomb of Tihocan
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 7:58:20 AM
5 points
Swan Dive IISwan Dive II
Not a sword or a hammer can break Lara's neck with that style
βœ… unlocked at 2/5/2025, 2:57:58 AM
3 points
Obelisk of KhamoonObelisk of Khamoon
Finish Level 11
βœ… unlocked at 2/10/2025, 1:07:17 AM
10 points
The Gods keysThe Gods keys
Get the 4 keys in St. Francis' Folly
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:09:26 AM
2 points
Extreme Raider - City of KhamoonExtreme Raider - City of Khamoon
15 Kills, 24 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 9:58:40 PM
10 points
Jacqueline SecretsJacqueline Secrets
Discover the three secrets in The Great Pyramid
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2025, 2:53:41 AM
5 points
City of VilcabambaCity of Vilcabamba
Finish Level 2
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 1:22:53 AM
5 points
Tomb of TihocanTomb of Tihocan
Finish Level 9
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 8:30:22 AM
5 points
Natla's MinesNatla's Mines
Finish Level 13
βœ… unlocked at 2/13/2025, 6:39:43 AM
10 points
The Great PyramidThe Great Pyramid
Finish the last level
βœ… unlocked at 2/17/2025, 6:14:32 AM
25 points
Gold BarsGold Bars
Get the 3 gold bars at same time
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:53:44 PM
2 points
Larson ConwayLarson Conway
Kill Larson
βœ… unlocked at 2/11/2025, 6:14:40 AM
3 points
Legless MutantLegless Mutant
Kill the Legless Mutant
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2025, 11:43:48 PM
5 points
Extreme Raider - Obelisk of KhamoonExtreme Raider - Obelisk of Khamoon
16 Kills, 38 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/10/2025, 1:07:17 AM
25 points
Extreme Raider - Sanctuary of the ScionExtreme Raider - Sanctuary of the Scion
15 Kills, 29 Pickups and 1 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:04:25 AM
25 points
Natla's Guys SecretsNatla's Guys Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Natla's Mines
βœ… unlocked at 2/13/2025, 5:42:48 AM
5 points
Second Piece of the ScionSecond Piece of the Scion
Recover the piece from Pierre
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 8:26:01 AM
2 points
Get the Scarab in Obelisk of Khamoon
βœ… unlocked at 2/10/2025, 12:43:13 AM
2 points
Pierre DupontPierre Dupont
Kill once and for all the annoying Pierre
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 8:25:15 AM
2 points
First Piece of the ScionFirst Piece of the Scion
Get the Scion Piece in Tomb of Qualopec
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 6:14:15 AM
2 points
Pyramid KeyPyramid Key
Get the Pyramid Key in Natla's Mines
βœ… unlocked at 2/13/2025, 6:38:52 AM
3 points
Extreme Raider - City of VilacabambaExtreme Raider - City of Vilacabamba
29 Kills, 13 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 1:22:52 AM
10 points
Swan Dive VISwan Dive VI
...and stay for the views
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 11:11:08 PM
3 points
Finish Level 14
βœ… unlocked at 2/16/2025, 6:45:12 AM
10 points
Finish Level 1
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 3:05:45 AM
5 points
Sanctuary of the ScionSanctuary of the Scion
Finish Level 12
βœ… unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:04:25 AM
10 points
Rusty KeyRusty Key
Find the Rusty Key in Colosseum
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 8:05:54 AM
2 points
Baldguy Baldguy
Kill the third Natla's men
βœ… unlocked at 2/13/2025, 6:35:41 AM
3 points
Gorillas SecretsGorillas Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Palace Midas
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:49:06 PM
5 points
Handstand IIIHandstand III
Came for a secret...
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 11:11:36 PM
1 points
Aureum LaraAureum Lara
The myth of Golden Touch
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 8:41:37 AM
1 points
Extreme Raider - CavesExtreme Raider - Caves
14 Kills, 7 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 3:05:44 AM
5 points
Wolves SecretsWolves Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Caves
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 2:56:20 AM
5 points
Rex SecretsRex Secrets
Discover the five secrets in The Lost Valley
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 3:41:44 AM
5 points
Atlanteans SecretsAtlanteans Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Atlantis
βœ… unlocked at 2/14/2025, 5:17:22 AM
5 points
Handstand IHandstand I
Even from this point of view, there's no feathers on those things
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 2:36:30 AM
1 points
Handstand IVHandstand IV
What a nose, better than Cleopatra
βœ… unlocked at 2/10/2025, 1:14:47 AM
3 points
City of KhamoonCity of Khamoon
Finish Level 10
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 9:58:40 PM
10 points
Get the Shotgun in The Lost Valley
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 3:40:52 AM
2 points
Extreme Raider - Tomb of TihocanExtreme Raider - Tomb of Tihocan
17 Kills, 26 Pickups and 2 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/9/2025, 8:30:44 AM
10 points
Bears SecretsBears Secrets
Discover the three secrets in City of Vilcabamba
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 1:20:33 AM
5 points
Crocodiles SecretsCrocodiles Secrets
Discover the four secrets in St. Francis' Folly
βœ… unlocked at 2/6/2025, 5:27:40 AM
5 points
Rats SecretsRats Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Cistern
βœ… unlocked at 2/8/2025, 8:19:09 AM
5 points
Swan Dive VSwan Dive V
Safe but only fun when water is not high in the ancient sewers
βœ… unlocked at 2/8/2025, 9:44:19 AM
4 points
St. Francis' FollySt. Francis' Folly
Finish Level 5
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 1:17:16 AM
10 points
Gold Idol & Silver KeyGold Idol & Silver Key
Get both items in City of Vilacabamba
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 9:52:53 AM
2 points
Cistern KeysCistern Keys
Find all keys in Cistern
βœ… unlocked at 2/8/2025, 8:17:02 AM
2 points
Get the uzis in Sanctuary of the Scion
βœ… unlocked at 2/10/2025, 1:43:26 AM
5 points
Extreme Raider - ColosseumExtreme Raider - Colosseum
26 Kills, 14 Pickups and 3 Secrets, no save no meds only Pistols
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 8:15:38 AM
10 points
Raptors SecretsRaptors Secrets
Discover the three secrets in Tomb of Qualopec
βœ… unlocked at 12/19/2023, 6:17:30 AM
5 points
Handstand IIHandstand II
Ave, Lara, morituri te salutant!
βœ… unlocked at 2/7/2025, 6:45:30 AM
1 points

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