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Penguin Hideout Progress

more about Penguin HideoutPenguin Hideout
100.0% complete

12 / 12 🏆
70 / 70 points

iconinfoRA score
Private PenguinPrivate Penguin
Clear Stages 6-10
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:49:46 PM
5 points
Corporal PenguinCorporal Penguin
Clear Stages 16-20
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 6:40:59 PM
5 points
Seargeant PenguinSeargeant Penguin
Clear Stages 21-25
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 6:48:33 PM
5 points
Lieutenant PenguinLieutenant Penguin
Clear Stages 36-40
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 7:30:04 PM
5 points
Colonel PenguinColonel Penguin
Clear Stages 46-50 & Re-Loop the Game!
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 8:07:54 PM
10 points
Basic ScorerBasic Scorer
Score at least 5,000 points in one session.
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:38:15 PM
5 points
Advanced ScorerAdvanced Scorer
Score at least 10,000 points in one game run.
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:41:24 PM
10 points
Noob PenguinNoob Penguin
Clear Stages 1-5
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 4:43:56 PM
5 points
Private First Class PenguinPrivate First Class Penguin
Clear Stages 11-15
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 6:32:36 PM
5 points
Staff Seargent PenguinStaff Seargent Penguin
Clear Stage 26-30
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 6:54:22 PM
5 points
Seargent First Class PenguinSeargent First Class Penguin
Clear Stage 31-35
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 7:00:46 PM
5 points
Captain Penguin.. and Glitchy Level 45?Captain Penguin.. and Glitchy Level 45?
Clear Stage 41-44... and "Clear" 45.
✅ unlocked at 12/19/2024, 7:35:36 PM
5 points

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