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Mega Man 7 Progress

more about Mega Man 7Mega Man 7
11.2% complete

10 / 49 🏆
46 / 410 points

iconinfoRA score
Sorry to Burst Your BubbleSorry to Burst Your Bubble
Defeat Burst Man
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 4:11:01 PM
5 points
Defeat Cloud Man
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 3:49:12 PM
5 points
Trash Belongs in the JunkyardTrash Belongs in the Junkyard
Defeat Junk Man
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 3:55:32 PM
5 points
Frozen CircuitFrozen Circuit
Defeat Freeze Man
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 4:01:23 PM
5 points
Slice 'n DiceSlice 'n Dice
Defeat Slash Man
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 4:22:07 PM
5 points
A Trusty CompanionA Trusty Companion
Find the Rush Search function in Freeze Man's stage
3 points
Floating FriendFloating Friend
Find Beat's Whistle in Slash Man's stage
5 points
Welcome to the Discount StoreWelcome to the Discount Store
Find Auto's Hyperbolt in Spring Man's stage
5 points
Go Back to Dracula's CastleGo Back to Dracula's Castle
Defeat Shade Man
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 11:37:57 PM
5 points
Spring SeasonSpring Season
Defeat Spring Man
5 points
Burning HotBurning Hot
Defeat Turbo Man
5 points
Spare RefrigeratorSpare Refrigerator
Defeat Freeze Man without taking damage
25 points
Trashingly BadTrashingly Bad
Defeat Junk Man without taking damage
10 points
Thunder CloudThunder Cloud
Defeat Cloud Man without taking damage
10 points
Bomb, Bomber, Bombest!Bomb, Bomber, Bombest!
Defeat Burst Man without taking damage
10 points
Turbo ModeTurbo Mode
Defeat Turbo Man without taking damage [Quick kill glitch is not allowed]
10 points
Vampire KillerVampire Killer
Defeat Shade Man without taking damage
10 points
Surprise BoxerSurprise Boxer
Defeat Spring Man without taking damage [Quick kill glitch is not allowed]
10 points
Vegetable CutterVegetable Cutter
Defeat Slash Man without taking damage
25 points
Ghosts 'n RobotsGhosts 'n Robots
Change the background music of Shade Man's stage to that of another Capcom franchise
3 points
A Game Too EarlyA Game Too Early
Defeat Mash in the Robot Museum
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 4:13:40 PM
5 points
Cyberpunk 20XXCyberpunk 20XX
Defeat the Mad Grinder in the Intro Stage
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 3:43:06 PM
3 points
Hope of the worldHope of the world
Defeat Bass in the Intro Stage
✅ unlocked at 6/19/2023, 3:43:43 PM
5 points
A Special GiftA Special Gift
Obtain the shield from Proto Man in Shade Man's stage
10 points
Fratricidal battleFratricidal battle
Defeat Proto Man without taking damage
10 points
Some Guts You HaveSome Guts You Have
Finish Wily Stage 1
10 points
Finish Wily Stage 2
10 points
Final StretchFinal Stretch
Finish Wily Stage 3
10 points
For the Seventh TimeFor the Seventh Time
Defeat Dr. Wily and finish the game
25 points
Mega Bolt ManMega Bolt Man
Hold 999 Bolts at once
10 points
Elevator of DoomElevator of Doom
Destroy the inner core of the pumpkin sub boss
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 11:33:24 PM
3 points
Destroy the outer shell of the pumpkin sub boss
3 points
Balancing the scalesBalancing the scales
Have Rush dig up the Energy Equalizer in Shade Man's stage
3 points
Growing StrongerGrowing Stronger
Have Rush dig up the Hyper Rocket Buster in Turbo Man's stage
5 points
A Quick EscapeA Quick Escape
Have Rush dig up the Exit Adaptor in Freeze Man's stage
3 points
Who Needs This Much Energy?Who Needs This Much Energy?
Have Rush dig up the large Energy Pellet in Spring Man's stage
5 points
What is a Pit?What is a Pit?
Find the Rush Jet function in Junk Man's stage
3 points
Today's Forecast is...Today's Forecast is...
See all different weather conditions in Cloud Man's stage
4 points
Super Fusion BattleSuper Fusion Battle
Defeat Bass fused with Treble as Super Mega Man
10 points
RUSHing to the SceneRUSHing to the Scene
Obtain the Super Adaptor
5 points
Let’s Settle ThisLet’s Settle This
Enter Versus Mode
2 points
A True HeroA True Hero
Finish the game without obtaining the Super Adaptor
25 points
Buster DuelBuster Duel
Defeat Bass without taking damage in Wily's Stage 1
25 points
One Last DanceOne Last Dance
Refight every Robot Master using only the Mega Buster
25 points
Dracula's DepositDracula's Deposit
Have Rush dig up the Mega Bolt in Shade Man's stage
5 points
One Man's TrashOne Man's Trash
Dig up the Mega Bolt in Junk Man's Stage
5 points
Ferrous FastenerFerrous Fastener
Dig up the Mega Bolt in Cloud Man's Stage
5 points
A Big Bolt BoostA Big Bolt Boost
Dig up the Mega Bolt in Turbo Man's Stage
5 points
Push and PullPush and Pull
Have Rush dig up the Mega Bolt in Spring Man's stage
5 points

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