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Suikoden Progress

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10.0% complete

14 / 92 🏆
80 / 800 points

iconinfoRA score
Hellion's GiftHellion's Gift
Obtain the Blinking Mirror
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 11:12:09 PM
5 points
You Make Me ProudYou Make Me Proud
The Soul Eater has reached level 2...
✅ unlocked at 10/23/2024, 12:09:23 AM
5 points
Hero of RocklandHero of Rockland
Save the kids from Imperial Soldiers in Rockland
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 1:39:53 AM
5 points
The Soul EaterThe Soul Eater
Obtain the Cursed Rune
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 1:50:38 AM
5 points
Early Bird - Fortune CrystalEarly Bird - Fortune Crystal
Obtain the Fortune Crystal in Sarady
10 points
Early Bird - Prosperity CrystalEarly Bird - Prosperity Crystal
Obtain the Prosperity Crystal in Sarady
10 points
Dragon Fang StaffDragon Fang Staff
Sharpen Tir McDohl's staff to level 5
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 8:36:18 PM
5 points
Heaven Fang StaffHeaven Fang Staff
Sharpen Tir McDohl's staff to level 12
10 points
My Killer Blade...My Killer Blade...
Sharpen Tir McDohl's staff to level 16
25 points
For Your TroublesFor Your Troubles
Don't worry, we all hate that part.
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 4:15:32 AM
5 points
Our Pretty Little HomesOur Pretty Little Homes
Establish the new Liberation Army Headquarters
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 3:38:19 AM
5 points
Iron Wall RosmanIron Wall Rosman
Defeat Kwanda Rosman to decide his fate
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 10:42:47 PM
5 points
The ExpertsThe Experts
Recruit Clive, Pesmerga, and Mace
10 points
The AdventurersThe Adventurers
Recruit Lorelai, Quincy, and Mina
5 points
The Black GoldsThe Black Golds
Recruit Maas, Meese, and Moose
5 points
The Children of the RunesThe Children of the Runes
Recruit Luc, Crowley, and Lotte
5 points
The NinjasThe Ninjas
Recruit Kage, Fuma, and Kasumi
5 points
Big Showdown in Little KakuBig Showdown in Little Kaku
Catch Lotte's cat without Stallion in your party
5 points
Black Rune, Pink BalloonBlack Rune, Pink Balloon
Defeat Milich's Army and decide his fate
✅ unlocked at 10/23/2024, 12:34:21 AM
10 points
Artistic FreedomArtistic Freedom
Help Ivanov finish his painting
10 points
Back for DinnerBack for Dinner
Have Pahn be prepared for his big moment
10 points
The PiratesThe Pirates
Recruit Anji, Kanak, and Leonardo
10 points
The Soldier BeautiesThe Soldier Beauties
Recruit Cleo, Camille, and Sonya
10 points
The Lepant FamilyThe Lepant Family
Recruit Lepant, Eileen, and Sheena
5 points
Bits, PleaseBits, Please
Win 10,000 bits from Marco's coin game in Warrior's Village.
5 points
A Blessing to Your ChoiceA Blessing to Your Choice
The Soul Eater has reached level 3...
10 points
Treasure Hunter - GouranTreasure Hunter - Gouran
Open all chests in the Gouran Region (Seika, Kaku, Kouan, Great Forest Village, Garan Fortress)
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 4:22:42 AM
10 points
Treasure Hunter - Great ForestTreasure Hunter - Great Forest
Open all chests in the Great Forest Region (Great Forest, Pannu Yakuta, Dwarf Trail, Dwarves' Vault )
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 10:20:37 PM
5 points
Treasure Hunter - DanaTreasure Hunter - Dana
Open all chests in the Dana Region (Kirov, Kalekka, Secret Factory)
5 points
Treasure Hunter - ToranTreasure Hunter - Toran
Open all chests in the abandoned Toran Castle
5 points
The ArchersThe Archers
Recruit Georges, Marco, and Rubi
5 points
The CooksThe Cooks
Recruit Antonio, Lester, and Rock
5 points
The EngineersThe Engineers
Recruit Sergei, Templeton, and Hugo
5 points
The FellowsThe Fellows
Recruit Ivanov, Zen, and Blackman
5 points
Luck is a Matter of TimingLuck is a Matter of Timing
Starting with less than 1000 bits, win 999,999 bits in one game of Chinchirorin
10 points
Errand BoyErrand Boy
Deliver the Astral Projections to Kraze and get your next assignment
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 12:55:33 AM
5 points
Treasure Hunter - Village of the Hidden RuneTreasure Hunter - Village of the Hidden Rune
Open all chests in the Village of the Hidden Rune
5 points
Yes, Sir...Yes, Sir...
Obtain the Star Dragon Sword
10 points
The Librarian ArmyThe Librarian Army
Deliver all Old Book Volumes to Hugo
10 points
What to Play, What to PlayWhat to Play, What to Play
Have Kasios play a few songs for you
5 points
Deliver all sound settings to Melodye
5 points
Interior DecoratorInterior Decorator
Deliver all Window settings to... Window.
5 points
When the Dead Come HomeWhen the Dead Come Home
Defeat Neclord
10 points
Not in Front of Tengaar!Not in Front of Tengaar!
Defeat Neclord without Hix being knocked out
10 points
Treasure Hunter - LorimarTreasure Hunter - Lorimar
Obtain all treasure in the Lorimar Region (Warrior's Village, Qlon, Neclord's Castle)
10 points
The Good BuddiesThe Good Buddies
Recruit Marie, Onil, and Sansuke
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 8:40:10 PM
5 points
The TrickstersThe Tricksters
Recruit Juppo, Meg, and Jabba
✅ unlocked at 10/22/2024, 11:51:53 PM
5 points
The MerchantsThe Merchants
Recruit Kun To, Chapman, and Chandler
5 points
The Secret Factory TeamThe Secret Factory Team
Recruit Ronnie Bell, Sarah, and Mose
5 points
The KoboldsThe Kobolds
Recruit Kuromimi, Fu Su Lu, and Gon
5 points
The MagiciansThe Magicians
Recruit Kasios, Window, and Melodye
5 points
The Old SoldiersThe Old Soldiers
Recruit Kai, Luikan, and Fuiken
5 points
Broke Ass AdventurersBroke Ass Adventurers
You couldn't even cover Vincent's bill?
10 points
Dragon WhispererDragon Whisperer
Bring Liukan on your first visit to Dragon Knight's Fortress
5 points
Forgive MeForgive Me
The Soul Eater has reached level 4...
10 points
The Invulnerable DefensesThe Invulnerable Defenses
Recruit Kwanda, Gaspar, and Eikei
10 points
The Knights PartyThe Knights Party
Recruit Max, Sancho, and Qlon
10 points
The StrategistsThe Strategists
Recruit Mathiu, Leon, and Apple
10 points
The NarcissistsThe Narcissists
Recruit Vincent, Milich, and Esmeralda
5 points
A Drill?A Drill?
Defeat Griffith at the Northern Checkpoint
10 points
Treasure Hunter - KunanTreasure Hunter - Kunan
Open all chests in the Kunan Region (Teien, Rikon, Antei, Scarleticia, Soniere, Northern Checkpoint, Moravia)
10 points
The Wild GeeseThe Wild Geese
Recruit Kreutz, Morgan, and Kirke
5 points
Treasure Hunter - Dragon Knights' DomainTreasure Hunter - Dragon Knights' Domain
Obtain all treasure in the Dragon Knights' Domain (Dragon Knights' Fortress, Dragon Den, Seek Valley)
5 points
No Runes AllowedNo Runes Allowed
Defeat the Shell Venus without using the Rune command
10 points
Treasure Hunter - ShasarazadeTreasure Hunter - Shasarazade
Open all chests at the Floating Fortress
5 points
Fight at the Floating FortressFight at the Floating Fortress
Defeat Sonya Shulen
10 points
Stars that Wander Freely Across the SkiesStars that Wander Freely Across the Skies
Have all 108 Stars of Destiny alive before the final battle
25 points
Monster of MonstersMonster of Monsters
Defeat Yuber's army.
10 points
The Sixth GeneralThe Sixth General
Defeat Ain Gide using only McDohl, Flik, and Viktor
10 points
Treasure Hunter - ArlusTreasure Hunter - Arlus
Open all chests in the Arlus Region (Gregminster, Mt. Seifu, Mt. Tigerwolf, Rockland, Sarady)
10 points
Clive's BaneClive's Bane
Take Clive to a certain grave...
5 points
Putting Kids Through CollegePutting Kids Through College
Complete Chandler's Stockpile
10 points
Protecting Kids Through CollegeProtecting Kids Through College
Complete Chapman's Stockpile
10 points
Teleportation ExpertTeleportation Expert
Viki has learned all teleportation locations
10 points
Bathhouse WishesBathhouse Wishes
Make six genies appear in the bathhouse
10 points
Nature LoverNature Lover
Bloom Flowers in the Bath
5 points
Bloody TearsBloody Tears
View a most horrifying sight during a bath
5 points
Someone in your party was pissed on by a statue...
5 points
Fall of the Scarlet Moon EmpireFall of the Scarlet Moon Empire
Win the final fight...
25 points
Three Against ThreeThree Against Three
Defeat the Golden Hydra with only McDohl, Flik, and Viktor
25 points
Avertuneiro Antes Lance MaoAvertuneiro Antes Lance Mao
Witness the fall and complete the game
10 points
Why Is This Big Rock in My Castle?Why Is This Big Rock in My Castle?
Complete the game without any optional recruits
50 points
Magical WeaponryMagical Weaponry
Attach five rune pieces of any element to Tir's weapon.
10 points
See Fuma's special bath scene
5 points
Stay in the bath for a little too long...
5 points
The Other SideThe Other Side
See Milich's special bath scene
5 points
Spin, Spin, SpinSpin, Spin, Spin
Obtain a Fortune Rune Piece from the spinning wheel
5 points
Elephantine MemoryElephantine Memory
Beat all four records in Georges' matching game
10 points
Crowley's LegacyCrowley's Legacy
Cast all five runic attacks in one session
10 points
Tir the TerribleTir the Terrible
Execute both Kwanda and Milich
10 points
Defeat the Crystal Core without using the attack or unite commands
10 points
Store at least one of every antique in Rock's vault.
25 points
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