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Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader Progress

more about Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue LeaderStar Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
100.0% complete

63 / 63 🏆
665 / 665 points

iconinfoRA score
Home Field AdvantageHome Field Advantage
Complete the "Tatooine Training" mission by clearing all objectives & bonus items.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 9:45:24 PM
5 points
The Battle of YavinThe Battle of Yavin
Complete the "Death Star Attack" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 12:17:25 AM
5 points
Through the NebulaThrough the Nebula
Complete the "Ison Corridor Ambush" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 12:25:11 AM
5 points
The Empire Strikes BackThe Empire Strikes Back
Complete the "Battle of Hoth" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 1:13:33 PM
5 points
Black Hole Prison BreakBlack Hole Prison Break
Complete the "Prisons of the Maw" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 2:30:41 AM
5 points
Not So Secret RendezvousNot So Secret Rendezvous
Complete the "Razor Rendezvous" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 2:40:09 AM
5 points
Crix's CommandosCrix's Commandos
Complete the "Vengeance on Kothlis" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 2:51:48 AM
10 points
Back to Flight SchoolBack to Flight School
Complete the "Imperial Academy Heist" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 3:03:54 AM
10 points
City in the CloudsCity in the Clouds
Complete the "Raid on Bespin" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 12:28:38 PM
10 points
The Battle of EndorThe Battle of Endor
Complete the "Battle of Endor" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 2:47:04 PM
10 points
Empire's EndEmpire's End
Complete the "Strike at the Core" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 10:52:28 PM
25 points
Flight of the FalconFlight of the Falcon
Complete the "Death Star Escape" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/16/2024, 2:58:26 AM
10 points
Avenger EvaderAvenger Evader
Complete the "The Asteroid Field" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 12:36:28 PM
10 points
It Is a Great Day for the EmpireIt Is a Great Day for the Empire
Complete the "Triumph of the Empire" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 1:40:04 PM
10 points
Rebel ScumRebel Scum
Complete the "Revenge on Yavin" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 10:00:09 AM
10 points
Advanced ShieldsAdvanced Shields
Find the Advanced Shields upgrade and complete the "Death Star Attack" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 9:16:07 PM
5 points
Advanced Proton TorpedoesAdvanced Proton Torpedoes
Find the Advanced Proton Torpedoes upgrade and complete the "Ison Corridor Ambush" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 9:28:34 PM
5 points
Advanced LasersAdvanced Lasers
Find the Advanced Lasers upgrade and complete the "Battle of Hoth" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 1:37:59 AM
5 points
Advanced Cluster MisslesAdvanced Cluster Missles
Find the Advanced Cluster Missiles and complete the "Prisons of the Maw" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 12:14:55 AM
5 points
Advanced Proton BombsAdvanced Proton Bombs
Find the Advanced Proton Bombs and complete the "Razor Rendezvous" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 10:01:14 PM
5 points
Homing Proton TorpedoesHoming Proton Torpedoes
Find the Homing Proton Torpedoes and complete the "Vengeance on Kothlis" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 10:28:31 PM
5 points
Advanced Concussion MissilesAdvanced Concussion Missiles
Find the Advanced Concussion Missiles and complete the "Imperial Academy Heist" mission during the day.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 11:34:57 PM
5 points
Spread Proton BombsSpread Proton Bombs
Find the Spread Proton Bombs and complete the "Imperial Academy Heist" mission at night.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 1:57:46 PM
5 points
Homing Concussion MissilesHoming Concussion Missiles
Find the Homing Concussion Missiles and complete the "Raid on Bespin" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 2:12:25 PM
5 points
Homing Cluster MissilesHoming Cluster Missiles
Find the Homing Cluster Missiles and complete the "Battle of Endor" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 2:47:05 PM
5 points
Targeting Computer UpgradeTargeting Computer Upgrade
Find the Targeting Computer Upgrade and complete the "Strike at the Core" mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 10:52:28 PM
5 points
Look At the Size of That Thing!Look At the Size of That Thing!
Earn a gold medal on "Death Star Attack".
✅ unlocked at 8/14/2024, 9:29:48 AM
10 points
Rebel Ships Are Coming into Our SectorRebel Ships Are Coming into Our Sector
Earn a gold medal on "Ison Corridor Ambush".
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 1:31:52 AM
10 points
Their Primary Target Will Be the Power GeneratorsTheir Primary Target Will Be the Power Generators
Earn a gold medal on "Battle of Hoth".
✅ unlocked at 8/11/2024, 6:02:46 AM
10 points
This Is Some Rescue!This Is Some Rescue!
Earn a gold medal on "Prisons of the Maw".
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 8:55:57 AM
10 points
One Fighter Against a Star Destroyer?One Fighter Against a Star Destroyer?
Earn a gold medal on "Razor Rendezvous".
✅ unlocked at 8/11/2024, 11:14:21 AM
10 points
Aww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out?Aww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out?
Earn a gold medal on "Vengeance on Kothlis".
✅ unlocked at 8/11/2024, 10:59:24 AM
10 points
We Have Stolen a Small Imperial ShuttleWe Have Stolen a Small Imperial Shuttle
Earn a gold medal on "Imperial Academy Heist".
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 9:20:40 AM
10 points
This Deal is Getting Worse All the TimeThis Deal is Getting Worse All the Time
Earn a gold medal on "Raid on Bespin".
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 9:07:12 AM
10 points
Fully Armed and Operational Battle StationFully Armed and Operational Battle Station
Earn a gold medal on "Battle of Endor".
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 8:53:53 AM
10 points
Rebellions Are Built on HopeRebellions Are Built on Hope
Earn a gold medal on "Strike at the Core".
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 9:51:03 AM
10 points
Great, Kid!  Don't Get CockyGreat, Kid! Don't Get Cocky
Earn a gold medal on the "Death Star Escape" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 1:31:55 PM
25 points
Never Tell Me the OddsNever Tell Me the Odds
Earn a gold medal on the "The Asteroid Field" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 8/10/2024, 6:26:18 AM
10 points
I Have You NowI Have You Now
Earn a gold medal on the "Triumph of the Empire" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 8/13/2024, 10:56:41 AM
10 points
There'll Be No One to Stop Us This TimeThere'll Be No One to Stop Us This Time
Earn a gold medal on the "Revenge on Yavin" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 10:45:34 AM
10 points
Red Leader? This Is Gold LeaderRed Leader? This Is Gold Leader
Complete "Death Star Attack" while flying a Y-Wing.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 9:16:12 PM
3 points
Many DisintegrationsMany Disintegrations
Complete "Ison Corridor Ambush" after starting with the Slave I.
✅ unlocked at 8/10/2024, 6:05:08 AM
5 points
That Armor's Too Strong For BlastersThat Armor's Too Strong For Blasters
Complete "Battle of Hoth" with 66% or higher accuracy.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 1:13:41 PM
5 points
You Switched Off Your Targeting ComputerYou Switched Off Your Targeting Computer
Complete "Prisons of the Maw" with 100% targeting computer efficiency.
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 12:15:00 AM
5 points
Turbolaser EvaderTurbolaser Evader
Complete "Razor Rendezvous" without losing any lives.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 10:01:18 PM
5 points
Mando's Vacation SpotMando's Vacation Spot
Complete "Vengeance on Kothlis" after starting with the Naboo Starfighter.
✅ unlocked at 8/11/2024, 10:46:21 AM
4 points
Catastrophic DamageCatastrophic Damage
Complete "Imperial Academy Heist" with at least 75 kills.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 11:35:01 PM
5 points
Blazing B-Wing Blitz on BespinBlazing B-Wing Blitz on Bespin
Complete "Raid on Bespin" after starting with the B-Wing.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 2:12:27 PM
3 points
General CalrissianGeneral Calrissian
Complete "Battle of Endor" while flying the Millennium Falcon.
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 8:33:37 AM
5 points
That Was Too CloseThat Was Too Close
Complete "Strike at the Core" while flying the Millennium Falcon.
✅ unlocked at 8/14/2024, 11:08:26 AM
10 points
My Main Ride Is in the ShopMy Main Ride Is in the Shop
Complete "Triumph of the Empire" using the TIE Fighter.
✅ unlocked at 8/14/2024, 11:16:25 AM
5 points
Transport Vs. TransportTransport Vs. Transport
Complete "Revenge on Yavin" using the Imperial Transport.
✅ unlocked at 8/14/2024, 5:35:18 AM
5 points
Naboo N-1 StarfighterNaboo N-1 Starfighter
Complete "Tatooine Training" at dawn, afternoon, dusk, and night to unlock the Naboo N-1 Starfighter.
✅ unlocked at 8/11/2024, 10:16:25 AM
10 points
TIE/ln Space Superiority StarfighterTIE/ln Space Superiority Starfighter
Capture an Imperial TIE Fighter during "Imperial Academy Heist" during the day and at night.
✅ unlocked at 7/18/2024, 2:43:54 AM
10 points
Corellian YT-1300 Light FreighterCorellian YT-1300 Light Freighter
Unlock the Millennium Falcon by earning at least a bronze medal on all ten story missions.
✅ unlocked at 7/17/2024, 10:52:30 PM
10 points
Firespray-31-Class Patrol and Attack CraftFirespray-31-Class Patrol and Attack Craft
Unlock the Slave I by earning at least a silver medal on all ten story missions, "Death Star Escape", and "The Asteroid Field".
✅ unlocked at 7/19/2024, 12:36:29 PM
25 points
Lambda-Class T-4a ShuttleLambda-Class T-4a Shuttle
Unlock the Imperial Shuttle by earning a gold medal on "Triumph of the Empire" and "Revenge on Yavin".
✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 4:33:21 PM
25 points
1969 Buick Electra Convertible1969 Buick Electra Convertible
Unlock the Buick Convertible using a password and participate in the Battle of Endor.
✅ unlocked at 8/12/2024, 10:14:24 AM
5 points
The Long Road to VictoryThe Long Road to Victory
Complete the "Endurance" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 8/15/2024, 12:05:32 PM
50 points
The Force Is Strong with This OneThe Force Is Strong with This One
Earn a gold medal on the "Endurance" bonus mission.
✅ unlocked at 8/15/2024, 12:05:37 PM
50 points
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Advanced x1Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Advanced x1
Unlock Darth Vader's TIE Advanced by earning a gold medal on all fifteen missions.
✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 4:41:58 PM
25 points
Ace CommanderAce Commander
Unlock Ace Mode by earning a gold medal on all fifteen missions and finishing "Tatooine Training" at all times of the day.
✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 4:41:56 PM
25 points
Galactic Allied CommanderGalactic Allied Commander
Earn ace medals on all fifteen missions.
✅ unlocked at 8/26/2024, 4:42:12 PM
25 points
© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).