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Killer7 Progress

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1.5% complete

3 / 77 🏆
12 / 777 points

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Hot HeadedHot Headed
While playing Target 00 [Angel], collect the Fire Ring in any mode and on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 3:26:41 PM
2 points
Break Into a SmileBreak Into a Smile
While playing Target 00 [Angel], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Speed Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
2 points
Seventh HeavenSeventh Heaven
Complete Target 00 [Angel] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
3 points
Deadly HellDeadly Hell
Complete Target 00 [Angel] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
5 points
Head Above WaterHead Above Water
While playing Target 01 Part 01 [Sunset], collect the Water Ring in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Swell SmileSwell Smile
While playing Target 01 Part 01 [Sunset], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Phantom Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
While playing Target 01 Part 01 [Sunset], collect the Wind Ring in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Back BurnerBack Burner
While playing Target 01 Part 02 [Sunset], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Backside Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Seventh DawnSeventh Dawn
Complete Target 01 [Sunset] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Deadly DuskDeadly Dusk
Complete Target 01 [Sunset] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
10 points
While playing Target 02 [Cloudman], collect the Stamina Ring in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Gatch-em AllGatch-em All
While playing Target 02 [Cloudman], collect all of the Ulmeyda Figures in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Seventh SunSeventh Sun
Complete Target 02 [Cloudman] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Deadly StormDeadly Storm
Complete Target 02 [Cloudman] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
10 points
Ahead of TimeAhead of Time
While playing Target 03 Part 01 [Encounter], collect the Time Ring in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bulletproof SmileBulletproof Smile
While playing Target 03 Part 01 [Encounter], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Mithril Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Strong HeadedStrong Headed
While playing Target 03 Part 02 [Encounter], collect the Power Ring in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Flash a SmileFlash a Smile
While playing Target 03 Part 02 [Encounter], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Laser Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Seventh RendezvousSeventh Rendezvous
Complete Target 03 [Encounter] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Deadly TrystDeadly Tryst
Complete Target 03 [Encounter] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
10 points
Chasing the RainbowChasing the Rainbow
While playing Target 04 Part 01 [Alter Ego], collect all of the Punishing Rangers Color Samples in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Seventh SelfSeventh Self
Complete Target 04 [Alter Ego] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Deadly PersonalityDeadly Personality
Complete Target 04 [Alter Ego] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
10 points
Smile that PopsSmile that Pops
While playing Target 05 Part 01 [Smile], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Timer Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Cassette CuratorCassette Curator
While playing Target 05 Part 02 [Smile], collect all of the Holbert's Cassettes in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Stratospheric SmileStratospheric Smile
While playing Target 05 Part 02 [Smile], enter the Vinculum Gate and defeat the Galactic Tomahawk Smile in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Seventh SmileSeventh Smile
Complete Target 05 [Smile] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Deadly ScowlDeadly Scowl
Complete Target 05 [Smile] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
10 points
Seventh DefectorSeventh Defector
After defying Matsuken, complete Target 06 [Lion] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Seventh AdherentSeventh Adherent
After siding with Matsuken, complete Target 06 [Lion] in Killer7 mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Deadly ApostateDeadly Apostate
After defying Matsuken, complete Target 06 [Lion] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
25 points
Deadly LoyalistDeadly Loyalist
After siding with Matsuken, complete Target 06 [Lion] in Killer7 mode and on Deadly difficulty
25 points
Two by SevenTwo by Seven
Maintain a Kill Combo of 14 or more, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Five by SevenFive by Seven
Maintain a Kill Combo of 35 or more, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Piles of SmilesPiles of Smiles
Kill 77 Smiles or more during any single Target, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Miles of SmilesMiles of Smiles
Kill 154 Smiles or more during any single Target, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Divine RestraintDivine Restraint
While playing Target 00 [Angel], defeat Angel firing 4 shots or less, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
While playing Target 01 Part 01 [Sunset], defeat Julia Kisugi by scoring 140 or more hits, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Tactical Espionage Crack ShotTactical Espionage Crack Shot
While playing Target 01 Part 02 [Sunset], defeat Jean DePaul with one shot, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Two for OneTwo for One
While playing Target 01 Part 02 [Sunset], defeat Kurahashi & Akiba firing 14 shots or less, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Nipped in the BudNipped in the Bud
While playing Target 02 [Cloudman], defeat Andrei Ulmeyda in 49 seconds or less, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Speed TrapSpeed Trap
While playing Target 03 Part 01 [Encounter], defeat Ayame Blackburn in 49 seconds or less, in any mode and on any difficulty
25 points
Open and ShutOpen and Shut
While playing Target 03 Part 02 [Encounter], defeat Ayame Blackburn in 140 seconds or less, in any mode and on any difficulty
50 points
Quick Draw DenialQuick Draw Denial
While playing Target 03 Part 02 [Encounter], defeat Curtis Blackburn without letting him get any shots off, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Swing VoteSwing Vote
While playing Target 05 Part 02 [Smile], defeat Greg Nightmare firing 35 shots or less, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Sanguined FinkSanguined Fink
Kill a Camellia Smile by shooting its weakpoint and gain an excess of Thin Blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Minuscule MDMinuscule MD
Kill a Yellow Micro Smile and refill your health, in any mode and on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 3:04:28 PM
5 points
Out of OrderOut of Order
Kill a Broken Smile by shooting its weakpoint, in any mode and on any difficulty
50 points
Toppled TitanToppled Titan
Kill a Giant Smile by shooting its weakpoint, in any mode and on any difficulty
25 points
Pint-sized LiquidatorPint-sized Liquidator
Kill a Red Micro Smile and gain an excess of Thin Blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 3:25:00 PM
5 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 00 [Angel] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 01 Part 01 [Sunset] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 01 Part 02 [Sunset] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 02 [Cloudman] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 03 Part 01 [Encounter] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 03 Part 02 [Encounter] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 04 Part 01 [Alter Ego] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 05 Part 01 [Smile] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
25 points
In a single session and with no prior progress, complete Target 05 Part 02 [Smile] without losing a Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
25 points
Soaked in SupremacySoaked in Supremacy
Complete Target 00 [Angel] on Killer8 mode
10 points
Drenched in DominanceDrenched in Dominance
Complete Target 01 [Sunset] on Killer8 mode
10 points
Saturated in SuccessSaturated in Success
Complete Target 02 [Cloudman] on Killer8 mode
10 points
Covered in ConquestCovered in Conquest
Complete Target 03 [Encounter] on Killer8 mode
10 points
Awash in AscendancyAwash in Ascendancy
Complete Target 04 [Alter Ego] on Killer8 mode
10 points
Flushed with FinesseFlushed with Finesse
Complete Target 05 [Smile] on Killer8 mode
10 points
Steeped in SuperioritySteeped in Superiority
Complete Target 06 [Lion] on Killer8 mode
10 points
The Eighth PlagueThe Eighth Plague
Complete Target 00 [Angel] on Hopper7 mode
10 points
Fleshed OutFleshed Out
Upgrade all skills for any Smith, in any mode and on any difficulty
25 points
Birds of a FeatherBirds of a Feather
Collect all Carrier Pigeons, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points
Bloody OverflowBloody Overflow
While playing Target 00 [Angel], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody ExorbitanceBloody Exorbitance
While playing Target 01 Part 01 [Sunset], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody SurplusBloody Surplus
While playing Target 01 Part 02 [Sunset], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody OverdoseBloody Overdose
While playing Target 02 [Cloudman], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody PlenitudeBloody Plenitude
While playing Target 03 Part 01 [Encounter], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody AbundanceBloody Abundance
While playing Target 03 Part 02 [Encounter], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody OverloadBloody Overload
While playing Target 04 Part 01 [Alter Ego], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
5 points
Bloody OpulenceBloody Opulence
While playing Target 05 Part 01 [Smile], break the blood machine with an excess of blood, in any mode and on any difficulty
10 points

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