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~Hack~ Pokemon Grape Version Progress

more about ~Hack~ Pokemon Grape Version~Hack~ Pokemon Grape Version
2.4% complete

3 / 84 🏆
9 / 374 points

iconinfoRA score
Rival Battle IRival Battle I
Defeat your Rival on Route 61
✅ unlocked at 2/3/2025, 1:24:06 AM
3 points
Talking Cactus!?Talking Cactus!?
Purchase the talking Cactus
3 points
Acid SpitterAcid Spitter
Defeat all trainers in Megan City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 20 Cap]
5 points
Acquire the Acid BadgeAcquire the Acid Badge
Defeat Elias in the Megan City Gym to Aquire the Acid Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/3/2025, 11:38:56 PM
5 points
Rookie Tower ProRookie Tower Pro
Clear Rookie Tower in a Single Run [Set Mode with Level 19 Cap]
5 points
Learning the RopesLearning the Ropes
Choose your starter & Defeat your Rival!
✅ unlocked at 2/3/2025, 1:14:56 AM
1 points
Rival Battle IIRival Battle II
Defeat your Rival in the Old Mart
5 points
Take Good Care of Abra!Take Good Care of Abra!
Trade Abra for Whismur
2 points
Take Good Care of Vulpix!Take Good Care of Vulpix!
Trade Vulpix for Seedot
2 points
One Item to Find Them AllOne Item to Find Them All
Obtain the Item Finder in the Trade Tower
3 points
Acquire the Jetskii BadgeAcquire the Jetskii Badge
Defeat Liquid in the Snorkel City Gym to Aquire the Jetskii Badge
5 points
Metal Gear LiquidMetal Gear Liquid
Defeat all trainers in Snorkel City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 30 Cap]
5 points
Three's a CrowdThree's a Crowd
Defeat the Rage Sisters in a Single Run
5 points
80C's Gift80C's Gift
Obtain Bagon from 80C
3 points
Mario KartMario Kart
Exchange the Kart Voucher for the Kart
3 points
Acquire the Prism BadgeAcquire the Prism Badge
Defeat Grace in the Buris City Gym to Aquire the Prism Badge
5 points
Defeat all trainers in Buris City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 39 Cap]
5 points
Defeat the Ghost in the Spooky Swamp
1 points
Obtain Driadjin and March into the Hall of Fame!
3 points
Rival Battle FinaleRival Battle Finale
Defeat your Rival for the Final Time in Grape Lodge
5 points
Power of the Infinity StonesPower of the Infinity Stones
Open the Entrance to Grape Lodge
5 points
Obtain the Hidden Violet Gem
5 points
Obtain the Hidden Blue Gem
5 points
Obtain the Hidden Green Gem
5 points
Obtain the Hidden Yellow Gem
5 points
Obtain the Hidden Orange Gem
5 points
Obtain the Town Map
3 points
Obtain the Hidden Red Gem
5 points
Take Good Care of Cubone!Take Good Care of Cubone!
Trade Cubone for Phantump on Route 65
2 points
Take Good Care of Diglett!Take Good Care of Diglett!
Trade Diglett for Drilbur on Route 65
2 points
Capture the Roaming Beast, Suicune
3 points
Capture the Roaming Beast, Raikou
3 points
Capture the Roaming Beast, Entei
3 points
Take Good Care of Pidgeot!Take Good Care of Pidgeot!
Trade Pidgeot for Aerodactyl on Route 63
2 points
Take Good Care of Tauros!Take Good Care of Tauros!
Trade Tauros for Torkoal on Route 58
2 points
Take Good Care of Victreebel!Take Good Care of Victreebel!
Trade Victreebel for Tropius in Snorkel City
2 points
Who Lives in a Ship that Sunk into the sea?Who Lives in a Ship that Sunk into the sea?
Capture Lugia in the Sunken Ship
5 points
On Top of Old SmokeyOn Top of Old Smokey
Capture Ho-Oh on Top of Mt.Lyre
5 points
Capture Moltres in Turtle Rock
3 points
Trade Sequence VIITrade Sequence VII
Trade the Jetpack for The Gold Watch
5 points
Trade Sequence VIIITrade Sequence VIII
Trade the Gold Watch for The Thermal Scope
5 points
Trade Sequence VITrade Sequence VI
Trade the Mist Stone for a Jetpack
5 points
Trade Sequence VTrade Sequence V
Trade the Brick for a Mist Stone
5 points
Trade Sequence IVTrade Sequence IV
Trade the Pikablu Doll for a Brick...
5 points
Trade Sequence IIITrade Sequence III
Trade the GS Ball for the Pikablu Doll
5 points
Trade Sequence IITrade Sequence II
Trade the Pokemon Cards for the GS Ball
5 points
Trade Sequence ITrade Sequence I
Obtain the Pokemon Cards
5 points
Defeat ????Defeat ????
Defeat ???? and Obtain the Card Key
25 points
So Long, ReplicantSo Long, Replicant
Defeat Steelhan in the Dungeon of Defrite
10 points
Take Good Care of Porygon!Take Good Care of Porygon!
Trade Porygon for Chimecho (Dungeon Defrite)
2 points
World Series Champion!World Series Champion!
Defeat the Elite 4 and Become the World Champ in a single run
10 points
The Legend Was True...The Legend Was True...
Capture Mew in Snorkel City
3 points
Acquire the Shield BadgeAcquire the Shield Badge
Defeat Steelhan in the Lauras City Gym to Aquire the Shield Badge
5 points
Shields Up!Shields Up!
Defeat all trainers in Lauras City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 60 Cap] ((Have Space in your inventory))
5 points
Capture Zapdos in the Power Plant
3 points
Science Fair ProjectScience Fair Project
Capture Mewtwo in the Safari Zone
3 points
Return the Translator to the Ranger in Gadow City
3 points
Take Good Care of Pikachu!Take Good Care of Pikachu!
Trade Pikachu for Aron in the Fossil Lab
2 points
The ClawThe Claw
Obtain the Claw Fossil in the Museum
3 points
Take Good Care of Dratini!Take Good Care of Dratini!
Trade Dratini for Bagon in the Dragon Shrine
2 points
Acquire the Spell BadgeAcquire the Spell Badge
Defeat Dante in the Silten City Gym to Aquire the Spell Badge
5 points
Under a SpellUnder a Spell
Defeat all trainers in Silten City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 53 Cap]
5 points
Defeat Steelhan & Obtain the Train Pass
5 points
Lord HelixLord Helix
Obtain the Helix Fossil
3 points
Release the HoundsRelease the Hounds
Awaken the Legendary Beasts from their Slumber
3 points
Chrome DomeChrome Dome
Obtain the Dome Fossil
3 points
Capture Articuno in Wizard's Peak
3 points
Turtle RockTurtle Rock
Solve the riddle to open Turtle Rock's Entrance in the Hotsprings
10 points
Devolve an Eeveelution back to Eevee
5 points
Walk a Mile in my ShoesWalk a Mile in my Shoes
Obtain the Boots from... Leon? Elza?
3 points
Acquire the Beatle BadgeAcquire the Beatle Badge
Defeat Waspia in the Gondwan City Gym to Aquire the Beatle Badge
5 points
Forest MazeForest Maze
Defeat all trainers in Gondwan City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 49 Cap]
5 points
Prototype BallPrototype Ball
Obtain the Prototype Pokeball from Regina in the Pokeball Factory
10 points
PokeGod's Enjoy GrapesPokeGod's Enjoy Grapes
Enter the Secret PokeGod Factory and Obtain the Grape Stone
3 points
Unofficial BeatdownUnofficial Beatdown
Defeat all trainers in Quartz Town (Unofficial) Gym in a Single Run [Set Mode with Level 53 Cap]
5 points
Choose Your FighterChoose Your Fighter
Obtain either Umbreon or Espeon from the Quartz City (Unofficial) Gym
5 points
Full MoonFull Moon
Defeat all trainers in Paceleaf City Gym in a single run * Leaving to reset trainers only allowed* [Set Mode with Level 45 Cap]
5 points
Acquire the Moon BadgeAcquire the Moon Badge
Defeat Slye in the Paceleaf City Gym to Aquire the Moon Badge
5 points
Play That Funky MusicPlay That Funky Music
Obtain the PokeFlute
3 points
Rival Battle IVRival Battle IV
Defeat your Rival in the Spooky Swamp
5 points
Who Needs Flash?Who Needs Flash?
Obtain the Lighter in Wizard's Peak
3 points
Electric FenceElectric Fence
Defeat all trainers in Cherry City Gym in a single run [Set Mode with Level 23 Cap]
5 points
Acquire the Electric BadgeAcquire the Electric Badge
Defeat Ellie in the Cherry City Gym to Aquire the Electric Badge
5 points
Rival Battle IIIRival Battle III
Defeat your Rival in Cherry City
5 points

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