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~Hack~ dlroW oiraM repuS Progress

more about ~Hack~ dlroW oiraM repuS~Hack~ dlroW oiraM repuS
100.0% complete

35 / 35 🏆
379 / 379 points

iconinfoRA score
etuoR tsetrohSetuoR tsetrohS
Clear the fewest stages possible and beat the game
✅ unlocked at 3/11/2024, 2:08:25 AM
10 points
egnellahC namratSegnellahC namratS
Clear the game without dying (one session)
✅ unlocked at 3/11/2024, 2:08:25 AM
25 points
resopsiD reswoBresopsiD reswoB
Beat Bowser and save the princess
✅ unlocked at 3/11/2024, 2:08:25 AM
25 points
!sratS ehT oT!sratS ehT oT
Reach the daoR ratS for the first time
✅ unlocked at 3/11/2024, 2:01:36 AM
5 points
ecalP laicepS s'oiraMecalP laicepS s'oiraM
Get to the challenging enoZ laicepS for the first time
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 3:29:09 AM
5 points
tunoD etalocohCtunoD etalocohC
Walk in a circle on dnalsI etalocohC
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 4:19:54 AM
1 points
rerolpxE eltsaC s'reswoBrerolpxE eltsaC s'reswoB
Complete all 8 numbered rooms in one game session
✅ unlocked at 3/13/2024, 7:51:30 AM
10 points
reswoB gninruBreswoB gninruB
Defeat Bowser while being Fire Mario (Front Door!)
✅ unlocked at 3/13/2024, 7:56:37 AM
10 points
yggI ykcI rof si IyggI ykcI rof si I
Defeat Iggy Koopa of Castle #7
✅ unlocked at 3/13/2024, 7:34:46 AM
5 points
hguonE notroMhguonE notroM
Defeat Morton Koopa Jr. of Castle #6
✅ unlocked at 3/13/2024, 7:17:21 AM
5 points
ylwolS nwoD ymmeLylwolS nwoD ymmeL
Defeat Lemmy Koopa of Castle #5
✅ unlocked at 3/13/2024, 6:44:50 AM
5 points
ynohpmyS tsaL s'giwduLynohpmyS tsaL s'giwduL
Defeat Ludwig von Koopa of Castle #4
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 5:02:06 AM
5 points
de-yortseD yolP s'yoRde-yortseD yolP s'yoR
Defeat Roy Koopa of Castle #3
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 4:35:53 AM
10 points
nwoD erA spihC ydneWnwoD erA spihC ydneW
Defeat Wendy O. Koopa of Castle #2
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 4:12:17 AM
10 points
yriA eht ni yrraLyriA eht ni yrraL
Defeat Larry Koopa of Castle #1
✅ unlocked at 3/11/2024, 1:56:33 AM
5 points
stixE llAstixE llA
100% clear the game
✅ unlocked at 3/15/2024, 6:19:57 AM
50 points
yrenecS fo egnahCyrenecS fo egnahC
Clear the enoZ laicepS and change the seasons in Dinosaur Land
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 3:55:13 AM
25 points
nI skcolB ehT llA gnilliFnI skcolB ehT llA gnilliF
Hit the buttons in all four coloured switch palaces
✅ unlocked at 3/15/2024, 6:19:40 AM
5 points
nosreP atroS laicepSnosreP atroS laicepS
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in enoZ laicepS and daoR ratS in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/15/2024, 6:14:09 AM
25 points
draoH s'nogarD ehTdraoH s'nogarD ehT
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in the reswoB fo yellaV [Including Castle] in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/15/2024, 5:50:22 AM
10 points
deerG teewSdeerG teewS
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in dnalsI etalocohC and pihStsohG in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/15/2024, 5:32:53 AM
10 points
ruednarG fo snoisullIruednarG fo snoisullI
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in the snoisullI fo tseroF [Including Castle and ekaL adoS] in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 8:43:10 AM
10 points
spaG cimonocEspaG cimonocE
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in segdirB niwT in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 8:23:09 AM
10 points
knaB tnaiG A ekiLknaB tnaiG A ekiL
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in emoD allinaV [Including Castle] in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 7:37:55 AM
10 points
tellaW ruoY nI eloH AtellaW ruoY nI eloH A
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in snialP tunoD in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 7:10:25 AM
10 points
ymonocE fo htriBymonocE fo htriB
Collect 5 Dragon Coins in all eligible levels in dnalsI s'ihsoY in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 7:04:54 AM
5 points
avaL si gnihtyrevEavaL si gnihtyrevE
Get to the normal exit of 5-2 without touching any walls, enemies, blue blocks (No Yoshi)
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 5:53:04 AM
10 points
2 lavivruS oiraM iniM2 lavivruS oiraM iniM
Clear at least 25 exits (Switch palaces excluded) while being Small Mario in one session (If you take any Power-up, get on Yoshi or starting a level from checkpoint just exit the current level, Star power-up and dying are fine)
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 4:48:12 AM
25 points
1 lavivruS oiraM iniM1 lavivruS oiraM iniM
Clear at least 10 exits (Switch palaces excluded) while being Small Mario in one session (If you take any Power-up, get on Yoshi or starting a level from checkpoint just exit the current level, Star power-up and dying are fine)
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 4:17:00 AM
10 points
hsiniF muminiMhsiniF muminiM
Cross the finish line at the end of any stage and collect the min 1 star
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 3:23:00 AM
1 points
04 suniM detratS uoY nahT eroM htiW04 suniM detratS uoY nahT eroM htiW
Complete yknuF-LAICEPS with 160 or more on the time clock
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 6:59:26 AM
10 points
stixE lamroN elbuoD esuoH tsohG tunoDstixE lamroN elbuoD esuoH tsohG tunoD
Find both normal exit of esuoH tsohG tunoD in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/13/2024, 7:24:16 AM
2 points
ihsoY deroloC yrevE gnidiRihsoY deroloC yrevE gnidiR
Sit on the 4 colored Yoshi in one session
✅ unlocked at 3/12/2024, 3:23:52 AM
5 points
uoY ediuG tnerruC ehT teLuoY ediuG tnerruC ehT teL
In 4 dnalsI s'ihsoY, starting from before the first floating platform, never look left then pass the Yellow Pipe (Pass the Yellow Pipe, don't enter it, and be careful if you use the cape, you'll look left if you swing with the cape)
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 6:54:00 AM
5 points
dnalsI ylnO tfeL ehTdnalsI ylnO tfeL ehT
Complete 1 dnalsI s'ihsoY without pressing right and with big Mario only without taking damage (No Yoshi and no starting from checkpoint)
✅ unlocked at 3/14/2024, 6:36:08 AM
5 points
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