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Breaker's Progress

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Infinity% complete

3 / 26 🏆
25 / points

iconinfoRA score
Arabian SwordmasterArabian Swordmaster
Beat the game as Maherl [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
French FuryFrench Fury
Beat the game as Pielle [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Karate KingKarate King
Beat the game as Sho [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 1:59:51 AM
10 points
Martial Arts MaestroMartial Arts Maestro
Beat the game as Dao-Long [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Muay Thai ChampMuay Thai Champ
Beat the game as Tia [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Pharaoh's PowerPharaoh's Power
Beat the game as Alsion III [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Savage VictorySavage Victory
Beat the game as Rila [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Wrestling WonderWrestling Wonder
Beat the game as Condor [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Master of the ClockMaster of the Clock
Win both rounds by time out in the same stage
10 points
Ultimate FighterUltimate Fighter
Beat the game using only one credit
25 points
Win a round without taking damage
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 1:34:54 AM
10 points
Complete Round 10 in Survival Mode
25 points
Supreme OverlordSupreme Overlord
Beat the game as Bai-Hu [Default difficulty and number of rounds]
10 points
Super Arabian SwordmasterSuper Arabian Swordmaster
Beat the game as Maherl on the highest difficulty
25 points
Supe French FurySupe French Fury
Beat the game as Pielle on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Karate KingSuper Karate King
Beat the game as Sho on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Martial Arts MaestroSuper Martial Arts Maestro
Beat the game as Dao-Long on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Muay Thai ChampSuper Muay Thai Champ
Beat the game as Tia on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Pharaoh's PowerSuper Pharaoh's Power
Beat the game as Alsion III on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Savage VictorySuper Savage Victory
Beat the game as Rila on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Supreme OverlordSuper Supreme Overlord
Beat the game as Bai-Hu on the highest difficulty
25 points
Super Wrestling WonderSuper Wrestling Wonder
Beat the game as Condor on the highest difficulty
25 points
Basic ScoreBasic Score
Reach 1 million points
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 1:31:11 AM
5 points
Intermediate ScoreIntermediate Score
Reach 5 million points
10 points
Advanced ScoreAdvanced Score
Reach 10 million points
25 points
Secret OptionSecret Option
Enable the extra mode
1 points

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