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Goemon: New Age Shutsudou Progress

more about Goemon: New Age ShutsudouGoemon: New Age Shutsudou
Infinity% complete

14 / 50 🏆
59 / points

iconinfoRA score
Crossing the Edo HighwayCrossing the Edo Highway
Complete the first stage, Edo Highway
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 10:35:39 PM
5 points
Visiting Bay CityVisiting Bay City
Complete your visit to Bay City
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 10:38:27 PM
1 points
Climbing the Edo TowerClimbing the Edo Tower
Complete your climb up the Edo Tower
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 10:43:45 PM
5 points
Combat at the Top of the TowerCombat at the Top of the Tower
Get to the top of the tower and Defeat Hanzo
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 10:58:36 PM
5 points
Overcoming the Hide ImpactOvercoming the Hide Impact
Win the mecha battle against Hanzo
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:06:17 PM
10 points
Diving in Withered Winter Water VeinDiving in Withered Winter Water Vein
Pass through the winter waters with Yui and beat the first stage of the second area (冬枯水脈)
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:15:50 PM
5 points
Going Even DeeperGoing Even Deeper
Dive deep with Yui and complete The Deepest Part of the Water Vein (水脈最深部)
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:19:22 PM
5 points
Tsuchigumo Cave ExplorationTsuchigumo Cave Exploration
Finish your exploration of the cave and complete stage 3 of the second area (土蜘蛛の洞窟)
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:24:12 PM
5 points
Visiting the Ice VillageVisiting the Ice Village
Complete your visit to the Ice Village
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:26:46 PM
1 points
Climbing the Ice TowerClimbing the Ice Tower
Climb the first part of the ice tower
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:41:32 PM
5 points
Combat at the End of the LabyrinthCombat at the End of the Labyrinth
Go through the maze and defeat Benkei
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:54:18 PM
5 points
Flying Over the Valley of the WindFlying Over the Valley of the Wind
Use Sasuke MK2 and Complete the Valley of the Wind (風の谷)
5 points
Visiting IgatownVisiting Igatown
Complete your visit to Igatown
1 points
Explorer of the Hundred Demons CastleExplorer of the Hundred Demons Castle
Enter and complete the first part of the Castle of a Hundred Ghosts (百鬼城)
5 points
Ghost Castle ClimberGhost Castle Climber
Climb and complete the Castle Vertical Passage (城縦通路)
5 points
Battle at the Top of the CastleBattle at the Top of the Castle
Win the battle against Yoshitsune at the top of the castle
5 points
Ending the DarknessEnding the Darkness
Win the battle against Black Impact
10 points
Explorer of the Purple Sky StraitExplorer of the Purple Sky Strait
Cross the Purple Sky Strait and complete the first stage of the fourth area (紫天海峡)
5 points
Spirit PurifierSpirit Purifier
Pass through the Yokai Graveyard and complete the second stage of the fourth area (妖怪墓場)
5 points
Putting an End to Chaos and DestructionPutting an End to Chaos and Destruction
Go to the Other World and win the final battle (異世界)
25 points
Vital UpgradeVital Upgrade
Collect your first health upgrade
3 points
Supreme VitalitySupreme Vitality
Collect all health upgrades
5 points
Muteki no GoemonMuteki no Goemon
Collect the strange energy and become invincible
3 points
Rice SalvationRice Salvation
Be saved from death with an Onigiri
2 points
Protecting Yourself From ProjectilesProtecting Yourself From Projectiles
Resist projectile damage while wearing a helmet
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 10:57:13 PM
2 points
Full ForceFull Force
Get the Holy Water of Strength and get your melee weapon to max level
5 points
One Kiseru ManOne Kiseru Man
Defeat any boss using only Goemon and with the main weapon at level 4 without firing a sub weapon during the stage
3 points
Protecting Yourself From Melee DamageProtecting Yourself From Melee Damage
Resist melee damage while wearing armor
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:27:31 PM
2 points
Sustainable Energy!Sustainable Energy!
Buy the Solar Cell (太陽電池) and get "infinite" energy
5 points
Power Protection!Power Protection!
Buy the Protection Bracelet (守りの腕輪) and have your "strength" protected
5 points
Full Power!Full Power!
Get all possible best upgrades at the same time
10 points
Fun on the Roller CoasterFun on the Roller Coaster
Complete the first secret stage, Oedoland
5 points
The Tengus ForestThe Tengus Forest
Complete the second secret stage, Tengu Forest (天狗の森)
5 points
Treasure Hunt ITreasure Hunt I
Delivered all 4 pieces of the first map and unlock the first secret stage
5 points
Treasure Hunt IITreasure Hunt II
Delivered all 4 pieces of the second map and unlock the second secret stage
5 points
Swift Climb in the Edo TowerSwift Climb in the Edo Tower
Complete the Edo Tower Upper level Time Trial (Tower 上層)
5 points
Quick Tsuchigumo Cave ExplorationQuick Tsuchigumo Cave Exploration
Complete the Tsuchigumo Cave Time Trial (土蜘蛛の洞窟)
5 points
Master of the LabyrinthMaster of the Labyrinth
Complete the Time Trial from the top of the Ice Tower
5 points
Coin Collector in the Valley of the WindCoin Collector in the Valley of the Wind
Complete the Coin Scramble from the Valley of the Wind
5 points
Coin Collector in Purple Sky StraitCoin Collector in Purple Sky Strait
Complete the Coin Scramble from the Purple Sky Strait (紫天海峡)
5 points
Rollercoaster Coin CollectorRollercoaster Coin Collector
Complete the Coin Scramble from the Oedoland
5 points
Perfection Against HanzoPerfection Against Hanzo
Defeat Hanzo without taking damage, without using Level 4 weapons, and without using any defense or aid items
10 points
Perfection Against BenkeiPerfection Against Benkei
Defeat Benkei without taking damage, without using Level 4 weapons, and without using any defense or aid items
10 points
Perfection Against YoshitsunePerfection Against Yoshitsune
Defeat Yoshitsune without taking damage, without using Level 4 weapons, and without using any defense or aid items
10 points
Perfection Against KiyohimePerfection Against Kiyohime
Defeat Kiyohime without taking damage, without using Level 4 weapons, and without using any defense or aid items
10 points
Perfection Against TokitadaPerfection Against Tokitada
Defeat Tokidata without taking damage, without using Level 4 weapons, and without using any defense or aid items
10 points
The Power of ExplosionThe Power of Explosion
Use your special burst attack
✅ unlocked at 2/11/2025, 11:12:13 PM
3 points
Complete any stage without taking damage
10 points
They Didn't Count on My Cleverness!They Didn't Count on My Cleverness!
Defeat any boss using only Ebisu and with the main weapon at level 4 without firing a sub weapon during the stage
3 points
Life Collector in the Tengu ForestLife Collector in the Tengu Forest
Find and collect all lives in the Tengu Forest
5 points

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