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Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge Progress

more about Gekido Advance: Kintaro's RevengeGekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge
Infinity% complete

2 / 17 🏆
6 / points

iconinfoRA score
Rock SolidRock Solid
Defeat the Stone Guardians in 'The Deathtoll Rises'
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 7:18:42 AM
5 points
A Fair One On OneA Fair One On One
Defeat the Stone Guardians in 'The Deathtoll Rises' by killing one first without damaging the other [No continues during boss fight]
10 points
Meeting AgainMeeting Again
Defeat Kintaro in 'The Three Seals'
5 points
Defeat Kintaro in 'The Three Seals' without taking damage [No continues during boss fight]
10 points
Twin BladesTwin Blades
Defeat the Soul Snatchers in 'The Ancient Book'
5 points
Nimble ArtistNimble Artist
Defeat the Soul Snatchers in 'The Ancient Book' without taking damage [No continues during boss fight]
5 points
From Martial Arts To Dark ArtsFrom Martial Arts To Dark Arts
Defeat the Soul Snatchers in 'The Ancient Book' without taking damage and by killing one first without damaging the other [No continues during boss fight]
10 points
Raven RockRaven Rock
Defeat Koji in 'Searching For Koji'
10 points
Defeat Koji in 'Searching For Koji' without taking damage [No continues during boss fight]
10 points
Golden BoyGolden Boy
Defeat Kintaro in 'The Final Battle'
10 points
Defeat Kintaro in 'The Final Battle' without taking damage [No continues during boss fight]
25 points
One Punch WonderOne Punch Wonder
Clear 'The Deathtoll Rises' without using a continue
10 points
Kicking Your Way ThroughKicking Your Way Through
Clear 'The Three Seals' without using a continue
10 points
Demon SlayerDemon Slayer
Clear 'The Ancient Book' without using a continue
10 points
Bird WhispererBird Whisperer
Clear 'Searching For Koji' without using a continue
10 points
Prove Your WorthProve Your Worth
Clear 'The Final Battle' without using a continue
10 points
It's Dangerous To Go Alone, Take This!It's Dangerous To Go Alone, Take This!
Find the Lantern in 'The Deathtoll Rises'
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 6:59:01 AM
1 points

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