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Pokémon Pearl Version Progress

more about Pokémon Pearl VersionPokémon Pearl Version
Infinity% complete

169 / 210 🏆
859 / points

iconinfoRA score
Journey Has StartedJourney Has Started
Officially receive your starter
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:30:47 AM
1 points
Uncharted Parcel ServiceUncharted Parcel Service
Deliver the Parcel to your rival
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:45:36 AM
1 points
Latest TechLatest Tech
Exchange your coupons and receive a Pokétch
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:47:23 AM
1 points
Don't Get Cooked...Don't Get Cooked...
Defeat your rival at Route 203
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:00:52 AM
3 points
Receive HM06, Rock Smash
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:03:09 AM
1 points
Who Deserves More Credit than the Wife of a Coal MinerWho Deserves More Credit than the Wife of a Coal Miner
Earn the Coal Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:21:29 AM
5 points
Seriously? Right in Front of my Pokémon Professor?Seriously? Right in Front of my Pokémon Professor?
Join forces with Rowan's assistant and defeat the grunts annoying them
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:27:49 AM
3 points
Free Like the WindFree Like the Wind
Defeat Mars in the Valley Windworks
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:52:28 AM
3 points
Scary Walk Through the ForestScary Walk Through the Forest
Help Cheryl get through Eterna Forest
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 10:34:59 AM
2 points
Aaaand... Cut!Aaaand... Cut!
Meet Cynthia and receive HM01, Cut
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 10:57:56 AM
1 points
I Speak for the TreesI Speak for the Trees
Earn the Forest Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:08:22 AM
5 points
Building Up EnemiesBuilding Up Enemies
Defeat Jupiter in the Team Galactic Eterna Building
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:11:30 AM
3 points
All About SearchingAll About Searching
Receive the Vs. Seeker and Dowsing Machine from Rowan's assistant
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:37:00 AM
1 points
Stay Off The Hook!Stay Off The Hook!
Defeat your rival in Hearthome City
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 1:07:50 PM
4 points
Do Not Push UphillDo Not Push Uphill
Receive HM04, Strength
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 9:22:22 PM
4 points
Training RequiredTraining Required
Earn the Cobble Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 10:57:35 AM
5 points
Outbully The BullyOutbully The Bully
Help Rowan's assistant recover their Pokédex from the Galactic Grunts
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 11:01:01 AM
3 points
Fen GardenFen Garden
Earn the Fen Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:20:44 PM
5 points
Defeat your rival in Pastoria City
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:22:26 PM
5 points
Go Home, You're DrunkGo Home, You're Drunk
Get a secret remedy for Pokémon headaches from Cynthia
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:24:11 PM
2 points
Slow AdvanceSlow Advance
Receive HM05, Surf
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:54:06 PM
2 points
It Belongs in a Museum!It Belongs in a Museum!
Earn the Relic Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 1:03:02 PM
10 points
Bada Bada Bada Bada BLAMBada Bada Bada Bada BLAM
Beat your rival in Canalave City
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 9:29:21 AM
10 points
What's Yours Is MineWhat's Yours Is Mine
Earn the Mine Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:26:16 AM
10 points
For All the MagikarpFor All the Magikarp
Defeat Saturn in the Valor Cavern
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:48:09 AM
5 points
Playing at HomePlaying at Home
Defeat Mars at Lake Verity
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:51:47 AM
5 points
Faster than SurfingFaster than Surfing
Find HM08, Rock Climb
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 5:33:54 PM
2 points
I See, CleverI See, Clever
Earn the Icicle Badge
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 5:56:21 PM
10 points
Good Guy CyrusGood Guy Cyrus
Defeat Cyrus at Galactic HQ and receive the Master Ball
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 9:44:30 AM
5 points
Fly Free, FriendsFly Free, Friends
Free the Lake Guardians
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 9:46:04 AM
3 points
Bad Guy CyrusBad Guy Cyrus
Defeat Cyrus at the Spear Pillar
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 12:19:55 PM
10 points
Beacon of HopeBeacon of Hope
Earn the Beacon Badge
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:31:18 AM
10 points
Get HM07 Waterfall from Jasmine
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:32:10 AM
2 points
Defeat your rival at the Pokémon League
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 12:20:43 PM
10 points
Epic Piano SoloEpic Piano Solo
Defeat Cynthia, the Champion of Sinnoh
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:02:41 AM
25 points
Chronicles of the Childhood RivalChronicles of the Childhood Rival
Listen to everything your rival has to say on your escapade from Twinleaf Town
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:28:13 AM
1 points
Chronicles of the Big SisterChronicles of the Big Sister
Listen to everything Cheryl has to say
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 10:29:19 AM
1 points
Chronicles of the Lost ChildChronicles of the Lost Child
Listen to everything Mira has to say
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:26:24 AM
1 points
Chronicles of the Cool GuyChronicles of the Cool Guy
Listen to everything Riley has to say
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:05:22 AM
1 points
Space LordSpace Lord
Catch Palkia
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 12:20:38 PM
5 points
Being of WisdomBeing of Wisdom
Catch Uxie
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 2:11:10 PM
5 points
Being of EmotionBeing of Emotion
Catch Mesprit
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 10:25:43 AM
5 points
Being of CourageBeing of Courage
Catch Azelf
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 12:30:29 AM
5 points
Chronicles of the Mysterious MaidenChronicles of the Mysterious Maiden
Listen to everything Marley has to say
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:22:10 AM
1 points
As Seen on TV!As Seen on TV!
Catch Rotom
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:31:34 AM
3 points
Sail to the MoonSail to the Moon
Catch Cresselia
5 points
Chronicles of the Tough BoyChronicles of the Tough Boy
Listen to everything Buck has to say
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 8:02:53 AM
1 points
Looming ShadowLooming Shadow
Catch Giratina
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:42:50 AM
5 points
Eruption IncarnateEruption Incarnate
Catch Heatran
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 10:50:19 AM
5 points
First One Is on the HouseFirst One Is on the House
Receive a Potion sample on Route 201
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:30:21 AM
1 points
Top of the ClassTop of the Class
Defeat both students at the Trainer School and receive TM10, Hidden Power
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:46:10 AM
5 points
Ol' ReliableOl' Reliable
Receive the Old Rod
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:44:38 AM
1 points
Making FriendsMaking Friends
Receive the Pal Pad
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:05:42 AM
1 points
Guaranteed Not to FleeGuaranteed Not to Flee
Trade a Machop for an Abra in Oreburgh City
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:15:08 AM
3 points
Farming SimFarming Sim
Receive the Sprayduck
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:45:00 AM
1 points
Do Not Teach It to SwearDo Not Teach It to Swear
Trade a Buizel for a Chatot in Eterna City
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:01:14 AM
3 points
Twinning with RoarkTwinning with Roark
Receive the Explorer Kit
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 10:39:44 AM
1 points
Love, Care, Lots of StepsLove, Care, Lots of Steps
Receive a Pokémon Egg from a hiker in Hearthome City
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 1:06:04 PM
1 points
Cookie BoxCookie Box
Receive the Poffin Case
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 12:59:30 PM
1 points
It's a Good OneIt's a Good One
Receive the Good Rod
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 1:12:05 PM
2 points
Unseal the StyleUnseal the Style
Receive the Seal Case
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 9:27:01 PM
2 points
Gambling EnabledGambling Enabled
Receive the Coin Case
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 10:33:39 AM
1 points
Mascot from Another TimelineMascot from Another Timeline
Receive an Eevee from Bebe
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:10:34 AM
3 points
The Sky Is the LimitThe Sky Is the Limit
Obtain HM02, Fly
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 11:01:08 AM
2 points
Actual Fetch SidequestActual Fetch Sidequest
Help a woman find the lost key for her suite and receive a reward
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 11:21:20 AM
4 points
Macho BugMacho Bug
Receive the Macho Brace from a Burmy fan in Pastoria City
5 points
Clear SkiesClear Skies
Receive HM05, Defog
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:15:20 PM
2 points
Feel the FuegoFeel the Fuego
Receive a gift from Mr. Fuego in the Fuego Ironworks
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 8:37:51 AM
5 points
Senior Data AnalystSenior Data Analyst
Get your Pokédex upgraded to show the different forms of Pokémon
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 9:23:36 AM
1 points
Pleasant AuraPleasant Aura
Receive a Pokémon Egg from Riley after helping him
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:19:40 AM
5 points
Coat UpCoat Up
Receive a Metal Coat from Byron on Iron Island
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:36:28 AM
2 points
Good SamaritanGood Samaritan
Try to return HM08 to its owner and receive a reward
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 5:37:00 PM
1 points
Frick MindyFrick Mindy
Experience betrayal after trading a Medicham for a Haunter in Snowpoint City
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 12:47:33 AM
2 points
Going NationalGoing National
Obtain the National Mode for your Pokédex
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:05:21 AM
5 points
Not Included in POCNot Included in POC
Receive an Up-Grade from Professor Oak in Eterna City
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:29:23 AM
2 points
Obtain the Diploma for seeing every Pokémon in Sinnoh from the Game Director
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:44:38 AM
5 points
Receive the Super Rod
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:30:28 AM
3 points
Magikarp BenzMagikarp Benz
Trade a Finneon for a foreign Magikarp in Route 226
3 points
I Can See!I Can See!
Receive every type of glasses from the man in Celestic Town's shop
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 4:30:15 AM
3 points
Oh Lawd He SwimminOh Lawd He Swimmin
Break the record with a humongous Remoraid and receive a reward
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 12:53:06 AM
4 points
Small Indie CompanySmall Indie Company
Get every Pokétch app from the independent developer in Sunnyshore City
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 11:43:42 AM
3 points
One for StrengthOne for Strength
Receive a Black Belt from the old man living on Route 221
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 1:50:18 PM
2 points
One for KnowledgeOne for Knowledge
Receive a Expert Belt from the old man living on Route 221
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:09:09 AM
2 points
One for EnduranceOne for Endurance
Receive a Focus Sash from the old man living on Route 221
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 8:40:52 AM
2 points
Certified Feet LoverCertified Feet Lover
Receive a ribbon from Mr. Footstep
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 11:26:32 AM
4 points
"A" for Effort"A" for Effort
Get an Effort Ribbon from a lady in the Sunnyshore Market
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 4:35:44 AM
2 points
Stamp RaceStamp Race
Have Julia award every Weekly Ribbon to a single Pokémon and open their summary
5 points
Dress to ImpressDress to Impress
Get all of the color scarves by showing incredible Pokémon to a certain trainer in Pastoria City
10 points
Complete the first 5 tasks of the Underground Man
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 10:56:33 AM
10 points
Fully GearedFully Geared
Get every obtainable Pokétch app
10 points
Gotta Catch Some of 'emGotta Catch Some of 'em
Register half of the obtainable Pokémon in your Pokédex
25 points
Got to Catch 'em AllGot to Catch 'em All
Register every obtainable Pokémon in your Pokédex
50 points
Style and SubstanceStyle and Substance
Get every obtainable seal
25 points
Skiddo Toilet Fanum TaxSkiddo Toilet Fanum Tax
Learn all of the trendy words
10 points
The Legend of SinnohThe Legend of Sinnoh
Collect all of the type plates scattered across Sinnoh. Plates obtained through digging are not required and do not count
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 11:58:58 AM
10 points
I Wanna Be the Berry BestI Wanna Be the Berry Best
In a single session, plant a berry in every tile of soil
10 points
Do Your Dailies!Do Your Dailies!
In a single day, complete every daily activity
10 points
Wallpaper EngineWallpaper Engine
Obtain every PC box wallpaper
5 points
Elm's Letter AdventureElm's Letter Adventure
See every Unown forms at least once
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 1:26:42 PM
5 points
Your Lucky NumberYour Lucky Number
Win an item in the lottery
5 points
Everyone is Happy with Wi-Fi Connection!Everyone is Happy with Wi-Fi Connection!
Unlock Mystery Gift
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:36:01 AM
1 points
Frickin' Floon FridayFrickin' Floon Friday
Catch a Drifloon
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 8:05:41 AM
3 points
Mother, I Crave ViolenceMother, I Crave Violence
Catch a Gible
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:17:04 AM
2 points
Ugly DucklingUgly Duckling
Catch a Feebas
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 8:26:03 AM
5 points
Sweet VictorySweet Victory
Catch a Munchlax
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 5:33:53 AM
10 points
I Can See the LightI Can See the Light
Help Mira get out of Wayward Cave
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:35:21 AM
3 points
Mulch Me UpMulch Me Up
Recollect a berry you used some mulch on
1 points
Expert HorticulturistExpert Horticulturist
Recollect 15 berries from a single berry plant
10 points
Hey There, BebeHey There, Bebe
Meet the creator of the Pokémon Storage System
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 1:09:04 PM
1 points
Form, Not FunctionForm, Not Function
Restore the Hallowed Tower
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 9:08:45 PM
2 points
Treasure TroveTreasure Trove
Get the treasure from Solaceon Ruins
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 9:30:13 PM
3 points
Research CompletedResearch Completed
Complete the Ruin Maniac Cave tunnel and reach the end
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 1:26:01 PM
10 points
Where Is Carnivine?Where Is Carnivine?
Use the binoculars to check out some Pokémon in the Great Marsh
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:15:54 PM
1 points
In the Great Marsh, throw three mud balls at a Pokémon then catch it without ever using bait
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:11:44 PM
4 points
Three Platter BanquetThree Platter Banquet
In the Great Marsh, throw three bait balls at a Pokémon then catch it without ever using mud
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:11:17 PM
10 points
Beside Itself in AngerBeside Itself in Anger
Throw a perfect mud ball to a Pokémon in the Great Marsh, decreasing only its escape rate
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:13:56 PM
2 points
Busy EatingBusy Eating
Throw a perfect bait ball to a Pokémon in the Great Marsh, increasing only its catch rate
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:09:42 PM
4 points
Paint Me Like One of Your Kalosian GirlsPaint Me Like One of Your Kalosian Girls
Dress up a Pokémon in the Jubilife TV dressing room
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:36:40 AM
2 points
I Go Out to Work on Monday MorningI Go Out to Work on Monday Morning
On Monday, defeat Reporter Kinsley in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 8:53:04 AM
1 points
Tuesday, I Go Off to HoneymoonTuesday, I Go Off to Honeymoon
On Tuesday, defeat Cameraman Tevin in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:28:28 AM
1 points
Bicycling on Every Wednesday EveningBicycling on Every Wednesday Evening
On Wednesday, defeat Clown Lee in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:50:11 AM
1 points
Thursday, I Go Waltzing to the ZooThursday, I Go Waltzing to the Zoo
On Thursday, defeat Interviewers Roxy & Oli in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 11:02:10 AM
1 points
Fridays, I Go Painting in the LouvreFridays, I Go Painting in the Louvre
On Friday, defeat Poké Kid Ariel in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 9:55:57 AM
1 points
I'm Bound to Be Proposing on a Saturday NightI'm Bound to Be Proposing on a Saturday Night
On Saturday, defeat Guitarist Arturo in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 9:31:23 AM
1 points
Lazing on a Sunday AfternoonLazing on a Sunday Afternoon
On Sunday, defeat Idol Grace in the Jubilife TV building
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 8:14:18 AM
1 points
Draconic ApocalypseDraconic Apocalypse
Have a Pokémon learn Draco Meteor from Grandma Wilma
5 points
History LessonHistory Lesson
Be shown a picture of the other ancient being that created Sinnoh by Cynthia's grandma
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 12:25:02 PM
1 points
F Is for FrenF Is for Fren
Get a gift from your Pokémon at Amity Square
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 1:10:40 PM
2 points
It's WarmIt's Warm
Learn about the current swarm from Rowan's assistant's little sister
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:06:44 AM
1 points
... Thanks... Thanks
Help Marley get through the Victory Road
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:35:03 AM
5 points
Big if TrueBig if True
Learn about an unusual Pokémon visiting the Trophy Garden
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 5:14:03 AM
2 points
Blessing of the Moon LightBlessing of the Moon Light
Cure the son of Sailor Eldritch with the Lunar Wing
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:33:31 AM
1 points
Gifts of the PillarsGifts of the Pillars
Get a Stardust, a Rare Bone and a Reaper Cloth from Turnback Cave in the same session
10 points
Rocks in the BucketRocks in the Bucket
Help Buck get through Stark Mountain
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 8:37:38 AM
5 points
Cool, Cooler, CoolestCool, Cooler, Coolest
Win a Cool Master Rank Super Contest
10 points
Beauty Is in the Eye of the BeholderBeauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Win a Beauty Master Rank Super Contest
10 points
Cute as a ButtonCute as a Button
Win a Cute Master Rank Super Contest
10 points
As a Smart Man Once Said...As a Smart Man Once Said...
Win a Smart Master Rank Super Contest
10 points
As Tough as Old BootsAs Tough as Old Boots
Win a Tough Master Rank Super Contest
10 points
Better Call LuigiBetter Call Luigi
In a single visit, witness all of the unnatural happenings in the Old Chateau
5 points
Ultimate MoveUltimate Move
Have a Pokémon learn an ultimate move from an old man in Route 228
5 points
Barge in the BurgeoisieBarge in the Burgeoisie
Become a member of the Ribbon Society
5 points
Y'all Know What Time It Is!Y'all Know What Time It Is!
Defeat your rival at the Fight Area
10 points
Master of LooksMaster of Looks
Obtain 12 hearts in a Master Rank Super Contest visual stage
10 points
Master of GrooveMaster of Groove
Beat the dance stage of a Master Rank Super Contest with the maximum points possible
25 points
Master of PerformanceMaster of Performance
Obtain at least 20 hearts in the acting stage of a Master Rank Super Contest
10 points
Hold On, Let 'em CookHold On, Let 'em Cook
Cook a Poffin without spillages or burns in less than 40 seconds
10 points
Experience on a Silver PlatterExperience on a Silver Platter
Defeat every trainer visiting the Restaurant Seven Stars on any given day
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 5:48:30 AM
5 points
Gym Skirmish: OreburghGym Skirmish: Oreburgh
Defeat every trainer in the Oreburgh Gym
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:20:51 AM
3 points
Grunt Brush: Valley WindworksGrunt Brush: Valley Windworks
Defeat every grunt in the Valley Windworks
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:51:50 AM
3 points
Grunt Brush: Eterna BuildingGrunt Brush: Eterna Building
Defeat every trainer in the Team Galactic Eterna Building
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:10:57 AM
5 points
Gym Skirmish: VeilstoneGym Skirmish: Veilstone
Defeat every trainer in the Veilstone Gym
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 10:55:23 AM
3 points
Gym Skirmish: PastoriaGym Skirmish: Pastoria
Defeat every trainer in the Pastoria Gym
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 12:19:36 PM
5 points
Gym Skirmish: HearthomeGym Skirmish: Hearthome
Defeat every trainer in the Hearthome Gym
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 1:01:24 PM
5 points
Gym Skirmish: CanalaveGym Skirmish: Canalave
Defeat every trainer in the Canalave Gym
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:25:09 AM
5 points
Grunt Brush: Lake ValorGrunt Brush: Lake Valor
Defeat every grunt and get the hidden item in the dried-up Lake Valor
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:47:07 AM
3 points
Grunt Brush: Lake VerityGrunt Brush: Lake Verity
Defeat every grunt at Lake Verity
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:51:06 AM
3 points
Gym Skirmish: SnowpointGym Skirmish: Snowpoint
Defeat every trainer in the Snowpoint Gym
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 5:49:42 PM
5 points
Grunt Brush: Galactic HQGrunt Brush: Galactic HQ
Defeat every grunt in the Galactic Warehouse and Galactic HQ
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 9:42:49 AM
5 points
Grunt Brush: Mt. CoronetGrunt Brush: Mt. Coronet
Defeat every grunt in Mt. Coronet
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 11:58:41 AM
5 points
Gym Skirmish: SunnyshoreGym Skirmish: Sunnyshore
Defeat every trainer in the Sunnyshore Gym
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:27:49 AM
5 points
Battle Zone - TreasuresBattle Zone - Treasures
Get every grounded item in the Battle Zone
25 points
Battle Zone - TrainersBattle Zone - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in the Battle Zone
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 11:17:23 AM
25 points
Battle Zone - SecretsBattle Zone - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in the Battle Zone
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 11:16:36 AM
25 points
Brave Beginnings - TreasuresBrave Beginnings - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Twinleaf Town, Route 201, Verity Lakefront, Lake Verity, Sandgem Town and Route 202
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:52:19 AM
3 points
Brave Beginnings - TrainersBrave Beginnings - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Twinleaf Town, Route 201, Verity Lakefront, Lake Verity, Sandgem Town and Route 202
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 9:38:19 AM
3 points
Brave Beginnings - SecretsBrave Beginnings - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Twinleaf Town, Route 201, Verity Lakefront, Lake Verity, Sandgem Town and Route 202
3 points
Flower Industries - TreasuresFlower Industries - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Floaroma Town, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks and Fuego Ironworks
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 8:39:13 AM
5 points
Flower Industries - TrainersFlower Industries - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Floaroma Town, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks and Fuego Ironworks
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 8:36:36 AM
5 points
Flower Industries - SecretsFlower Industries - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Floaroma Town, Floaroma Meadow, Route 205, Valley Windworks and Fuego Ironworks
10 points
Last Stretch - TreasuresLast Stretch - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Victory Road, Route 224 and Pokémon League
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:27:09 AM
10 points
Last Stretch - TrainersLast Stretch - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Victory Road, Route 224 and Pokémon League
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:28:24 AM
25 points
Last Stretch - SecretsLast Stretch - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Victory Road, Route 224 and Pokémon League
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:25:44 AM
10 points
Metropolis and Countryside - TreasuresMetropolis and Countryside - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Hearthome City, Amity Square, Route 209, Lost Tower, Solaceon Town and Solaceon Ruins
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:12:11 PM
10 points
Metropolis and Countryside - TrainersMetropolis and Countryside - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Hearthome City, Amity Square, Route 209, Lost Tower, Solaceon Town and Solaceon Ruins
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:04:04 PM
10 points
Metropolis and Countryside - SecretsMetropolis and Countryside - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Hearthome City, Amity Square, Route 209, Lost Tower, Solaceon Town and Solaceon Ruins
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 9:22:54 AM
5 points
Mountain Outskirts - TreasuresMountain Outskirts - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Route 207, Route 208 and Route 211
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:09:31 PM
5 points
Mountain Outskirts - TrainersMountain Outskirts - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Route 207, Route 208 and Route 211
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:09:48 PM
10 points
Mountain Outskirts - SecretsMountain Outskirts - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Route 207, Route 208 and Route 211
5 points
Old and New - TreasuresOld and New - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Eterna Forest, Old Chateau, Eterna City, Route 206 and Wayward Cave
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 9:07:45 AM
10 points
Old and New - TrainersOld and New - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Eterna Forest, Old Chateau, Eterna City, Route 206 and Wayward Cave
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:34:38 AM
10 points
Old and New - SecretsOld and New - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Eterna Forest, Old Chateau, Eterna City, Route 206 and Wayward Cave
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 9:00:29 AM
10 points
Rock and Roll - TreasuresRock and Roll - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Jubilife City, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh City, Oreburgh Mine, Route 204 and Ravaged Path
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 11:08:53 AM
10 points
Rock and Roll - TrainersRock and Roll - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Jubilife City, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh City, Oreburgh Mine, Route 204 and Ravaged Path
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 8:00:47 AM
10 points
Rock and Roll - SecretsRock and Roll - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Jubilife City, Route 203, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh City, Oreburgh Mine, Route 204 and Ravaged Path
5 points
Snowy Lands - TreasuresSnowy Lands - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity and Snowpoint City
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:47:50 AM
5 points
Snowy Lands - TrainersSnowy Lands - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity and Snowpoint City
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:04:00 PM
10 points
Snowy Lands - SecretsSnowy Lands - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity and Snowpoint City
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:47:09 AM
10 points
Sunny Shores - TreasuresSunny Shores - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Route 222, Sunnyshore City and Route 223
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:43:59 AM
5 points
Sunny Shores - TrainersSunny Shores - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Route 222, Sunnyshore City and Route 223
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 9:30:03 AM
10 points
Sunny Shores - SecretsSunny Shores - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Route 222, Sunnyshore City and Route 223
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:40:05 AM
5 points
The Great Mount - TreasuresThe Great Mount - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Mt. Coronet
✅ unlocked at 3/1/2025, 12:24:15 PM
10 points
The Great Mount - SecretsThe Great Mount - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Mt. Coronet
25 points
The Wet South - TreasuresThe Wet South - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Route 213, Pastoria City, Great Marsh, Route 212 and Pokémon Mansion
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 11:56:55 AM
10 points
The Wet South - TrainersThe Wet South - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Route 213, Pastoria City, Great Marsh, Route 212 and Pokémon Mansion
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 9:21:41 AM
10 points
The Wet South - SecretsThe Wet South - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Route 213, Pastoria City, Great Marsh, Route 212 and Pokémon Mansion
25 points
Through Fog and Rain - TreasuresThrough Fog and Rain - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Route 210, Route 215 and Celestic Town
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:34:34 AM
5 points
Through Fog and Rain - TrainersThrough Fog and Rain - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Route 210, Route 215 and Celestic Town
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:07:33 PM
25 points
Through Fog and Rain - SecretsThrough Fog and Rain - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Route 210, Route 215 and Celestic Town
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 11:34:16 AM
10 points
Veilstone Vertical - TreasuresVeilstone Vertical - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Veilstone City, Route 214, Valor Lakefront and Lake Valor
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 12:27:58 AM
10 points
Veilstone Vertical - TrainersVeilstone Vertical - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Veilstone City, Route 214, Valor Lakefront and Lake Valor
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 8:15:16 AM
5 points
Veilstone Vertical - SecretsVeilstone Vertical - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Veilstone City, Route 214, Valor Lakefront and Lake Valor
10 points
Waters Ahead - TreasuresWaters Ahead - Treasures
Get every grounded item in Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 219, Route 220 and Route 221
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:20:09 AM
10 points
Waters Ahead - TrainersWaters Ahead - Trainers
Defeat every trainer in Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 219, Route 220 and Route 221
✅ unlocked at 2/28/2025, 10:18:37 AM
25 points
Waters Ahead - SecretsWaters Ahead - Secrets
Get every hidden item and gift in Route 218, Canalave City, Iron Island, Route 219, Route 220 and Route 221
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 7:36:29 AM
10 points
Caring About SharingCaring About Sharing
Receive the Exp. Share from Rowan's assistant at the Eterna City south gate
✅ unlocked at 2/19/2025, 11:15:30 AM
2 points
Extra! Extra!Extra! Extra!
Complete an assignment for the Sinnoh News in Solaceon Town
✅ unlocked at 2/20/2025, 11:15:27 AM
5 points
I Can See My House from Here!I Can See My House from Here!
Register your location in Jubilife City's Global Trade Station
✅ unlocked at 2/18/2025, 10:29:01 AM
1 points
Fest ZestFest Zest
Reach a streak of 20 victories in the Battle Tower Single Battle Room, and defeat Palmer
10 points
Party OverParty Over
Reach a streak of 48 victories in the Battle Tower Single Battle Room, and defeat Palmer again
25 points

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