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Hexen Progress

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2.3% complete

7 / 66 🏆
11 / 478 points

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Test the FighterTest the Fighter
Enter the Seven Portals level with the Fighter
✅ unlocked at 3/2/2025, 9:11:06 AM
1 points
Test the ClericTest the Cleric
Enter the Seven Portals level with the Cleric
✅ unlocked at 8/1/2022, 2:03:41 AM
1 points
Test the MageTest the Mage
Enter the Seven Portals level with the Mage
1 points
Guardian of IceGuardian of Ice
Enter the Guardian of Ice
✅ unlocked at 8/1/2022, 2:12:19 AM
1 points
Skilled Guardian of IceSkilled Guardian of Ice
Enter the Guardian of Ice on the middle or higher difficulty
1 points
A New WeaponA New Weapon
Receive your second weapon
✅ unlocked at 8/1/2022, 2:09:02 AM
1 points
Guardian of FireGuardian of Fire
Enter the Guardian of Fire
✅ unlocked at 8/1/2022, 4:49:34 AM
1 points
Skilled Guardian of FireSkilled Guardian of Fire
Enter the Guardian of Fire on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Guardian of SteelGuardian of Steel
Enter the Guardian of Steel
✅ unlocked at 8/1/2022, 2:15:23 AM
1 points
Skilled Guardian of SteelSkilled Guardian of Steel
Enter the Guardian of Steel on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Bright CrucibleBright Crucible
Enter the Bright Crucible
5 points
Skilled Bright CrucibleSkilled Bright Crucible
Enter the Bright Crucible on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Shadow WoodShadow Wood
Enter the second hub Shadow Wood
✅ unlocked at 8/1/2022, 6:05:10 AM
5 points
Skilled Shadow WoodSkilled Shadow Wood
Enter Shadow Wood on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter the Wastelands
5 points
Skilled WastelandsSkilled Wastelands
Enter Wastelands on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter Darkmere
5 points
Skilled DarkmereSkilled Darkmere
Enter Darkmere on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Caves of CirceCaves of Circe
Enter the Caves of Circe
5 points
Skilled Caves of CirceSkilled Caves of Circe
Enter Caves of Circe on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Sacred GroveSacred Grove
Enter the Sacred Grove
5 points
Skilled Sacred GroveSkilled Sacred Grove
Enter Sacred Grove on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter Hypostyle
5 points
Skilled HypostyleSkilled Hypostyle
Enter Hypostyle on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter the Seminary
5 points
Skilled SeminarySkilled Seminary
Enter the Seminary on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Another new weaponAnother new weapon
Receive your third weapon
5 points
Now I am slaying with powerNow I am slaying with power
Assemble your final weapon
5 points
Orchard of LamentationsOrchard of Lamentations
Enter the Orchard of Lamentations
5 points
Skilled Orchard of LamentationsSkilled Orchard of Lamentations
Enter the Orchard of Lamentations on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Silent RefectorySilent Refectory
Enter the Silent Refectory
5 points
Skilled Silent RefectorySkilled Silent Refectory
Enter the Silent Refectory on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Wolf ChapelWolf Chapel
Enter the Wolf Chapel
5 points
Skilled Wolf ChapelSkilled Wolf Chapel
Enter the Wolf Chapel on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Dragon ChapelDragon Chapel
Enter the Dragon Chapel
5 points
Skilled Dragon ChapelSkilled Dragon Chapel
Enter the Dragon Chapel on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Griffin ChapelGriffin Chapel
Enter the Griffin Chapel
5 points
Skilled Griffin ChapelSkilled Griffin Chapel
Enter the Griffin Chapel on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Deathwind ChapelDeathwind Chapel
Enter the Deathwind Chapel
5 points
Skilled Deathwind ChapelSkilled Deathwind Chapel
Enter the Deathwind Chapel on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Castle of GriefCastle of Grief
Enter the Castle of Grief
5 points
Skilled Castle of GriefSkilled Castle of Grief
Enter the Castle of Grief on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter the Gibbet
5 points
Skilled GibbetSkilled Gibbet
Enter the Gibbet on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter Effluvium
5 points
Skilled EffluviumSkilled Effluvium
Enter Effluvium on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter the Dungeons
5 points
Skilled DungeonsSkilled Dungeons
Enter the Dungeons on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Forsaken OutpostForsaken Outpost
Enter the Forsaken Outpost
5 points
Skilled Forsaken OutpostSkilled Forsaken Outpost
Enter the Forsaken Outpost on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Desolate GardenDesolate Garden
Enter the Desolate Garden
5 points
Skilled Desolate GardenSkilled Desolate Garden
Enter the Desolate Garden on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter Necropolis
5 points
Skilled NecropolisSkilled Necropolis
Enter Necropolis on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Enter the Vivarium prior to the tombs
5 points
Skilled VivariumSkilled Vivarium
Enter the Vivarium on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Memento Mori ZedekMemento Mori Zedek
Enter the tomb of Zedek
5 points
Morituri te salutant ZedekMorituri te salutant Zedek
Enter the tomb of Zedek on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Memento Mori MenelkirMemento Mori Menelkir
Enter the tomb of Menelkir
5 points
Morituri te salutant MenelkirMorituri te salutant Menelkir
Enter the tomb of Menelkir on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
Memento Mori TraductusMemento Mori Traductus
Enter the tomb of Traductus
5 points
Morituri te salutant TraductusMorituri te salutant Traductus
Enter the tomb of Traductus on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
The final battleThe final battle
Enter the Dark Crucible
5 points
The end of the slaughterThe end of the slaughter
Enter the Dark Crucible on the middle or higher difficulty
10 points
The winner takes it allThe winner takes it all
Defeat Korax and enter the final portal
25 points
The loser has to fallThe loser has to fall
Defeat Korax and enter the final portal on middle or higher difficulty
25 points

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