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~Hack~ Pokemon Unova Red Progress

more about ~Hack~ Pokemon Unova Red~Hack~ Pokemon Unova Red
34.8% complete

22 / 45 πŸ†
118 / 339 points

iconinfoRA score
My Best FriendMy Best Friend
Choose your first starter Pokemon
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 6:58:37 AM
1 points
A Small Pebble in the WayA Small Pebble in the Way
Defeat all normal trainers inside Pewter Gym without leaving the gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 7:31:42 AM
1 points
Hard RockHard Rock
Defeat Brock at Pewter Gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 7:34:33 AM
5 points
Harder BrockHarder Brock
Defeat Brock at Pewter Gym (Lv 14 cap and Set Mode) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 7:34:33 AM
5 points
The Cilan, Chili, Cress Trio's ChallengeThe Cilan, Chili, Cress Trio's Challenge
Defeat Brock at Pewter Gym (Lv 14 cap and Set Mode) using only a Lillipup and the monkey strong against your starter (Pansear/Pansage/Panpour) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 7:34:32 AM
10 points
Careful the Floor is WetCareful the Floor is Wet
Defeat all normal trainers inside Cerulean Gym without leaving the gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 8:11:57 AM
2 points
Splash ZoneSplash Zone
Defeat Misty at Cerulean Gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 8:14:28 AM
5 points
Swimming LessonSwimming Lesson
Defeat Misty at Cerulean Gym (Lv 21 cap and Set Mode) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 8:14:27 AM
5 points
Lenora's ChallengeLenora's Challenge
Defeat Misty at Cerulean Gym (Lv 21 cap and Set Mode) using up to 2 Pokemon among Herdier and Watchog (no duplicate) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/28/2022, 8:14:27 AM
10 points
I Miss the Roller CoasterI Miss the Roller Coaster
Defeat all normal trainers inside Vermilion Gym without leaving the gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 2:18:10 AM
3 points
Defeat Lt. Surge at Vermilion Gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 2:21:38 AM
5 points
The Doors are HarderThe Doors are Harder
Defeat Lt. Surge at Vermilion Gym (Lv 24 cap and Set Mode) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 2:21:38 AM
5 points
Burgh's ChallengeBurgh's Challenge
Defeat Lt. Surge at Vermilion Gym (Lv 24 cap and Set Mode) using up to 3 Pokemon among Whirlipede, Swadloon and Dwebble (no duplicate) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 2/21/2025, 11:49:06 AM
10 points
Now My Rival Will Learn How It FeelsNow My Rival Will Learn How It Feels
Get your 2nd Starter Pokemon
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 2:22:14 AM
1 points
Feels Like I'm Being WatchedFeels Like I'm Being Watched
Defeat all normal trainers inside Celadon Gym without leaving the gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 8:33:27 AM
5 points
The Prettiest Flower...The Prettiest Flower...
Defeat Erika at Celadon Gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 8:38:35 AM
5 points
...With the Sharpest Thorns...With the Sharpest Thorns
Defeat Erika at Celadon Gym (Lv 29 cap and Set Mode) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 8:38:35 AM
5 points
Elesa's ChallengeElesa's Challenge
Defeat Erika at Celadion Gym (Lv 29 cap and Set Mode) using up to 2 Pokemon among Joltik and Zebstrika (no duplicate) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/29/2022, 8:38:35 AM
10 points
This Was Somewhat PredictableThis Was Somewhat Predictable
Pick the Fighting type at the Fighting Dojo
5 points
This is a Weird GymThis is a Weird Gym
Defeat all normal trainers inside Fuchsia Gym without leaving the gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/30/2022, 3:07:09 AM
5 points
Not a Really Good NinjaNot a Really Good Ninja
Defeat Koga at Fuchsia Gym
βœ… unlocked at 6/30/2022, 3:16:55 AM
5 points
It's To Hide In The Walls, Not Hide The WallsIt's To Hide In The Walls, Not Hide The Walls
Defeat Koga at Fuchsia Gym (Lv 44 cap and Set Mode) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/30/2022, 3:16:55 AM
5 points
Clay's ChallengeClay's Challenge
Defeat Koga at Fuchsia Gym (Lv 44 cap and Set Mode) using up to 3 Pokemon among Krookodile, Seismitoad and Excadrill (no duplicate) without using items
βœ… unlocked at 6/30/2022, 3:16:55 AM
10 points
Now For a Rival Mirror MatchNow For a Rival Mirror Match
Get your 3rd Starter Pokemon
1 points
I Think I've Seen That Guy at Least 3 TimesI Think I've Seen That Guy at Least 3 Times
Defeat all normal trainers inside Saffron Gym without leaving the gym
5 points
For a Psychic She Makes Bad PredictionsFor a Psychic She Makes Bad Predictions
Defeat Sabrina at Saffron Gym
5 points
Lower Level For Some ReasonLower Level For Some Reason
Defeat Sabrina at Saffron Gym (Lv 43 cap and Set Mode) without using items
5 points
Skyla's ChallengeSkyla's Challenge
Defeat Sabrina at Saffron Gym (Lv 43 cap and Set Mode) using up to 3 Pokemon among Swoobat, Unfezant and Swanna (no duplicate) without using items
10 points
There is a Quiz?There is a Quiz?
Defeat all normal trainers inside Cinnabar Gym without leaving the gym
5 points
Volcano Gym, Wonder What Type It IsVolcano Gym, Wonder What Type It Is
Defeat Blaine at Cinnabar Gym
5 points
Thank Arceus the Walls Aren't LeakingThank Arceus the Walls Aren't Leaking
Defeat Blaine at Cinnabar Gym (Lv 47 cap and Set Mode) without using items
5 points
Brycen's ChallengeBrycen's Challenge
Defeat Blaine at Cinnabar Gym (Lv 47 cap and Set Mode) using up to 3 Pokemon among Cryogonal, Vaniluxe and Beartic (no duplicate) without using items
10 points
Could've Been a Team Rocket Themed GymCould've Been a Team Rocket Themed Gym
Defeat all normal trainers inside Viridian Gym without leaving the gym
5 points
Obviously A Honest Gym LeaderObviously A Honest Gym Leader
Defeat Giovani at Viridian Gym
5 points
Guess Even Crime Lords Need a Honest Job SometimesGuess Even Crime Lords Need a Honest Job Sometimes
Defeat Giovani at Viridian Gym (Lv 50 cap and Set Mode) without using items
5 points
Drayden's ChallengeDrayden's Challenge
Defeat Giovani at Viridian Gym (Lv 50 cap and Set Mode) using up to 3 Pokemon among Fraxure, Druddigon and Haxorus (no duplicate) without using items
10 points
2 Champions on the Same Day2 Champions on the Same Day
Defeat the Elite 4 and the Champion
10 points
No Evil Team Take Over?No Evil Team Take Over?
Defeat the Elite 4 and the Champion in one session (Lv 65 Cap and Set Mode) without using items in battle
10 points
Cheren's ChallengeCheren's Challenge
Defeat the Elite 4 and the Champion in one session (Lv 65 Cap and Set Mode) using a team consisting of Unfezant, Liepard, Gigalith, Haxorus, the same starter as your rival and the Simi of the type of your starter (no items in battle)
25 points
Legendary MusketeersLegendary Musketeers
Catch Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion
5 points
Kami TrioKami Trio
Catch Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus
5 points
The Legendary DragonThe Legendary Dragon
Catch Reshiram, Zekron and Kyuren
5 points
Wonder Trade Got Nothing On MeWonder Trade Got Nothing On Me
Get Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect and Victini
5 points
A Wonderful World to ExploreA Wonderful World to Explore
Get all overworld itens
25 points
Gotta Catch'em AllGotta Catch'em All
Catch all 156 Pokemon
50 points

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