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Whomp 'Em Progress

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6.2% complete

3 / 32 🏆
35 / 565 points

iconinfoRA score
Sacred WoodsSacred Woods
Beat the Sacred Woods
10 points
Fire TestFire Test
Beat the Fire Test
25 points
Ice RitualIce Ritual
Beat the Ice Ritual
25 points
Secret CliffSecret Cliff
Beat the Secret Cliff
25 points
Magic ForestMagic Forest
Beat the Magic Forest
âś… unlocked at 2/20/2025, 8:54:25 PM
25 points
Water TestWater Test
Beat the Water Test
25 points
Final TestFinal Test
Beat the Final Test
50 points
Beginning TreasuresBeginning Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Beginning Test
5 points
Strong PreludeStrong Prelude
Complete the Beginning Test without getting hit
10 points
Beginning TestBeginning Test
Complete the Beginning Test
âś… unlocked at 2/20/2025, 8:43:19 PM
5 points
Fire TreasuresFire Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Fire Test
5 points
Playing With FirePlaying With Fire
Complete the Ladder Passage in the Fire Test without getting hit and not using the Deerskin Shirt item
10 points
I Think My D-Pad Is StuckI Think My D-Pad Is Stuck
Beat the Fire Guardian without the Arrowhead item and only using downward strikes
25 points
This Is My Forest NowThis Is My Forest Now
Beat the Forest Guardian without the Arrowhead item, using only the upper wooden planks without getting hit
25 points
Complete the Spider Passage in Sacred Woods without getting hit and not using the Deerskin Shirt item
10 points
Sacred TreasuresSacred Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Sacred Woods
5 points
Beat the Secret Guardian without the Arrowhead item and deal damage only when it has its sphere form
25 points
Bomby MoodBomby Mood
Complete the Bomb Passage in Secret Cliffs without getting hit and not using the Deerskin Shirt item
10 points
Cliff TreasuresCliff Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Secret Cliff
5 points
Beat the Magic Guardian without using the Fire Wand or the Arrowhead item, and without having a potion stolen from you [One potion must remain after the battle]
25 points
Poison SoupPoison Soup
Complete the Poison Passage in the Magic Forest without getting hit and without using the Deerskin Shirt item
10 points
Magic TreasuresMagic Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Magic Forest
âś… unlocked at 2/20/2025, 8:53:32 PM
5 points
Frog LegsFrog Legs
Beat the Water Guardian without having any items or power ups [no Arrowhead - Helmet - Spear Extension - Magic Potion]
25 points
Don’t Get Wet FeetDon’t Get Wet Feet
Complete the Slippery Passage in the Water Test without getting hit and not using the Deerskin Shirt item
10 points
Water TreasuresWater Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Water Test
5 points
Defeat the Ice Guardian without using the Fire Wand or the Arrowhead item, and without having a potion stolen from you [One potion must remain after the battle]
25 points
Bottomless PitBottomless Pit
Complete the Shaft in the Ice Test without getting hit and not using the Deerskin shirt item
10 points
Ice TreasuresIce Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Ice Test
5 points
The More Hearts You Have, the Easier It Gets, Right?The More Hearts You Have, the Easier It Gets, Right?
Beat the Final Guardian with all 12 hearts obtained
50 points
Beat the Final Guardian using only the Dart Totem [Downward and upward strikes are allowed]
50 points
Final TreasuresFinal Treasures
Reveal all hidden items in the Final Test
10 points
One More StepOne More Step
Complete the last passage before the Final Guardian without getting hit and not using the Deerskin shirt item
10 points

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