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Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure Progress

more about Rhapsody: A Musical AdventureRhapsody: A Musical Adventure
100.0% complete

163 / 163 🏆
1425 / 1425 points

iconinfoRA score
In Search Of My SisterIn Search Of My Sister
Recruit Sharte.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:06:49 AM
3 points
Eeeeeeeeewwww!!! TOADS!!!Eeeeeeeeewwww!!! TOADS!!!
Defeat Toads in Wonder Woods without partners. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:16:14 AM
10 points
Punishment, Meow! Punishment, Meow!Punishment, Meow! Punishment, Meow!
Defeat Nyanko, Nyanchi and Nyanki in Wonder Woods without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:25:33 AM
10 points
Pictures Of My Dreams Come True Pictures Of My Dreams Come True
Find Red Inotium, meet Prince Ferdinand and return home.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:26:38 AM
5 points
I'm Like Totally Ready To Kick Some Butt!I'm Like Totally Ready To Kick Some Butt!
Recruit Kid.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:33:45 AM
5 points
Friends And RivalsFriends And Rivals
Meet Etoile Rosenqueen in Mother Green.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:33:11 AM
5 points
I Will Do My Best To Protect You!I Will Do My Best To Protect You!
Recruit Tell.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:49:34 AM
5 points
Bobofish NoodlingBobofish Noodling
Defeat Bobos in Wonder Woods in 3 turns or less and without using horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:44:32 AM
10 points
I'm Starting To Hate Cats...I'm Starting To Hate Cats...
Defeat Myao's Cats in Natalie River without letting any of them hurt Cornet and without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:47:27 AM
10 points
La La La... I Love Cooking For You... My Prince...La La La... I Love Cooking For You... My Prince...
Prepare Prince Ferdinand's favorite dish.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:51:25 AM
5 points
You Should Warn Me Before Doing Such Stupid Things, Kururu!You Should Warn Me Before Doing Such Stupid Things, Kururu!
Defeat Bone Boy and the Jelly Bomb duo in Ancient Ruins without having more than one partner in battle, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:53:58 AM
10 points
Out Of ServiceOut Of Service
Defeat Bone Boy trio in Marl's Castle without using consumables, magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:55:43 AM
10 points
Get Away From Me, You Pervert!Get Away From Me, You Pervert!
Escape the pervert's clutches in the men's room at Marl's Castle.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:55:49 AM
5 points
The Ferdinand's ArmyThe Ferdinand's Army
Join the Prince Ferdinand fan club.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:34:17 AM
5 points
We Can't Be ConspicuousWe Can't Be Conspicuous
See your wanted poster on the Orange Village sign after Gonzolo spoils your plans to meet the prince.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:57:03 AM
5 points
Kids Combo!Kids Combo!
Win all 3 Burg's Rest upper entrance battles without partners, rewards, accessories equipped or leaving the Restaurant. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 11:06:42 AM
10 points
Win all 3 Burg's Rest middle entrance battles without using consumables during and between fights, rewards, KOs or leaving the Restaurant. (Partners limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 11:11:02 AM
10 points
Learn EatersLearn Eaters
Win all 3 Burg's Rest lower entrance battles without using magics during and between fights, horn, rewards, KOs or leaving the Restaurant. (Partners limit = 2 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 11:14:10 AM
10 points
Steam Them Lightly, And... Tenderize Them With A Mallet!Steam Them Lightly, And... Tenderize Them With A Mallet!
Defeat Burg and the Nyanko duo in Burg's Rest without letting any of them hurt Cornet and without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 11:16:50 AM
10 points
Back On Stage!Back On Stage!
Recruit L-Kun.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 11:17:44 AM
5 points
Marl Fashion DayMarl Fashion Day
Complete the first round of the Miss Marl's Kingdom Beauty Contest.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:30:03 AM
5 points
The Ogre Of Orange!The Ogre Of Orange!
Defeat Olivia and the Bee duo in Marl's Castle without partners or rewards. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:33:16 AM
10 points
Kururu, You've Always Been Taking Care Of Me... I'm Sorry...Kururu, You've Always Been Taking Care Of Me... I'm Sorry...
Complete the second round of the Miss Marl's Kingdom Beauty Contest.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:36:21 AM
5 points
Miss Marl's KingdomMiss Marl's Kingdom
Complete the third round of the Miss Marl's Kingdom Beauty Contest.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:42:22 AM
5 points
Don't Break Your NailsDon't Break Your Nails
Defeat Minister Golonzo's monster party in Marl's Castle Balcony without using basic attacks, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:49:41 AM
10 points
Heirloom Of The Marl FamilyHeirloom Of The Marl Family
Acquire the Holy Charm.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:53:05 AM
5 points
I Promise I Will Save You...I Promise I Will Save You...
Dress up to go on a journey to save Prince Ferdinand.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:56:16 AM
5 points
Cornet, He's Still There, But Only Smart Girls Can See It!Cornet, He's Still There, But Only Smart Girls Can See It!
See the ghost bunny in Wonder Woods.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:48:16 AM
2 points
Yuck! Does She Really Like That?Yuck! Does She Really Like That?
Acquire the Toad.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 4:57:06 AM
5 points
Gettin' Jiggy With It... ~Gettin' Jiggy With It... ~
Defeat Burg and his cat party in Burg's Rest without letting any of them hurt Cornet and without using any action with Cornet. (Partners limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 4:59:48 AM
10 points
Shoot! I Took That Disgusting Toad For Nothing...Shoot! I Took That Disgusting Toad For Nothing...
Acquire the Toad Barbecue.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 4:59:59 AM
5 points
I Will Cross The Ocean For YouI Will Cross The Ocean For You
Gain access to the Blue Cat port city.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:15:11 AM
5 points
Family TiesFamily Ties
Win both battles against Terra and Nightmares in Cat's Eye Mine using only Sharte's actions. (Partners limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:29:35 AM
10 points
To Love And Be LovedTo Love And Be Loved
Recruit Terra.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:29:50 AM
5 points
15 Years Isolated ~15 Years Isolated ~
Meet the Great Sage Polansky, listen to his advice and receive the Teleport Ring.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:47:59 AM
5 points
Who Disturbs My Eternal Slumber!?Who Disturbs My Eternal Slumber!?
Defeat Duke in The Tower of Wisdom without using consumables or rewards and without partners. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:45:54 AM
10 points
I Shall... Forget The Past...I Shall... Forget The Past...
Recruit Duke.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:46:05 AM
5 points
The God Of DarknessThe God Of Darkness
Recruit Ledgem.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 6:49:16 AM
5 points
Humans Are Not Good For DigestionHumans Are Not Good For Digestion
Defeat Dragoness and Fire Bird duo in Suspension Bridge without using basic attacks, horn, rewards, consumables or KOs. (Partners limit = 2 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 6:51:31 AM
10 points
A Heroine Always Helps Those In NeedA Heroine Always Helps Those In Need
Save Gailyasucolinyu and gain access to Red Hot.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 6:51:36 AM
5 points
It's Not Always What It SeemsIt's Not Always What It Seems
Defeat Dragib and Fire Birds in Salsa Volcano without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:01:18 AM
10 points
Tears Of The DragonTears Of The Dragon
Acquire the Fire Stone.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:05:57 AM
5 points
I'm Too Young To Die!I'm Too Young To Die!
Defeat Crowdia and the Griffins in Salsa Volcano before the battle is interrupted by the volcano erupting. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:07:28 AM
10 points
I Will Not Run Away From My Responsibility!I Will Not Run Away From My Responsibility!
Transform baby dragon Flare into a puppet and have him in your party.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:07:49 AM
5 points
Part-Time JobPart-Time Job
Solve the puzzle in Suspension Bridge and open a path to Oasis and Ice Temple.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:14:50 AM
5 points
I'm Not A Boiled Egg!I'm Not A Boiled Egg!
Recruit Billy.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:46:47 PM
5 points
Reckless YouthReckless Youth
Find Albert unconscious and take him to White Snow.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:48:51 PM
5 points
Samurai ShodownSamurai Shodown
Defeat Chiba in The Tower of Ninetail without using consumables or rewards and without partners. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:55:33 PM
10 points
Know Your PlaceKnow Your Place
Recruit Chiba.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:55:44 PM
5 points
Until The Last ConsequencesUntil The Last Consequences
Defeat Guardian and the trio of Ninetail in The Tower of Ninetail without using consumables, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:11:29 PM
10 points
I Would Do The Same If I Could Have My Mother BackI Would Do The Same If I Could Have My Mother Back
Cure Albert's mother's fever with the power of Thunder Stone.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:11:46 PM
5 points
The Guardian's GuardianThe Guardian's Guardian
Defeat Gao and the Werewolf duo in The Tower of Ninetail without letting the guardian die, rewards and without partners. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:15:55 PM
10 points
True CourageTrue Courage
Acquire the Holy Stone.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:16:09 PM
5 points
Tough As TurtleTough As Turtle
Fight and defeat a Metal Jelly. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:18:05 PM
10 points
Lost In ThoughtsLost In Thoughts
Find the hillbilly and receive the Inotium Mine's Key.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:51:48 AM
5 points
Find Your Strength That Keeps Your Dreams AliveFind Your Strength That Keeps Your Dreams Alive
Sing a song to encourage Etoile.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:22:56 AM
5 points
Cardiac ArrestCardiac Arrest
In Worm's Heart, destroy the right heart while Etoile destroys the left heart.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:29:28 AM
5 points
You Give Love A Bad NameYou Give Love A Bad Name
Defeat Main Heart and the Queen Bee trio in Worm's Heart without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Partners limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:44:14 AM
10 points
Runaway TrainRunaway Train
Receive thanks from people trapped in Town of Wiggle and stop the train at Inotium Mine.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:32:48 AM
5 points
Is Your Quest For Money Or For Love?Is Your Quest For Money Or For Love?
Defeat Chimera and the Ctrice duo in Inotium Mine in the first turn and without KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:10:44 AM
10 points
Take A Deep Breath And Feel The BreezeTake A Deep Breath And Feel The Breeze
Acquire the Wind Stone.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:10:50 AM
5 points
Man's Best FriendMan's Best Friend
Recruit Koro.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:19:32 AM
5 points
Karen FlagKaren Flag
Get access to the Pirate Ship.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:20:16 PM
5 points
EvErYoNe ChOoSeS tHeIr OwN dEsTiNy...EvErYoNe ChOoSeS tHeIr OwN dEsTiNy...
Defeat Painting and the Bone Man quartet in Sunken Ship in 3 turns or less without using basic attacks, horn, reward or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:51:20 PM
10 points
Heal The WatersHeal The Waters
Acquire the Water Stone.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 1:51:44 PM
5 points
Rainbow TsunamiRainbow Tsunami
Defeat Gao and the Werewolf trio in White Whale with the same blow and without KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 9:39:19 PM
10 points
To Mary - With LoveTo Mary - With Love
Give Libinsky's ring to his lover... He would want that...
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 9:40:01 PM
5 points
~ Night Spawn ~~ Night Spawn ~
Recruit Dark Knight.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 9:41:19 PM
5 points
Mustaki EspoirMustaki Espoir
Ask grandpa to repair one of your puppets.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 5:04:13 AM
4 points
Crossing The Seven SeasCrossing The Seven Seas
Take a ride to Kero Kero.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:20:07 AM
5 points
Bye Bye ~ Bebe ~ Bubu ~Bye Bye ~ Bebe ~ Bubu ~
Defeat Bebe and the Bubu trio in Kero Kero without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:24:08 AM
10 points
Cultural IncompatibilityCultural Incompatibility
Enjoy the feast and quirky music offered by the King of Frog Burg and show him what real music is all about!
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:28:20 AM
5 points
My Little PonyMy Little Pony
Defeat Centaur and the Venom Toad duo in Temple of Gamma without using consumables and without partners. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:50:09 AM
10 points
It Looks Like You Got Blown UpIt Looks Like You Got Blown Up
Defeat Albatross in the Temple of Gamma by one hit KO and without KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:38:30 AM
10 points
Recruit Albatross.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:38:41 AM
5 points
Shakespearean TragedyShakespearean Tragedy
Acquire the Earth Stone after witnessing the sad end of Princess Caroline and adventurer Michael's love story.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:52:44 AM
5 points
Laments Of An Interrupted LifeLaments Of An Interrupted Life
Recruit Michael and Caroline.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:54:57 AM
5 points
Little Big DragonLittle Big Dragon
Win the three consecutive Flare's side quest battles in Salsa Volcano using only Flare's actions. (Partners limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:48:27 AM
10 points
The Time Has Finally Come...The Time Has Finally Come...
Defeat Dark Knight without using magics, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:56:54 PM
10 points
Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger
Defeat Chimera in Ancient Forest having Billy, Tell and Kid in your party without using any action with Cornet and without KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 9:51:21 AM
10 points
Comforting LightComforting Light
Get saved by Kururu after being defeated by Myao.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:01:31 AM
5 points
This Is For My MotherThis Is For My Mother
Defeat Weapon, Sniper and Knight in Kururu's Dream without partners or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:20:27 AM
10 points
Mother's Heart And WillMother's Heart And Will
Discover the truth about Kururu's past.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:22:57 AM
5 points
Fulfilling Our DestinyFulfilling Our Destiny
Defeat Weapon and his party in Netherworld having Chiba, Duke and Albatross in your party without using any action with Cornet and without KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:58:30 AM
10 points
I'm A Monster Mother!I'm A Monster Mother!
Defeat the Ice Dragon in Cape Hope using a monster with nothing equipped and without using any action with Cornet. (Partner limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:29:39 AM
10 points
Let The Sparks Of Your Spirit Light The Fire Of Your WillLet The Sparks Of Your Spirit Light The Fire Of Your Will
Defeat Red Dragon in Cape Hope by one hit KO and without KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:30:50 AM
10 points
Nobody Likes A Show OffNobody Likes A Show Off
Defeat White Dragon or Thunder Dragon in Cape Hope with nothing equipped and without partners. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:32:27 AM
10 points
*~ Pretty Hurts ~**~ Pretty Hurts ~*
Defeat Earth Dragon in Cape Hope without taking damage. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:33:42 AM
10 points
Cutting The StringsCutting The Strings
Defeat Wind Dragon in Cape Hope using a puppet with nothing equipped and without using any action with Cornet. (Partner limit = 1 l Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:37:22 AM
10 points
I Can Feel Your PresenceI Can Feel Your Presence
Infiltrate the Castle of Beauty.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:38:54 AM
5 points
I May Be Just A Peasant Girl, But You're No Match For Me!I May Be Just A Peasant Girl, But You're No Match For Me!
Defeat Marjoly Family in Beauty Castle without using consumables, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:05:30 PM
10 points
Mother... I'll Pay Them Back 10 Times For What They Did!Mother... I'll Pay Them Back 10 Times For What They Did!
Defeat Weapon and his party in Beauty Castle without using magics, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:08:08 PM
10 points
Kururu... Etoile... Friends... Thank You Very MuchKururu... Etoile... Friends... Thank You Very Much
Defeat T.Weapon and his party in Beauty Castle without using consumables, horn, rewards or KOs. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:09:53 PM
25 points
True Love's KissTrue Love's Kiss
Undo Marjoly's spell on the Prince.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:17:45 PM
5 points
And They Lived Happily Ever AfterAnd They Lived Happily Ever After
Finish the game.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:21:19 PM
25 points
I Will Always Be By Your SideI Will Always Be By Your Side
Finish the game on hard difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:21:19 PM
50 points
Ga Ga Goo Goo!Ga Ga Goo Goo!
Visit the reincarnations of babies Caroline and Michel without getting into a battle.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:10:04 PM
3 points
Tu, Miles ~Tu, Miles ~
A simple tribute.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:09:53 AM
2 points
~ Atlus U.S.A. ~~ Atlus U.S.A. ~
Advertising Is Everything!
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:36:22 AM
3 points
Now, It's Time To Finish It Off With My Ultimate Spell!! Oops!Now, It's Time To Finish It Off With My Ultimate Spell!! Oops!
Witness Marjoly tasting her own poison.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 8:06:39 PM
5 points
Writing A Fairy TaleWriting A Fairy Tale
Go from the Beauty Castle entrance to Merjoly's room without using consumables or KOs before facing the Marjoly family. (Hard)
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:40:41 AM
25 points
Remember To Brush Your TeethRemember To Brush Your Teeth
Get rewarded with sugar candy.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 1:51:29 AM
1 points
Favorite Dessert!Favorite Dessert!
Get rewarded with sweet flans.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 1:52:36 AM
2 points
Happy Birthday To YouHappy Birthday To You
Get rewarded with delicious cakes.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:30:49 AM
3 points
It's Breakfast TimeIt's Breakfast Time
Get rewarded with hot pancakes.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:38:26 AM
4 points
Love Is The Only AnswerLove Is The Only Answer
Be rewarded with loving hearts.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 1:50:03 AM
5 points
Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?
Learn all of Billy's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 1:42:20 AM
10 points
Forget About GuillermeForget About Guillerme
Learn all of Tell's specials.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 1:42:23 AM
10 points
Faberge Was A WeaklingFaberge Was A Weakling
Learn all of Kid's specials.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:17:32 PM
10 points
I'll Be There For YouI'll Be There For You
Learn all of Sharte's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 1:56:15 AM
10 points
The Mark Twain DilemmaThe Mark Twain Dilemma
Learn all of Terra's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 2:24:09 AM
10 points
Buried In A Nameless GraveBuried In A Nameless Grave
Learn all of Koro's specials.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 7:19:20 AM
10 points
A Paladin Must BelieveA Paladin Must Believe
Learn all of Duke's specials.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 2:59:32 AM
10 points
Like A Bird In The SkyLike A Bird In The Sky
Learn all of Albatross's specials.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 2:59:34 AM
10 points
Towards The DawnTowards The Dawn
Learn all of Chiba's specials.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 2:59:35 AM
10 points
Now I'm The ProtagonistNow I'm The Protagonist
Learn all of L-Kun's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:07:20 PM
10 points
Born To BlowBorn To Blow
Learn all of Flare's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 7:27:27 AM
10 points
Ironically, Many Hide Under The Light... The Darkness Is More SiIronically, Many Hide Under The Light... The Darkness Is More Si
Learn all of Ledgem's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 11:13:01 AM
10 points
Submission Is The Worst TortureSubmission Is The Worst Torture
Learn all of Dark Knight's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:21:44 AM
10 points
Don't Underestimate The Power Of The Princess!Don't Underestimate The Power Of The Princess!
Learn all of Caroline's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:08:43 PM
10 points
Beyond The Beyond The BeyondBeyond The Beyond The Beyond
Learn all of Michael's magics.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:08:41 PM
10 points
Master Of PuppetsMaster Of Puppets
Evolve Cornet to level 35.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:20:27 AM
10 points
New Family MemberNew Family Member
Let a wild monster into your party.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 11:09:55 AM
5 points
It Was Good While It Lasted, But Now It's In The PastIt Was Good While It Lasted, But Now It's In The Past
Sell some wild monster to Monster Collector.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:23:59 PM
5 points
We Are All The Same InsideWe Are All The Same Inside
Win a battle by having 3 wild monsters of different types in your party.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:13:16 PM
10 points
~ My Beautiful Pets ~~ My Beautiful Pets ~
Have 16 different wild monsters with Monster Master. (Trigger when the menu is closed.)
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 2:08:42 AM
50 points
Do You Still Think I'm Fragile?Do You Still Think I'm Fragile?
Destroy 100 enemies during your adventure.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 4:56:13 AM
5 points
Would You Fight For My Love?Would You Fight For My Love?
Destroy 250 enemies during your adventure.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 6:56:31 AM
10 points
The Legend Of The Passionate MusicianThe Legend Of The Passionate Musician
Destroy 500 enemies during your adventure.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:56:40 AM
25 points
Why Don't You Like Me?Why Don't You Like Me?
Fight 100 Battles
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 7:03:46 AM
5 points
Fighting Is Not Cool...Fighting Is Not Cool...
Fight 200 Battles
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:22:18 AM
10 points
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've SeenNobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
Fight 300 Battles
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:27:04 AM
25 points
Darkness Is Expensive These DaysDarkness Is Expensive These Days
Acquire Dark Stone and find a use for it.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:45:52 PM
10 points
I'm Not Like Etoile, But Is It Enough For A Pretty Dress?I'm Not Like Etoile, But Is It Enough For A Pretty Dress?
Accumulate 75,000 Inotium.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:44:13 AM
10 points
The Puppet PrincessThe Puppet Princess
Have Cornet equipped with all accessories that cut magic damage, physical damage and mana cost in half.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:33:11 AM
10 points
The Perfect WarriorThe Perfect Warrior
Win a battle with a puppet or monster equipped with Robes of Healing, Charm of Valor and Sonic Shoes.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:13:16 PM
10 points
Don't Look At Me Like That, You Didn't Give Me A ChoiceDon't Look At Me Like That, You Didn't Give Me A Choice
Evolve the Cornet, monster or puppet's skill level to 3.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 4:58:34 AM
5 points
Last Breath... For YouLast Breath... For You
Evolve the Cornet, monster or puppet's skill level to 5.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:44:17 AM
10 points
Find something Cornet really hates.
✅ unlocked at 3/3/2025, 10:31:09 AM
1 points
What Would An Artist Be Without An Admirer?What Would An Artist Be Without An Admirer?
Take a look at any of your Illustrations.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 11:17:25 AM
2 points
Draw My LifeDraw My Life
Have a total of 5 illustrations in your inventory.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:53:58 PM
5 points
Words Cannot DescribeWords Cannot Describe
Have a total of 10 illustrations in your inventory.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:58:12 AM
10 points
If You Think About It, We Exist As Much As You DoIf You Think About It, We Exist As Much As You Do
Have all illustrations in your inventory.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 11:41:49 AM
25 points
Happy Sugar LifeHappy Sugar Life
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Orange Village, Secret Path to Marl's Castle, Cave in the Woods and Burg's Rest.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:56:00 AM
10 points
Can You See The Beauty?Can You See The Beauty?
Find all hidden items in Mother Green and Marl's Castle.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 6:00:30 AM
10 points
Everything A Girl WantsEverything A Girl Wants
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Ancient Forest, Blue Cat, Cat's Eye Mine and The Tower of Wisdom.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:49:53 AM
10 points
Sweet Chocolate PepperSweet Chocolate Pepper
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Suspension Bridge, Red Hot and Salsa Volcano.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:13:25 AM
10 points
Flake Ice CreamFlake Ice Cream
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Ice Temple, White Snow and The Tower of Ninetail.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 12:56:24 PM
10 points
Beyond The MirageBeyond The Mirage
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Oasis, Town of Wiggle, Worm's Heart, Oasis Ruins and Inotium Mine.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:01:31 AM
10 points
My Bonnie Lies Over The OceanMy Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in White Whale and Sunken Ship.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 2:08:53 PM
10 points
Not Every Frog You Kiss Will Turn Into A PrinceNot Every Frog You Kiss Will Turn Into A Prince
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Kero-Kero, Frog Road, Frogburg Castle and Temple of Gama.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:04:44 AM
10 points
Even Here You Only Think About It?Even Here You Only Think About It?
Find all hidden items in Kururu's dream.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:09:47 AM
10 points
Tomorrow Doesn't MatterTomorrow Doesn't Matter
Open all treasure chests and find all hidden items in Netherworld and Beauty Castle.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:45:04 PM
10 points
Gods Of TimeGods Of Time
Free the soul of Billy, Tell and Kid.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 9:52:06 AM
10 points
Brave New LifeBrave New Life
Free the souls of Sharte and Terra.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:59:56 AM
10 points
Friends ForeverFriends Forever
Cure Alfred's fever and free Koro's soul.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 7:16:50 AM
10 points
We Will Meet Again Miss Cornet... Until Then...We Will Meet Again Miss Cornet... Until Then...
Free the soul of Chiba, Duke and Albatross.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:58:43 AM
10 points
I'm Going To Become A Bear And Live Happily Ever After...I'm Going To Become A Bear And Live Happily Ever After...
Make L-Kun's dream come true and free his soul.
✅ unlocked at 3/4/2025, 3:48:20 AM
10 points
Mom Dad Baby ~Mom Dad Baby ~
Free the Flare's soul.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 8:48:43 AM
10 points
I Can Finally Go HomeI Can Finally Go Home
Free Ledgem's soul.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 10:33:37 AM
10 points
...This Can't Be True......This Can't Be True...
Free the Dark Knight's soul.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 12:56:58 PM
10 points
We Hope Everyone Can Forgive Us One DayWe Hope Everyone Can Forgive Us One Day
Free the souls of Michael and Caroline.
✅ unlocked at 3/5/2025, 1:09:42 PM
10 points
Top Of The Food ChainTop Of The Food Chain
Learn all the skills of a Wild Monster.
✅ unlocked at 3/6/2025, 7:22:00 AM
10 points

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