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Whirlo Progress

more about WhirloWhirlo
5.7% complete

3 / 51 🏆
40 / 700 points

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Chapter 1: SandrosChapter 1: Sandros
From Sandros, reach Mt. Alsandra
✅ unlocked at 8/20/2024, 10:19:15 PM
10 points
Chapter 1: Sandros - InvencibleChapter 1: Sandros - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 1, finish without dying
✅ unlocked at 8/20/2024, 10:29:33 PM
25 points
Elder's HouseElder's House
Take your first Light Crystal
✅ unlocked at 8/16/2024, 11:03:21 PM
5 points
Chapter 2: Mt. AlsandraChapter 2: Mt. Alsandra
From Mt. Alsandra, reach the Cauldra Castle
10 points
Chapter 2: Mt. Alsandra - InvencibleChapter 2: Mt. Alsandra - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 2, finish without dying
25 points
Fearful WhirloFearful Whirlo
Escape from your quest and see a different ending
10 points
Mt. AlsandraMt. Alsandra
Take your second Light Crystal
5 points
One, Two, Three... Yes!One, Two, Three... Yes!
Find the prisoner in a strange place
10 points
Chapter 3: Cauldra CastleChapter 3: Cauldra Castle
From Cauldra Castle, reach the Dragon Forest
10 points
Chapter 3: Cauldra Castle - InvencibleChapter 3: Cauldra Castle - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 3, finish without dying
25 points
Master of the Whirling BladesMaster of the Whirling Blades
See Buck's show in a strange place
10 points
Who is Nick?Who is Nick?
Choose the right answer on your first try and see the scene
10 points
Take your third Light Crystal
5 points
50 5050 50
Betray the princess and see a different ending
10 points
Party WhirloParty Whirlo
Go with Nick and see a different ending
10 points
Anaconda NestAnaconda Nest
Take your fourth Light Crystal
5 points
Chapter 4: Dragon ForestChapter 4: Dragon Forest
From Dragon Forest, reach the Sea of Sirrah
10 points
Chapter 4: Dragon Forest - InvencibleChapter 4: Dragon Forest - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 4, finish without dying
25 points
Chapter 5: Sea of SirrahChapter 5: Sea of Sirrah
From Sea of Sirrah, reach the Tree Island
10 points
Chapter 5: Sea of Sirrah - InvencibleChapter 5: Sea of Sirrah - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 5, finish without dying
25 points
Pirate ShipPirate Ship
Take your fifth Light Crystal
5 points
Chapter 6: Tree IslandChapter 6: Tree Island
From Tree Island, reach reach the Neverland
10 points
Chapter 6: Tree Island - InvencibleChapter 6: Tree Island - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 6, finish without dying
25 points
Musician WhirloMusician Whirlo
Don't give the viola and see a different ending
10 points
Where is the Viola Master?Where is the Viola Master?
Choose the right answer on your first try and see the bug scene
10 points
Where is the Blades Master?Where is the Blades Master?
In the Pirate Ship on Chapter 6, save Buck without dying on the Whale stage
10 points
Chapter 7: NeverlandChapter 7: Neverland
From Neverland, reach the Endless Desert
10 points
Chapter 7: Neverland - InvencibleChapter 7: Neverland - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 7, finish without dying
25 points
Take your sixth Light Crystal
5 points
Pirate WhirloPirate Whirlo
Join the pirates and see a different ending
10 points
Nubs FarmerNubs Farmer
See the consequences of your advice
5 points
Nubs MusicianNubs Musician
See the consequences of your advice
5 points
Peppy & BuckPeppy & Buck
See the consequences of your advice
5 points
Peppy & GradyPeppy & Grady
See the consequences of your advice
5 points
Angry Nubs DadAngry Nubs Dad
See the consequences of your advice
5 points
Happy Nubs DadHappy Nubs Dad
See the consequences of your advice
5 points
Goblin ValleyGoblin Valley
Take your seventh Light Crystal
5 points
Chapter 8: Endless DesertChapter 8: Endless Desert
Defeat Malix and finish your quest
10 points
Chapter 8: Endless Desert - Invencible Chapter 8: Endless Desert - Invencible
From the beginning of Chapter 8, finish without dying
50 points
Selfish WhirloSelfish Whirlo
Heal your family, leave your friends and see a different ending
10 points
Valkyria WarriorValkyria Warrior
Complete the game from start to finish without using a continue
100 points
King of the Crescent Moon ChallengeKing of the Crescent Moon Challenge
Defeat the King of the Crescent Moon with only two attacks (die on the first try)
10 points
Anaconda ChallengeAnaconda Challenge
Defeat Anaconda with only three attacks
10 points
Pixies' HousePixies' House
Enter the Pixies' House
10 points
Beautiful PrincessBeautiful Princess
See the consequences of your opinion
5 points
Ugly PrincessUgly Princess
See the consequences of your opinion
5 points
Pirate Captain ChallengePirate Captain Challenge
Defeat the Pirate Captain with only three attacks
10 points
Andy ChallengeAndy Challenge
Defeat Andy with only two attacks
10 points
Malix ChallengeMalix Challenge
Defeat Malix with only "X Attacks"
25 points
Test of CourageTest of Courage
Pass the Test of Courage without using a Light Crystal
25 points
The Best Cucumbers in the WorldThe Best Cucumbers in the World
Find Nubs Dad in a strange place (Secret Wall)
10 points
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