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Second Samurai Progress

more about Second SamuraiSecond Samurai
100.0% complete

33 / 33 πŸ†
245 / 245 points

iconinfoRA score
He's Gonna Take You Back to the PastHe's Gonna Take You Back to the Past
Survive the caveman onslaught and defeat the three-headed monster
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 7:07:47 PM
5 points
Feeling the HeatFeeling the Heat
Make your way through the volcano and defeat the monster dwelling inside
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 8:37:57 PM
5 points
Too Much Heat!Too Much Heat!
Escape the volcano
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 9:38:53 PM
5 points
A Samurai's Best FriendA Samurai's Best Friend
Collect all the urns with the help of your pre-historic friend
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 9:51:49 PM
3 points
Sticks & Stones...Sticks & Stones...
Defeat the undead arbalist and escape the caves
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 10:26:09 PM
5 points
Jump across the tree tops and prevent an insect infestation
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 4:06:13 PM
5 points
Mother Nature's RevengeMother Nature's Revenge
Cross the river and defeat the plant monster
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 5:23:07 PM
5 points
Make your way through the future and defeat the mech-wielding foreman
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 6:05:22 PM
5 points
Survive the holographic threat
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 6:47:27 PM
5 points
Down to MoleculesDown to Molecules
Escape the labs
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 7:23:20 PM
5 points
Take the fight into the skies
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 10:45:25 PM
5 points
Aerial CombatAerial Combat
Destroy the space ship
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 8:08:53 PM
5 points
Return to your time and defeat the sumo wrestler blocking your progress
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 8:44:01 PM
5 points
Defeat Rock Jaw and continue pursuing the Demon King
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 9:27:00 PM
5 points
Eye for an EyeEye for an Eye
Defeat the Demon King and restore peace
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 9:53:31 PM
10 points
Complete Stage 1 "Planet of the Apes" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 7:07:47 PM
10 points
Melting Under PressureMelting Under Pressure
Complete Stage 2 "Volcanic Caves" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 8:37:57 PM
10 points
Is This How Kazuya Felt?Is This How Kazuya Felt?
Complete Stage 3 "In The Volcano" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 9:38:52 PM
10 points
Jurassic UrnsJurassic Urns
Complete Stage 4 "Dino Race" on Samurai! Difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 9:51:49 PM
5 points
...May Break My Bones...May Break My Bones
Complete Stage 5 "Cave" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 10:26:09 PM
10 points
Pest ControlPest Control
Complete Stage 6 "Jungle" on Samurai! Difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 4:06:13 PM
10 points
Rules of NatureRules of Nature
Complete Stage 7 "River" on Samurai! Difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 5:23:07 PM
10 points
Are You Okay Arnie?Are You Okay Arnie?
Complete Stage 8 "High Tec" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 6:05:22 PM
10 points
Andross Has Seen Better DaysAndross Has Seen Better Days
Complete Stage 9 "Holograms" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 6:47:28 PM
10 points
Molecular LevelMolecular Level
Complete Stage 10 "Labs" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 7:23:21 PM
10 points
It's Raining UrnsIt's Raining Urns
Complete Stage 11 "Jetpac" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 10:45:26 PM
10 points
Skyborne SamuraiSkyborne Samurai
Complete Stage 12 "Space Ship" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 8:08:53 PM
10 points
Sumo SmasherSumo Smasher
Complete Stage 13 "Old Japan" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 8:44:01 PM
10 points
Impressive JawlineImpressive Jawline
Complete Stage 14 "Rockjaw" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 9:27:00 PM
10 points
Give Up Mortal!Give Up Mortal!
Complete Stage 15 "Demon's Castle" on Samurai! difficulty with lives set to 3
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 9:53:31 PM
25 points
Honing Your SkillsHoning Your Skills
Access the practice stage and reach 1,000 score in it
βœ… unlocked at 12/30/2024, 11:16:47 PM
3 points
Slice & DiceSlice & Dice
Acquire a sword
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 7:02:17 PM
1 points
Carry the maximum amount of throwing knives
βœ… unlocked at 12/28/2024, 7:03:54 PM
3 points

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