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Stickybear Shapes Progress

more about Stickybear ShapesStickybear Shapes
100.0% complete

6 / 6 🏆
9 / 9 points

iconinfoRA score
Picking My ShapesPicking My Shapes
Clear all the levels in "Pick It" in one run.
✅ unlocked at 1/28/2025, 6:38:30 AM
1 points
Perfect FitPerfect Fit
Clear all the levels in "Pick It" without any mistakes in one run. (To retry, exit or play the next level)
✅ unlocked at 1/28/2025, 6:38:30 AM
2 points
Naming My ShapesNaming My Shapes
Clear all the levels in "Name It" in one run.
✅ unlocked at 1/28/2025, 6:39:38 AM
1 points
Knowledge Is PowerKnowledge Is Power
Clear all the levels in "Name It" without any mistakes in one run. (To retry, exit or play the next level)
✅ unlocked at 1/28/2025, 6:39:38 AM
2 points
Finding My ShapesFinding My Shapes
Clear all the levels in "Find It" in one run.
✅ unlocked at 1/28/2025, 6:40:55 AM
1 points
Recognize It From Far AwayRecognize It From Far Away
Clear all the levels in "Find It" without any mistakes in one run. (To retry, exit or play the next level)
✅ unlocked at 1/28/2025, 6:40:55 AM
2 points

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