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Prince of Persia Progress

more about Prince of PersiaPrince of Persia
100.0% complete

96 / 96 πŸ†
1090 / 1090 points

iconinfoRA score
I am already goingI am already going
Complete the 1st level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 7:29:50 AM
5 points
It Is Only BeginingIt Is Only Begining
Complete the 2nd level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 8:11:01 AM
5 points
Was it a skeleton?Was it a skeleton?
Complete the 3th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 8:31:27 AM
5 points
The Magic MirrorThe Magic Mirror
Complete the 4th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 8:55:34 AM
5 points
Who was that?Who was that?
Complete the 5th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 10:12:46 AM
5 points
Thank you ShadowThank you Shadow
Complete the 6th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 10:13:11 AM
5 points
This is some kind of magicThis is some kind of magic
Complete the 7th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 11:20:50 AM
5 points
Thanks for the helpThanks for the help
Complete the 8th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 12:02:12 PM
5 points
Higher and higherHigher and higher
Complete the 9th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:06:19 AM
5 points
Guardians become strongerGuardians become stronger
Complete the 10th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:20:17 AM
5 points
I am coming, Jaffar!I am coming, Jaffar!
Complete the 11th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:31:11 AM
5 points
Rejoin the shadowRejoin the shadow
Complete the 12th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:45:29 AM
10 points
The tyrant Jaffar is goneThe tyrant Jaffar is gone
Complete the 13th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:51:26 AM
5 points
Complete the 14th level
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:51:56 AM
5 points
Well done, Prince of PersiaWell done, Prince of Persia
Complete the game without using password
βœ… unlocked at 3/2/2023, 1:21:16 PM
25 points
Gone in Forty MinutesGone in Forty Minutes
Complete the game in under 40 minutes without using password
βœ… unlocked at 3/2/2023, 1:21:16 PM
50 points
Get ready to battleGet ready to battle
Find the sword
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 7:29:44 AM
3 points
Jump through the mirror
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 9:04:42 AM
5 points
I can fly!I can fly!
To drink an elixir for flight at level 7
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 11:21:35 AM
5 points
Little HelperLittle Helper
Use Mouse's help on level 8
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 12:01:41 PM
5 points
Get 6 lives
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 8:34:17 AM
5 points
The Art of ParryingThe Art of Parrying
Being in the battle, parry or repel 10 attacks
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 8:17:20 AM
5 points
Good reactionGood reaction
Being in the battle, parry or repel 20 attacks
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 8:39:47 AM
5 points
Master of FencingMaster of Fencing
Being in the battle, parry or repel 30 attacks
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 10:08:36 AM
25 points
Worthy fightWorthy fight
Defeat the skeleton at level 12 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:45:01 AM
25 points
Too easyToo easy
Defeat Jaffar at level 13 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:51:25 AM
25 points
The first victoryThe first victory
Defeat enemy with 3 health point
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 7:29:45 AM
5 points
Warm up is overWarm up is over
Defeat enemy with 4 health point
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 10:12:49 AM
5 points
So StrongerSo Stronger
Defeat enemy with 5 health point
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:17:27 AM
10 points
I cannot flyI cannot fly
Fall down during 5 screens at 12 level and crash
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:40:21 AM
25 points
No wayNo way
Join the battle with one life and win enemy with 5 lifes
βœ… unlocked at 2/28/2023, 8:19:48 AM
50 points
Silence is goldSilence is gold
Turn off music and complete the game without a single death
βœ… unlocked at 3/2/2023, 1:21:16 PM
100 points
Shadows don't need waterShadows don't need water
Steal an elixir from Shadow at level 5
βœ… unlocked at 2/27/2023, 10:12:39 AM
5 points
Prison ExplorerPrison Explorer
Explore all areas in levels 1-3 you can get into without dying
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 10:20:29 AM
10 points
Palace ExplorerPalace Explorer
Explore all areas in levels 4-6 you can get into without dying
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:15:44 AM
10 points
Catacombs ExplorerCatacombs Explorer
Explore all areas in levels 7-9 you can get into without dying
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 10:35:02 AM
10 points
Penthouse ExplorerPenthouse Explorer
Explore all areas in levels 10-11 you can get into without dying
βœ… unlocked at 9/8/2023, 6:01:34 AM
25 points
Princess Quarters ExplorerPrincess Quarters Explorer
Explore all areas in levels 12-14 you can get into without dying
βœ… unlocked at 9/8/2023, 6:12:37 AM
5 points
Dungeon Master IDungeon Master I
Complete level 1 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:03:18 AM
5 points
Dungeon Master IIDungeon Master II
Complete level 2 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:33:53 AM
10 points
Spooky Scary SkeletonSpooky Scary Skeleton
Defeat skeleton in level 3 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:48:10 AM
5 points
Dungeon Master IIIDungeon Master III
Complete level 4 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 6:15:44 AM
10 points
Dungeon Master IVDungeon Master IV
Complete level 5 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 6:48:48 AM
10 points
Fatboy SlimFatboy Slim
Defeat guard boss who is supposed to be fat in level 6 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 6:53:24 AM
5 points
Dungeon Master VDungeon Master V
Complete level 7 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:26:07 AM
10 points
Dungeon Master VIDungeon Master VI
Complete level 8 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:51:09 AM
25 points
Dungeon Master VIIDungeon Master VII
Complete level 9 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 10:06:56 AM
25 points
Dungeon Master VIIIDungeon Master VIII
Complete level 10 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 11:22:14 AM
10 points
Dungeon Master IXDungeon Master IX
Complete level 11 without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 11:47:49 AM
25 points
Dungeon Master X GaidenDungeon Master X Gaiden
Complete level 10 with defeating all 4 guards without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 11:22:14 AM
25 points
Jaffar Disarm Program IJaffar Disarm Program I
Complete level 1 with eliminating all 2 guards
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:13:53 AM
5 points
Jaffar Disarm Program IIJaffar Disarm Program II
Eliminate all 5 guards on level 2
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:21:15 AM
5 points
Jaffar Disarm Program IIIJaffar Disarm Program III
Eliminate all 3 guards on level 4
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 10:29:36 AM
3 points
Jaffar Disarm Program IVJaffar Disarm Program IV
Eliminate all 3 guards on level 5
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 6:20:17 AM
3 points
Jaffar Disarm Program VJaffar Disarm Program V
Eliminate all 3 guards on level 7
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:20:49 AM
3 points
Jaffar Disarm Program VIJaffar Disarm Program VI
Eliminate all 4 guards on level 8
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:30:16 AM
3 points
Jaffar Disarm Program VIIJaffar Disarm Program VII
Eliminate all 4 guards on level 9
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 9:04:00 AM
10 points
Jaffar Disarm Program VIIIJaffar Disarm Program VIII
Eliminate all 4 guards on level 10
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 10:49:14 AM
10 points
Jaffar Disarm Program  IXJaffar Disarm Program IX
Eliminate all 3 guards on level 11
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 11:42:46 AM
10 points
Thirsty Prince IThirsty Prince I
Complete level 1 with drinkng all 4 potions
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:13:53 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince IIThirsty Prince II
Drink all 7 potions on level 2
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:20:05 AM
10 points
Thirsty Prince IIIThirsty Prince III
Drink all 4 potions on level 3
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 9:47:54 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince IVThirsty Prince IV
Drink all 5 potions on level 4
βœ… unlocked at 9/6/2023, 10:30:26 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince VThirsty Prince V
Drink all 5 potions on level 5
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 6:21:51 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince VIThirsty Prince VI
Drink all 3 potions on level 7
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:21:28 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince VIIThirsty Prince VII
Drink all 5 potions on level 8
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 7:29:54 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince VIIIThirsty Prince VIII
Drink all 6 potions on level 9
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 9:04:31 AM
10 points
Thirsty Prince IXThirsty Prince IX
Drink all 2 potions on level 10
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 10:49:21 AM
5 points
Thirsty Prince XThirsty Prince X
Drink all 4 potions on level 11
βœ… unlocked at 9/7/2023, 11:41:54 AM
5 points
Gone Before 60 MinutesGone Before 60 Minutes
Get the sword in a minute
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2024, 10:42:51 AM
5 points
Death from AboveDeath from Above
Get the sword in level 1 going from above without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2024, 10:31:40 AM
3 points
Watch Your Step, Prince IWatch Your Step, Prince I
Complete level 1 without breaking more than 2 floor tiles
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2024, 10:55:41 AM
10 points
Persian Hyper Sports I (High Jump)Persian Hyper Sports I (High Jump)
Hand into the exit button in level 1 without stepping on it
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2024, 10:33:05 AM
2 points
Complete level 2 using a shortcut
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 6:14:19 AM
2 points
Persian Hyper Sports II (Decathlon)Persian Hyper Sports II (Decathlon)
Reach the top left room of level 2 without pressing right
βœ… unlocked at 2/19/2024, 11:02:58 AM
5 points
Persian Hyper Sports III (Triple Jump)Persian Hyper Sports III (Triple Jump)
Jump into skeleon room in level 3 without grabbing the platform
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 6:15:15 AM
5 points
Persian Hyper Sports IV (Acrobatics)Persian Hyper Sports IV (Acrobatics)
Collect the big potion and hang on the platform of middle floor in level 4 without touching the floor in the next room
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 6:23:52 AM
5 points
Plan BPlan B
Complete level 5 with using a bottom path
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 6:58:59 AM
2 points
Gate KeeperGate Keeper
Don`t press the gate button near exit and finish level 7
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 8:59:05 AM
5 points
Getting Over It With Jordan MechnerGetting Over It With Jordan Mechner
Jump over the exit door in Level 8 as far as you can
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 10:17:52 AM
2 points
Persian Hyper Sports V (110 Meters Hurdless Long Jump Fencing)Persian Hyper Sports V (110 Meters Hurdless Long Jump Fencing)
From the leftest part of level 8 hold the right button and reach the righest part without releasing it
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 10:05:40 AM
5 points
Persian Hyper Sports VI (100 Meters Spring Triple Jump Fencing)Persian Hyper Sports VI (100 Meters Spring Triple Jump Fencing)
From the rightmost room of level 8 hold the left button and open the exit without releasing it
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 10:03:05 AM
5 points
Cat and MouseCat and Mouse
Open the exit and see the mouse scene in level 8 before the gate closes before you
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 10:24:23 AM
4 points
Jumpy PacifistJumpy Pacifist
Pass the gate after avoiding the guard in level 9
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 6:06:07 AM
2 points
Left Centered AlignmentLeft Centered Alignment
Complete level 10 visiting the least possible rooms
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 6:28:46 AM
3 points
Ninja PrinceNinja Prince
Evade the fight with guardian near the entrance of level 10 by jumping from behind
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 6:16:27 AM
5 points
Persian Hyper Sports VII (Long Jump III)Persian Hyper Sports VII (Long Jump III)
Get into the middle floor of exit room in level 11 without touching the bottom floor
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 6:31:34 AM
5 points
Persian Hyper Sports VIII (Long Jump IV)Persian Hyper Sports VIII (Long Jump IV)
Jump over the longest pit on the top of level 12 without going past the gate
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 6:44:16 AM
5 points
Watch Your Step, Prince IIWatch Your Step, Prince II
Complete level 12 without breaking more than 2 floor tiles
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 6:57:44 AM
10 points
Sonic the PrinceSonic the Prince
Start the game holding up, left and start and complete levels 1-5 in under 11 minutes
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 9:53:15 AM
25 points
Shadow the ReflectionShadow the Reflection
Enter the password 11005001, wait for both leaderboards to start and complete levels 6-9 in the remaining time having no more than 10 minutes on levels
βœ… unlocked at 5/10/2024, 7:11:10 AM
25 points
Prince and KnucklesPrince and Knuckles
Enter the password 01067012, wait for both leaderboards to start and complete levels 10-14 in the remaining time having no more than 6 minutes on levels
βœ… unlocked at 5/9/2024, 9:42:19 AM
25 points
No Time to RestNo Time to Rest
Quickly recover after the fall
βœ… unlocked at 5/4/2024, 6:22:23 AM
2 points
Acupuncture AdeptAcupuncture Adept
Fall on spikes without taking damage
βœ… unlocked at 5/7/2024, 7:32:40 AM
3 points
Prince and PauperPrince and Pauper
Drink all 45 potions in one run and collect their bottles without using passwords
βœ… unlocked at 5/9/2024, 7:33:37 AM
25 points
King of PersiaKing of Persia
Beat the game without dying and drinking potions (no passwords)
βœ… unlocked at 5/8/2024, 10:22:39 AM
100 points

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