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Resident Evil 2 Progress

more about Resident Evil 2Resident Evil 2
100.0% complete

178 / 178 🏆
1835 / 1835 points

iconinfoRA score
Sorry KendoSorry Kendo
(Claire A) without killing zombies, take the bowgun in kendo shop without taking damage and leave the area on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 7:13:28 AM
5 points
That's a Good StartThat's a Good Start
(Claire A) Kill every zombie at West Street using only the knife on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 7:02:31 AM
10 points
(Claire A) Meet with Kendo on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 7:02:40 AM
1 points
Blue Card KeyBlue Card Key
(Claire A) Meet with Marvin and obtain the Blue Card Key on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 7:24:29 AM
3 points
As Baratas Da UmbrelaAs Baratas Da Umbrela
(Claire A) Kill the first Licker in R.P.D. 1F: L Corridor on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 7:27:03 AM
5 points
Reunion MomentReunion Moment
(Claire A) Meet with Leon on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 8:51:01 AM
3 points
(Claire A) Kill both zombies in the Outside Shed on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:04:42 AM
5 points
(Claire A) Extinguish the fire on the helipad on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:06:39 AM
3 points
I Came From the FutureI Came From the Future
(Claire A) Get both Map and Acid Rounds in the Main Office without obtain the Police Memorandum on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 8:46:25 AM
3 points
Knife SlayerKnife Slayer
(Claire A) Kill all zombies in the Payphone Corridor using only the Knife and without leave the place on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 8:32:14 AM
10 points
The Armor KnightThe Armor Knight
(Claire A) Solve the Red Jewel Puzzle in the Storage Room on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:08:22 AM
5 points
I Can't Do ThisI Can't Do This
(Claire A) Take the Detonator and leave the Information Office without killing Marvin on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:17:05 AM
5 points
The Break-In MasterThe Break-In Master
(Claire A) Use the Detonator to unlock the door in Helicopter Corridor on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:21:05 AM
5 points
Little GirlLittle Girl
(Claire A) Find Sherry in Taxidermy Display on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:23:08 AM
3 points
RPD's HandymanRPD's Handyman
(Claire A) Turn the power supply on in Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:48:57 AM
3 points
The Lost Girl of Raccoon CityThe Lost Girl of Raccoon City
(Claire A) Meet with Claire in Sewage Disposal: Construction Area on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:41:49 AM
5 points
Frog PeopleFrog People
(Claire A) Obtain the Red Card Key and leave the area without killing enemies or taking damage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 9:48:10 AM
5 points
Secrets of a Haunted PlaceSecrets of a Haunted Place
(Claire A) Solve the Clock Puzzle in the Cog Room on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 10:17:14 AM
5 points
I Love SecretsI Love Secrets
(Claire A) Solve the puzzle in the Chief Irons Office on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 10:21:00 AM
5 points
Mutation Form, G-AdultMutation Form, G-Adult
(Claire A) Defeat G-Adult on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:14:38 AM
5 points
Laboratory RatLaboratory Rat
(Claire A) Defeat G-Adult without taking damage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:14:38 AM
10 points
Little BraveLittle Brave
(Claire A) Finish Sherry Playthrough in the Sewers on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:23:19 AM
5 points
Roasted Crocodile MeatRoasted Crocodile Meat
(Claire A) Kill the Alligator in the Service Tunnel on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:34:49 AM
5 points
Little MouseLittle Mouse
(Claire A) Force the alligator to run away in scenario A on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:36:43 AM
5 points
Claire, The Sewer CleanerClaire, The Sewer Cleaner
(Claire A) Remove the water in Sewer Passage 2 on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:40:37 AM
5 points
Electric BOOOMElectric BOOOM
(Claire A) Obtain the Spark Shot in the Factory Tunnel 1 on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 6:49:48 AM
5 points
(Claire A) Reveal both films in the Dark Room on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/3/2024, 10:02:07 AM
5 points
Bio ExterminatorBio Exterminator
(Claire A) Defeat G-Type 2 without taking damage in Factory: Turntable Yard on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 7:02:49 AM
10 points
B.O.W. G-Type 2B.O.W. G-Type 2
(Claire A) Defeat G-Type 2 in Factory: Turntable Yard on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 7:02:49 AM
5 points
Cold EnergyCold Energy
(Claire A) Restory the Energy in Lab B4: Main Shaft on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:28:41 AM
5 points
Bullet HunterBullet Hunter
(Claire A) Open the Shutter in Lab B5: P-4 Laboratory on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:34:42 AM
5 points
(Claire A) Hear what Annette has to say before she dies in the Lab Entry Corridor on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:38:40 AM
3 points
Cleaning the LabCleaning the Lab
(Claire A) Kill the Moth on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:39:23 AM
3 points
Exterminador De BaratasExterminador De Baratas
(Claire A) Kill all Lickers in the game on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:43:30 AM
5 points
(Claire A) Obtain the Vaccine in the Lab B5: P-4 Laboratory on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:51:35 AM
5 points
Raccoon ArchivesRaccoon Archives
(Claire A) Obtain every File in Scenario A on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:38:02 AM
10 points
It's A MonsterIt's A Monster
(Claire A) Defeat G-Type 3 in Laboratory Cargo Room without taking damage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 8:56:26 AM
10 points
Good DogGood Dog
(Claire A) Defeat G-Type 4 in Laboratory Cargo Room without taking damage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 9:51:08 AM
10 points
G-Type 4G-Type 4
(Claire A) Defeat G-Type 4 in Laboratory Cargo Room on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 9:04:24 AM
5 points
Looking For My BrotherLooking For My Brother
Complete Claire Scenario A with an A Rank on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 7:52:08 AM
50 points
Game AGame A
Complete Claire Scenario A on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 9:59:05 AM
10 points
Mr XMr X
(Leon B) Defeat Mr X in 2F: Crow Passage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 6:39:52 AM
5 points
Skull BreakerSkull Breaker
(Leon B) Obtain the Shotgun in the R.P.D. 1F: Main Hall on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 6:25:25 AM
3 points
(Leon B) Obtain the Spade Key on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 6:26:01 AM
2 points
(Leon B) Obtain the Magnum on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 7:05:09 AM
2 points
(Leon B) Obtain the Diamond Key on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 7:03:18 AM
2 points
(Leon B) Obtain the Heart Key on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 7:17:41 AM
2 points
(Leon B) Meet with Ada on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 8:33:08 AM
5 points
(Leon B) Get tips from Ben in prison on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 10:15:59 AM
2 points
Combined WorkCombined Work
(Leon B) Get the Crank in the Taxidermy Display on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:28:49 AM
3 points
O Cara do CanoO Cara do Cano
(Leon B) Defeat G-Type 1 without taking damage in Sewage Disposal: Septic Pool Walkway on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:40:36 AM
5 points
G-Type 1G-Type 1
(Leon B) Defeat G-Type 1 in Sewage Disposal: Septic Pool Walkway on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:40:36 AM
5 points
Crazy AlligatorCrazy Alligator
(Leon B) Finish Ada Playthrough in the Sewers on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:51:05 AM
5 points
Claire Was Supposed to Come this WayClaire Was Supposed to Come this Way
(Leon B) Kill the zombies in Sewer South Passage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:54:04 AM
5 points
(Leon B) Kill the Alligator in the Service Tunnel without taking damage or using the gas on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 10:04:54 AM
5 points
(Leon B) Is there anyone there? (Normal difficulty, Original Game)
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 10:25:19 AM
5 points
B.O.W. G-Type 3B.O.W. G-Type 3
(Leon B) Defeat G-Type 3 in Factory: Turntable Yard on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 10:38:47 AM
5 points
Umbrella MonsterUmbrella Monster
(Leon B) Defeat G-Type 3 without taking damage in Factory: Turntable Yard on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 10:38:47 AM
10 points
Engineering of the FutureEngineering of the Future
(Leon B) Turn the elevator power on in Smelting Room on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 10:45:02 AM
5 points
Creating Safe AreaCreating Safe Area
(Leon B) Use the Anti Bow Gas in the Sleeping Quarters A on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 10:06:08 AM
5 points
Good Bye AdaGood Bye Ada
(Leon B) Obtain the Master Key on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:27:16 AM
5 points
Monster ExperimentMonster Experiment
(Leon B) Kill both Lickers in Experiment Room on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:16:46 AM
5 points
Imperfect XImperfect X
(Leon B) Defeat Ultra X without taking damage in Power Control Platform on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:51:32 AM
10 points
Ultra XUltra X
(Leon B) Defeat Ultra X in Power Control Platform on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:51:32 AM
5 points
Deformed B.O.W.Deformed B.O.W.
(Leon B) Defeat G-Type 5 without taking damage in Train Rear Carriage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:57:33 AM
10 points
G-Type 5G-Type 5
(Leon B) Defeat G-Type 5 in Train Rear Carriage on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:57:32 AM
5 points
Excellent Day For The First JobExcellent Day For The First Job
Complete Leon Scenario B with an A Rank on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 10:30:32 AM
50 points
Extra ModeExtra Mode
Complete Leon Scenario B on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 8:00:54 AM
10 points
The Fourth SurvivorThe Fourth Survivor
[Any Disc] Finish the 4th Survivor Scenario in under 10 minutes
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 10:36:04 AM
10 points
Xtra LifeXtra Life
[Any Disc] Kill Both Mr. X in the 4th Scenario
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 10:48:19 AM
10 points
[Any Disc] Finish the 4th Survivor Scenario with an B or A rank
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 4:07:52 PM
25 points
[Any Disc] Finish the 4th Survivor Scenario
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 10:49:35 AM
10 points
Survivor XSurvivor X
[Any Disc] Finish the Tofu Survivor Scenario
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 10:36:04 AM
50 points
Complete Claire Scenario A on Hard difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/21/2024, 10:54:42 AM
25 points
Complete Leon Scenario B on Hard difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/22/2024, 9:10:31 AM
25 points
So Much For "Keeping a Close Eye on Things"So Much For "Keeping a Close Eye on Things"
(Leon A) Watch or listen as Robert Kendo gets killed by zombies
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:09:20 AM
1 points
Chickenheart's EndChickenheart's End
(Leon A) Put the zombified Brad Vickers out of his misery
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 7:36:10 AM
2 points
This is NOT how I imagined my first day...This is NOT how I imagined my first day...
(Leon A) Receive your orders from Marvin
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:21:26 AM
1 points
Buncha Flying Rats...Buncha Flying Rats...
(Leon A) Kill all of the Crows during the 2F Hallway Ambush without leaving the room
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:40:55 AM
3 points
Nowhere is SafeNowhere is Safe
(Leon A) Kill the zombies who ambush you inside the Shed Saveroom without leaving
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:42:34 AM
3 points
When Did This Happen, Anyway?When Did This Happen, Anyway?
(Leon A) Put out the fire caused by the crashed helicopter
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:43:49 AM
2 points
Sorry, Boss...Sorry, Boss...
(Leon A) Put Marvin out of his misery
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:52:47 AM
2 points
A Woman in a Red Dress?A Woman in a Red Dress?
(Leon A) Cross paths with the mysterious Ada Wong
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:01:32 AM
2 points
Ada, Wait!Ada, Wait!
(Leon A) Receive the Club Key from Ada
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:16:10 AM
2 points
Just Like That Alien Movie....Just Like That Alien Movie....
(Leon A) Watch Ben's rather gruesome end...
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:33:03 AM
2 points
I Think I'm Gonna Puke...I Think I'm Gonna Puke...
(Leon A) Kill the G Adult guarding the entrance to the sewers
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:36:46 AM
5 points
The Truth RevealedThe Truth Revealed
(Leon A) Have Ada learn the cause of the outbreak from Annette
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:43:21 AM
2 points
(Leon A) Kill the Alligator with the gas tank
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:48:56 AM
3 points
Uh...later, Alligator?Uh...later, Alligator?
(Leon A) Get the Alligator to run away
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 10:50:51 AM
5 points
This Day Just Keeps Getting Better and Better...This Day Just Keeps Getting Better and Better...
(Leon A) Defeat G-Type 2 on the Turntable Elevator
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:08:14 AM
5 points
Then Leon Said "Let There Be Light!"Then Leon Said "Let There Be Light!"
(Leon A) Restore power to the Umbrella Lab
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:13:44 AM
3 points
Enough is Enough.....Enough is Enough.....
(Leon A) Watch Ada and Annette "die", then get rid of the thing that "everybody's been dying for"
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:28:59 AM
3 points
Be a Good Boy and Stay Dead This TimeBe a Good Boy and Stay Dead This Time
(Leon A) Defeat G-Type 3 and G-Type 4 in the Umbrella Lab
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:33:29 AM
5 points
First Day on the Job...Great, Huh?First Day on the Job...Great, Huh?
Complete the Leon A Scenario on Normal Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:53:37 AM
10 points
More Than Just a Rookie Police OfficerMore Than Just a Rookie Police Officer
Complete the Leon A Scenario on Normal Difficulty with an A rank
✅ unlocked at 4/11/2024, 7:29:44 AM
50 points
They Trained Me Hard at the AcademyThey Trained Me Hard at the Academy
Complete the Leon A Scenario on Expert Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/17/2024, 6:45:07 AM
25 points
Just Like a Horror MovieJust Like a Horror Movie
Complete the Leon A Scenario on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/14/2024, 8:37:24 AM
50 points
What the HELL is that!?What the HELL is that!?
(Leon A) Kill the first Licker you encounter without taking damage or leaving the room
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:23:41 AM
5 points
A Very Generous FriendA Very Generous Friend
In any A Scenario, exit the Police Station and reach the Umbrella Lab without taking anything from the Weapon Storage Room
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 9:55:46 AM
5 points
A Very Greedy S.O.B.A Very Greedy S.O.B.
In any A Scenario, exit the Police Station and reach the Umbrella Lab having taken both items from the Weapon Storage Room
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:09:11 AM
5 points
Dunno...this stuff looks sketchy...Dunno...this stuff looks sketchy...
(Leon A) Leave the Umbrella Lab without turning on the Anti BOW Gas
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 6:33:56 AM
2 points
I Feel Like Somebody Already Did This...I Feel Like Somebody Already Did This...
(Claire B) Put out the fire from the Helicopter Crash (again...)
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 7:12:09 AM
2 points
Lose Your Fedora, Big Guy?Lose Your Fedora, Big Guy?
(Claire B) Defeat Mr. X in the Crow Hallway without taking damage
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 7:13:00 AM
5 points
Again, didn't Leon unlock these??Again, didn't Leon unlock these??
(Claire B) Use the Blue Keycard to unlock the mysteriously locked doors
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 7:17:25 AM
2 points
So I Came Here for Nothing...So I Came Here for Nothing...
(Claire B) Meet Leon in the S.T.A.R.S. Office and grab Chris's mail
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 7:23:38 AM
2 points
Return of the Living ChickenheartReturn of the Living Chickenheart
(Claire B) Put down Zombie Brad....again...
✅ unlocked at 4/11/2024, 7:37:16 AM
3 points
With Explosive ForceWith Explosive Force
(Claire B) Destroy the wrecked wall with the Bomb and Detonator
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 7:37:33 AM
2 points
Nothing to Be Afraid OfNothing to Be Afraid Of
(Claire B) Find Sherry in the Taxidermy Room
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 7:41:09 AM
2 points
Little Girl LostLittle Girl Lost
(Claire B) Receive the Club Key from Sherry
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 8:22:09 AM
2 points
Like an Ex-Boyfriend Who Doesn't QuitLike an Ex-Boyfriend Who Doesn't Quit
(Claire B) Defeat Mr X in both the Press Room and Interrogation Hallway without taking damage or running away
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:05:26 AM
5 points
Just Take the Hint Already!Just Take the Hint Already!
(Claire B) Defeat Mr X in the RPD 3F Walkway without taking damage or running away
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:22:47 AM
5 points
Birkin Wins! Fatality!Birkin Wins! Fatality!
(Claire B) Witness the gruesome demise of Irons
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:28:24 AM
2 points
That...Wasn't Just a Zombie...That...Wasn't Just a Zombie...
(Claire B) Defeat G Type 1 in the Septic Pool Walkway
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:29:20 AM
5 points
Taking That Bullet Like a Champ...Taking That Bullet Like a Champ...
(Claire B) Find Leon after he's been shot by Annette
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:37:27 AM
2 points
After a While, CrocodileAfter a While, Crocodile
(Claire B) Finish off the Alligator for good...assuming Leon didn't already kill it...
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:43:41 AM
3 points
She Really Can Take Care of HerselfShe Really Can Take Care of Herself
(Claire B) Reunite with Sherry outside the Cable Car
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:47:33 AM
2 points
Am I Going Blind?Am I Going Blind?
(Claire B) Collect the Weapon Box Key after lighting the flare
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:59:00 AM
3 points
Did You Not Read the Restraining Order!?Did You Not Read the Restraining Order!?
(Claire B) Defeat Mr X in the Hydraulic Monitor Room without taking damage or running away
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 10:03:28 AM
5 points
He Can Really Rip You to ShredsHe Can Really Rip You to Shreds
(Claire B) Defeat G Type 3 in the Turntable Yard
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 10:12:07 AM
5 points
Huh...So It Was Useful...Huh...So It Was Useful...
(Claire B) Defeat G Type 3 in the Turntable Yard using only the Spark Shot and without taking damage (must enter the battle with the Spark Shot equipped)
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 10:12:07 AM
5 points
That's Disgusting...That's Disgusting...
(Claire B) Kill the Moth without taking damage
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 10:35:02 AM
5 points
A Mother's LoveA Mother's Love
(Claire B) Witness Annette's last words
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 6:28:20 AM
3 points
X Ain't Gonna Give It To YaX Ain't Gonna Give It To Ya
(Claire B) Defeat Mr X in his Super Form
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 6:34:56 AM
5 points
This is a Train, not a Movie Theater!This is a Train, not a Movie Theater!
(Claire B) Defeat G Type 5
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 6:39:57 AM
5 points
I Only Came to Find My BrotherI Only Came to Find My Brother
Complete the Claire B Scenario on Normal Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 6:43:21 AM
10 points
It's in the Redfield BloodlineIt's in the Redfield Bloodline
Complete the Claire B Scenario on Normal Difficulty with an A Rank
✅ unlocked at 4/11/2024, 10:13:25 AM
50 points
What Chris Taught Me Worked!!!What Chris Taught Me Worked!!!
Complete the Claire B Scenario on Expert Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/17/2024, 9:16:30 AM
25 points
More Stunts Needed than a Horror MovieMore Stunts Needed than a Horror Movie
Complete the Claire B Scenario on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/15/2024, 7:56:31 AM
50 points
Okay, Who Keeps Undoing What Leon Did?Okay, Who Keeps Undoing What Leon Did?
(Claire B) Restore the power that's been mysteriously been turned off again in the Umbrella Lab
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 10:26:48 AM
2 points
Typewriters? Too Old School...Typewriters? Too Old School...
Complete any A Scenario without saving on Normal Difficulty or higher
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 7:52:02 AM
25 points
Would Rather Use Invisible InkWould Rather Use Invisible Ink
Complete any B Scenario without saving on Normal Difficulty or higher
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 10:30:27 AM
25 points
Real Survival Horror Has No CheckpointsReal Survival Horror Has No Checkpoints
Complete any Scenario without saving on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/14/2024, 8:37:24 AM
100 points
Survival Horror MasterSurvival Horror Master
Complete any Scenario with an A Rank on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/14/2024, 8:37:24 AM
50 points
Bad to the BoneBad to the Bone
Unlock Leon's Alternate Outfits with the Special Key (A or B Scenario)
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 7:58:42 AM
2 points
A Fiery New LookA Fiery New Look
Unlock Claire's Alternate Outfit and the Colt SAA with the Special Key (A or B Scenario)
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 7:10:32 AM
2 points
An Aspiring SnakeAn Aspiring Snake
In one session, kill 10 zombies in a row using only the Knife, without equipping any other weapons
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 7:11:15 AM
10 points
RPD Standard IssueRPD Standard Issue
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the H&K VP70
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 7:16:23 AM
5 points
Should Become a Redfield SpecialShould Become a Redfield Special
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the Browning HP
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:05:33 AM
5 points
Now With Burst-Fire Action!Now With Burst-Fire Action!
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the Custom Handgun
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 9:57:45 AM
5 points
If Only It Was Barry's...If Only It Was Barry's...
In one session, kill 25 zombies using the Magnum
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:08:49 AM
5 points
Okay, Maybe a Bit Too Powerful...Okay, Maybe a Bit Too Powerful...
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the Custom Magnum
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 6:34:09 AM
5 points
Perfect for Blasting HeadsPerfect for Blasting Heads
In one session, kill 30 zombies using the Shotgun
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 8:59:04 AM
5 points
I've Got a REAL Shotgun!I've Got a REAL Shotgun!
In one session, kill 25 zombies using the Custom Shotgun
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 6:30:52 AM
5 points
Like Dropping NapalmLike Dropping Napalm
In one session, kill 30 zombies using the Grenade Launcher equipped with Explosive Rounds
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 8:38:54 AM
5 points
The Ultimate Zombie BBQThe Ultimate Zombie BBQ
In one session, kill 25 zombies using the Grenade Launcher equipped with Flame Rounds
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 9:57:40 AM
5 points
They Melt Like the Wicked WitchThey Melt Like the Wicked Witch
In one session, kill 25 zombies using the Grenade Launcher equipped with Acid Rounds
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 8:35:41 AM
5 points
Not Quite How Daryl Uses ItNot Quite How Daryl Uses It
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the Bowgun
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 8:51:39 AM
5 points
An Undead WesternAn Undead Western
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the Colt SAA
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 7:20:32 AM
5 points
It's...Not Very Effective...It's...Not Very Effective...
In one session, kill 10 zombies using the Spark Shot
✅ unlocked at 4/8/2024, 10:24:04 AM
5 points
Eat This, You Freaks!!!Eat This, You Freaks!!!
In one session, kill 25 zombies using the Submachine Gun (Infinite SMG is NOT allowed)
✅ unlocked at 4/5/2024, 9:15:40 AM
5 points
Let the Flames Burn You!!!Let the Flames Burn You!!!
In one session, kill 10 zombies using the Flamethrower
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 6:37:14 AM
5 points
The Classic Resident Evil SpecialThe Classic Resident Evil Special
In one session, kill 30 zombies using the Rocket Launcher (Infinite Launcher allowed)
✅ unlocked at 4/9/2024, 7:30:45 AM
5 points
Just Hold Down the Trigger and Keep Firing!Just Hold Down the Trigger and Keep Firing!
In one session, kill 30 zombies using the Gatling Gun (Infinite Gatling Gun allowed)
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 10:50:42 AM
5 points
Resistance of the Living DeadResistance of the Living Dead
Complete Leon Scenario A on Hard difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/20/2024, 9:16:38 AM
25 points
Experiments With The Most Advanced PeopleExperiments With The Most Advanced People
Complete Claire Scenario B on Hard difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/21/2024, 7:59:43 AM
50 points
Rest In Peace Good GuyRest In Peace Good Guy
(Claire A) Kill all Dogs in the game on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 7:41:21 AM
5 points
On Behalf of Best FriendsOn Behalf of Best Friends
(Leon B) Kill all Dogs in the game on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 9:14:05 AM
5 points
In the shadowsIn the shadows
[Any Disc] Kill at least 50 enemies in the 4th Survivor
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 11:06:51 AM
10 points
Big CheeseBig Cheese
[Any Disc] Kill at least 20 enemies in the Tofu Survivor
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 9:56:04 AM
10 points
Back in BlackBack in Black
(Claire A) From Turntable Cabin reach out to R.P.D. Courtyard and kill a zombie on Normal difficulty, Original Game [without crushing zombies head]
✅ unlocked at 4/4/2024, 7:11:44 AM
5 points
Damn Plant Has to Stay BuriedDamn Plant Has to Stay Buried
(Leon B) Kill all Ivy's on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 6:10:01 AM
5 points
My Heart For PandoraMy Heart For Pandora
Complete Claire Scenario A in one session while NEVER using the Item Box on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 7:52:03 AM
25 points
Pandora QuestPandora Quest
Complete Leon Scenario B in one session while NEVER using the Item Box on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 10:30:32 AM
25 points
I Need to Get Out of This TownI Need to Get Out of This Town
(Leon B) Complete Leon Scenario B in under 3 hours on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/7/2024, 8:00:54 AM
25 points
My Brother is Not HereMy Brother is Not Here
(Claire A) Complete Claire Scenario A in under 3 hours on Normal difficulty, Original Game
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 7:52:03 AM
25 points
Ultra DogUltra Dog
[Any Disc] Kill G-Type 4 in the Parking Lot on Extreme Battle scenario - Level 3
✅ unlocked at 4/23/2024, 8:57:48 AM
10 points
G ExperimentG Experiment
[Any Disc] Kill G-Adult in the Cell Block Entrance on Extreme Battle scenario - Level 3
✅ unlocked at 4/23/2024, 9:00:35 AM
10 points
Just a RookieJust a Rookie
Complete Level 1 of Extreme Battle with any character
✅ unlocked at 4/22/2024, 10:32:04 AM
10 points
What a Tough Guy!What a Tough Guy!
Complete Level 2 of Extreme Battle with any character
✅ unlocked at 4/23/2024, 7:39:55 AM
10 points
Extreme Rookie OfficerExtreme Rookie Officer
Complete Level 3 of Extreme Battle with Leon
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 7:09:52 AM
25 points
Extreme College StudentExtreme College Student
Complete Level 3 of Extreme Battle with Claire
✅ unlocked at 4/23/2024, 10:56:04 AM
25 points
Extreme B**** in the Red DressExtreme B**** in the Red Dress
Complete Level 3 of Extreme Battle with Ada
✅ unlocked at 4/25/2024, 9:14:56 AM
25 points
Extreme Boulder Punching A**holeExtreme Boulder Punching A**hole
Complete Level 3 of Extreme Battle with Chris
✅ unlocked at 4/23/2024, 10:01:07 AM
25 points
S.T.A.R.S. Standard IssueS.T.A.R.S. Standard Issue
In one session, kill 20 zombies using the Beretta M92FS
✅ unlocked at 4/10/2024, 10:40:18 AM
5 points
Still in One Piece...That's Good...Still in One Piece...That's Good...
Complete the Claire A Scenario on Expert Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/19/2024, 7:24:09 AM
25 points
My God Has Protected UsMy God Has Protected Us
Complete the Claire A Scenario on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/15/2024, 11:08:55 AM
50 points
Now Everybody Will Listen to MeNow Everybody Will Listen to Me
Complete the Leon B Scenario on Expert Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/19/2024, 10:31:56 AM
25 points
Game OverGame Over
Complete the Leon B Scenario on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 4/16/2024, 9:46:04 AM
50 points

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