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Final Fantasy Anthology: Final Fantasy V Progress

more about Final Fantasy Anthology: Final Fantasy VFinal Fantasy Anthology: Final Fantasy V
100.0% complete

146 / 146 🏆
1437 / 1437 points

iconinfoRA score
A Slightly Bigger EnemyA Slightly Bigger Enemy
Defeat Wingrapter at the top of the Wind Shrine.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 3:39:03 AM
2 points
Defeat Karl Boss in the Torna Canal.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 5:00:11 AM
2 points
Terminated TemptressTerminated Temptress
Defeat Siren at the end of the Ship Graveyard.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 5:29:00 AM
3 points
Power CouplePower Couple
Defeat Magissa (with or without Faltzer).
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 6:18:51 AM
5 points
Unga BungaUnga Bunga
Defeat Garula at the top of Walze Tower.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 4:24:45 AM
5 points
Defeat LiquidFlame in the Fire Ship.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 6:03:46 AM
5 points
Proselyte Under PressureProselyte Under Pressure
Defeat the Sergeant at the end of Karnak Castle after his transformation into an Iron Claw.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 6:23:02 AM
5 points
Byblical BeastByblical Beast
Defeat Byblos in the Ancient Library.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 2:25:11 AM
5 points
Oh, Worm?Oh, Worm?
Defeat the Sandworm at the entrance of the Desert.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 5:27:22 AM
5 points
Adamantaim AdamantiteAdamantaim Adamantite
Defeat Adamantaim at the Tycoon Meteor.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 6:46:44 AM
5 points
A Flying CrabA Flying Crab
Defeat Clay Claw.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 5:58:09 AM
5 points
Soul VS SoulsSoul VS Souls
Defeat the Soul Cannon on the Flying Fortress.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 7:01:38 AM
5 points
Shifting SnakeShifting Snake
Defeat Archeoavis inside the Flying Fortress.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 3:19:36 AM
5 points
Child Protection ServiceChild Protection Service
Defeat the Abductor upon reaching the Second World.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 6:23:49 AM
5 points
Mr. Gregory MeshMr. Gregory Mesh
Defeat Gilgamesh on the Big Bridge.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 6:42:04 AM
5 points
The Skeleton AppearsThe Skeleton Appears
Defeat Tyrasaurus in the Underground Waterway.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 2:13:29 AM
3 points
Mowing The LawnMowing The Lawn
Defeat Drgn Grass in the Valley of Dragons.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 3:45:29 AM
5 points
Cosmic ChaosCosmic Chaos
Defeat Atomos at the top of Barrier Tower.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 6:27:10 AM
5 points
Epic ReferenceEpic Reference
Defeat the Four Crystals in The Great Forest of Moore.
✅ unlocked at 12/30/2024, 5:51:27 AM
5 points
Return From SenderReturn From Sender
Defeat Carbuncle Inside X-Death's Castle.
✅ unlocked at 12/30/2024, 7:09:40 AM
5 points
X-Tra DimensionalX-Tra Dimensional
Defeat X-Death at the top of his castle.
✅ unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:06:10 AM
10 points
ok byeok bye
Win against the Antolyon.
✅ unlocked at 12/31/2024, 2:20:38 AM
3 points
Guise GawkingGuise Gawking
Defeat Mellusion.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 5:28:06 AM
5 points
Spot The DifferenceSpot The Difference
Defeat Stoker at the end of the Island Shrine.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 6:27:56 AM
5 points
Gamma AttackGamma Attack
Defeat Triton, Nergade, and Phobos at the bottom of The Great Sea Trench.
✅ unlocked at 1/4/2025, 3:27:24 AM
5 points
Do The WaveDo The Wave
Defeat Leviathan in Easterly Falls.
✅ unlocked at 1/4/2025, 4:41:07 AM
5 points
Welcome to the N-ZoneWelcome to the N-Zone
Defeat WoodSprite in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 5:18:58 AM
5 points
Book SmartBook Smart
Defeat Apprehendr in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:38:54 AM
5 points
Learning to LiquidateLearning to Liquidate
Defeat Azulmagia in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:11:17 AM
5 points
Deltascape V2.0Deltascape V2.0
Defeat Catastroph in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:50:32 AM
5 points
Frog FractionsFrog Fractions
Defeat Halycanos in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 10:16:39 PM
5 points
The Top of the WorldThe Top of the World
Defeat Twin Tania in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 10:40:57 PM
5 points
Barrier BattleBarrier Battle
Defeat Necrophobe in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:03:13 AM
5 points
Conjoined With EternityConjoined With Eternity
Defeat Neo X-Death at the end of the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:50:37 AM
25 points
13 Wishes13 Wishes
Obtain the Magic Lamp.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 1:43:26 AM
5 points
Baby BartzBaby Bartz
Listen to the Music Box in Rikks.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 4:44:58 AM
3 points
Treasures - AllTreasures - All
Obtain every treasure in the entire game.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:21:35 AM
50 points
Treasures - World 1Treasures - World 1
Obtain every treasure available in World 1.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 2:51:36 AM
25 points
Treasures - World 2Treasures - World 2
Obtain every treasure available in World 2.
✅ unlocked at 12/31/2024, 4:37:49 AM
10 points
Treasures - World 3Treasures - World 3
Obtain every treasure available in World 3.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:21:35 AM
25 points
Witness Reina and Faris's discussion on top of Tycoon Castle.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 6:47:15 AM
2 points
Beastly BeardBeastly Beard
Obtain a Dragon's Beard as a drop from a Stingray.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 4:54:03 AM
10 points
Drgn my Lance Across the RiftDrgn my Lance Across the Rift
Steal a Dragon Lance from a Crystaldrgn.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:33:37 AM
10 points
Get Well Soon BokoGet Well Soon Boko
Find out what Boko has been doing after being left behind.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 4:49:54 AM
3 points
I Waited So LongI Waited So Long
Witness the flashback scene in Rikks Village.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 4:42:05 AM
3 points
Judge's GavelJudge's Gavel
Steal a Judge-Staff.
✅ unlocked at 1/4/2025, 2:53:18 AM
5 points
Check up on Faris in Tule...
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 4:23:56 AM
2 points
Lugor RugolLugor Rugol
Have Bartz and Galuf share a moment at the Pub in Lugor.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 7:09:18 AM
3 points
The Doctor Is InThe Doctor Is In
Create every !Mix combination with a restorative effect.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 5:23:24 AM
10 points
Story TimeStory Time
Have Reina and Faris reminisce about when they were kids.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 3:41:47 AM
3 points
Tink TockTink Tock
Obtain a Tinkerbell as a drop from Twin Tania.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 11:48:16 PM
10 points
Warking Around The WorldWarking Around The World
Obtain the Mirage Vest from your friend in the Mirage Village.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 1:55:43 AM
5 points
Well Well WellWell Well Well
Obtain the Kornago's Gourd from the old man.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 5:54:17 AM
5 points
Yo Yo YojimboYo Yo Yojimbo
Steal a Strato from Yojimbo.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:23:17 AM
5 points
Tossing Egg SaladTossing Egg Salad
Use the mighty Egg Chop in any battle.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 4:54:54 AM
5 points
Guantes AzulesGuantes Azules
Steal a pair of Giant's Gloves from Azulmagia.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:13:13 AM
10 points
Burning the BooksBurning the Books
Defeat Ifrit in the Ancient Library.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 2:01:21 AM
5 points
Ice BreakerIce Breaker
Defeat Shiva and obtain the ability to summon her.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 3:23:09 AM
5 points
Defeat Ramuh and obtain the ability to summon him.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 4:26:00 AM
5 points
A Sturdy BarrierA Sturdy Barrier
Save Golem and obtain the ability to summon him.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 3:22:59 AM
5 points
Defeat Shoat and obtain the ability to summon him.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 7:16:51 AM
5 points
Magnitude 10Magnitude 10
Defeat Titan at the Karnak Meteor.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 4:19:48 AM
5 points
Ascend to the top of Phoenix Tower.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 2:34:21 AM
10 points
Sky DoggySky Doggy
Defeat Bahamut at the top of North Mountain.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 6:07:21 AM
10 points
Defeat Omega in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:31:33 AM
25 points
A Delightful SurpriseA Delightful Surprise
Defeat Shinryu in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:20:51 AM
25 points
Obtain the ability to summon Hydra.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 1:39:44 AM
5 points
Let Them CookLet Them Cook
Create every !Mix combination with a supportive effect.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 5:44:01 AM
10 points
Cooking By The BookCooking By The Book
Create every !Mix combination with a status effect.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 5:39:05 AM
10 points
I've Come Up With A New RecipeI've Come Up With A New Recipe
Create every !Mix combination with an offensive effect.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 5:45:32 AM
10 points
Toddlers of BrightToddlers of Bright
Finish the game with no character exceeding level 4. (Must fight Neo X-Death!)
✅ unlocked at 1/18/2025, 2:20:52 AM
100 points
Statistical AnomolyStatistical Anomoly
Find your psychic friend.
✅ unlocked at 1/15/2025, 5:56:41 AM
5 points
Ascending to ValhallaAscending to Valhalla
Defeat Odin and obtain the ability to summon him.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 5:40:46 AM
5 points
Strange, Isn't It?Strange, Isn't It?
Obtain the Mime Job.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 8:51:01 AM
5 points
Yin And YangYin And Yang
Obtain the ultimate White and Black Magic at Fork Tower.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 8:24:13 AM
10 points
Probing Through AntiquitesProbing Through Antiquites
Get every chest in the Pyramid and defeat every Mechahead without restoring MP or leaving the Pyramid after defeating the Gargoyles. (Do not switch party formation!)
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 4:59:53 AM
25 points
Rapter wit no WingRapter wit no Wing
Defeat Wingrapter without selecting a command other than Fight.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 3:39:04 AM
3 points
Subliminal MessagingSubliminal Messaging
Defeat Siren using only White Magic and Items.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 5:39:28 AM
10 points
Powerless SinglePowerless Single
Defeat Magissa before Faltzer spawns.
✅ unlocked at 12/21/2024, 6:18:51 AM
10 points
The Ungiest BungusThe Ungiest Bungus
Defeat Garula without expending MP.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 4:24:45 AM
10 points
Defeat Shiva before obtaining Fire 2 without using Fire Rods or having any character above Level 10.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 3:23:09 AM
10 points
Clean Burning HellClean Burning Hell
Defeat LiquidFlame before you obtain Ice2 and without using Ice Rods.
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 6:03:46 AM
10 points
Karnak DashKarnak Dash
Open every chest and escape from Karnak Castle before the timer runs out. (Awarded after job acquisition)
✅ unlocked at 12/22/2024, 6:24:21 AM
10 points
Defeat Ifrit with a party of Summoners using only the Shiva spell and without equipping extra abilities.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 2:01:22 AM
10 points
Worm UpWorm Up
Defeat the Sandworm using a party of 3 Berserkers and 1 Job of your choice.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 5:27:22 AM
10 points
Mobile FortressMobile Fortress
Defeat Adamantaim without selecting a command other than Fight.
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 6:46:44 AM
10 points
Unstable FootingUnstable Footing
Defeat Titan with a party of Geomancers using only the !Earth command.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 4:19:48 AM
10 points
Becoming an AceBecoming an Ace
Defeat the four cannons and the Soul Cannon without leaving the sky. (Awarded after cutscene)
✅ unlocked at 12/23/2024, 7:02:06 AM
25 points
Assault on the BridgeAssault on the Bridge
Complete the Big Bridge segment without healing MP.
✅ unlocked at 12/24/2024, 6:50:16 AM
10 points
Necromacy LiteNecromacy Lite
Defeat Tyrasaurus with one attack.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 2:13:29 AM
2 points
Trimming the BushTrimming the Bush
Defeat Drgn Grass' main plant before you defeat any of the Bulbs, but after all 5 Bulbs appear. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 3:45:29 AM
25 points
The Genji Gloves are OffThe Genji Gloves are Off
Steal the Genji Gloves from Gilgamesh, then win the fight.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 4:58:52 AM
5 points
Defeat Atomos without anyone in your party dying. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 6:27:10 AM
10 points
Defeat the Four Crystals before they have a chance to cast their powerful magic. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 12/30/2024, 5:51:27 AM
10 points
Simon and CarfuncleSimon and Carfuncle
Defeat Carbuncle using only White and Black Magic. (Break prohibited. Defend OK)
✅ unlocked at 12/30/2024, 7:09:40 AM
10 points
Genji Hat's Off to YouGenji Hat's Off to You
Steal the Genji Helm from Gilgamesh, then end the fight.
✅ unlocked at 12/30/2024, 7:37:50 AM
5 points
Why Isn't She Wearing This?Why Isn't She Wearing This?
Steal all 4 pieces of Leather equipment from Mellusion, then defeat her.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 5:28:05 AM
25 points
Brand of the BerserkerBrand of the Berserker
Defeat Stoker with a party consisting of only Berserkers.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 6:27:56 AM
25 points
Besting the All-KnowingBesting the All-Knowing
Deplete Omniscient's MP before defeating him. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 8:23:47 AM
25 points
Triple TroubleTriple Trouble
Defeat Triton, Nergade, and Phobos in a 3 vs 3 battle. (Odin and Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/4/2025, 3:27:25 AM
10 points
Embracing the TideEmbracing the Tide
Defeat Leviathan without having Coral Rings equipped. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/4/2025, 4:41:07 AM
10 points
Taming the BeastTaming the Beast
Defeat Apprehendr with a party of Trainers. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:38:53 AM
10 points
Educating the EducatorEducating the Educator
Defeat Azulmagia with a single action.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 7:11:18 AM
10 points
Grounded in RealityGrounded in Reality
Defeat Catastroph without having the Float status. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 6:50:33 AM
10 points
Make Him CroakMake Him Croak
Defeat Halycanos while the whole party has the Frog status. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 10:38:44 PM
25 points
Alternating DevastationAlternating Devastation
Defeat Twin Tania without it casting either Tidal Wave or Mega Flare twice during the fight.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 10:59:51 PM
10 points
Genji Shielded by FaithGenji Shielded by Faith
Steal the Genji Shield from Gilgamesh in the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 11:50:37 PM
5 points
Insert Genji Armor Pun HereInsert Genji Armor Pun Here
Steal the Genji Armor from Gilgamesh further into the N-Zone.
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 12:02:02 AM
5 points
Skilled ProfessionalsSkilled Professionals
Defeat X-Death with a party that does not include the Bare Job. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/7/2025, 1:03:08 AM
10 points
The Greedy ProsperThe Greedy Prosper
Reach the end of the Gil Cave.
✅ unlocked at 12/30/2024, 3:47:23 AM
25 points
Graveyard ShiftGraveyard Shift
Save Golem without using Requiem on his attackers. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 3:17:27 AM
5 points
SCUBA MimersSCUBA Mimers
Obtain the Mime Job with at least 3:30 left on the clock and without opening the chest of air.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 8:51:01 AM
10 points
Defeat Odin before the clock reaches 00:25. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 5:40:21 AM
10 points
Through the Fire and the FlamesThrough the Fire and the Flames
Reach the 30th Floor of Phoenix Tower within 10 minutes. (Leave and re-enter the Tower to retry)
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 3:32:53 AM
25 points
Tectonic ForceTectonic Force
Defeat Bahamut without casting Reflect, having Wall Rings equipped, or having any character above Level 30. (Gil Toss prohibited)
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 6:07:21 AM
25 points
Scared SenselessScared Senseless
Obtain the Chicken Knife at its maximum power.
✅ unlocked at 1/14/2025, 6:25:13 AM
10 points
Bravery UnmatchedBravery Unmatched
Obtain the Brave Blade at its maximum power.
✅ unlocked at 1/21/2025, 5:02:35 AM
50 points
White Magic MasterWhite Magic Master
Learn all White Magic.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 8:24:13 AM
10 points
Black Magic MasterBlack Magic Master
Learn all Black Magic.
✅ unlocked at 1/3/2025, 8:24:14 AM
10 points
Time Magic MasterTime Magic Master
Learn all Time Magic.
✅ unlocked at 1/4/2025, 3:27:59 AM
10 points
Summon MasterSummon Master
Obtain all Summons.
✅ unlocked at 1/5/2025, 2:34:21 AM
10 points
Musician MasterMusician Master
Learn all Songs.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 6:10:15 AM
10 points
Blue Magic MasterBlue Magic Master
Learn all Blue Magic.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 10:46:49 PM
10 points
Master of the MysticalMaster of the Mystical
Learn every type of Spell and every Song, and obtain every Summon.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 10:46:49 PM
25 points
Knight MasterKnight Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Knight Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 12/28/2024, 6:06:47 AM
5 points
Monk MasterMonk Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Monk Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 2:49:10 AM
5 points
Thief MasterThief Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Thief Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 7:27:07 AM
5 points
White Mage MasterWhite Mage Master
Reach the maximum Level with the White Mage Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 7:19:28 AM
5 points
Black Mage MasterBlack Mage Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Black Mage Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 2:45:00 AM
5 points
Blue Mage MasterBlue Mage Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Blue Mage Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 6:20:13 AM
5 points
Berserker MasterBerserker Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Berserker Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:28:41 AM
5 points
Sorcerer MasterSorcerer Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Sorcerer Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:57:03 AM
5 points
Time Mage MasterTime Mage Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Time Mage Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 7:03:06 AM
5 points
Summoner MasterSummoner Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Summoner Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:07:04 AM
5 points
Red Mage MasterRed Mage Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Red Mage Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:13:27 AM
5 points
Ninja MasterNinja Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Ninja Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 6:26:41 AM
5 points
Trainer MasterTrainer Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Trainer Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:23:01 AM
5 points
Geomancer MasterGeomancer Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Geomancer Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 2:59:44 AM
5 points
Hunter MasterHunter Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Hunter Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 2:25:52 AM
5 points
Bard MasterBard Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Bard Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/2025, 7:37:19 AM
5 points
Lancer MasterLancer Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Lancer Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:37:45 AM
5 points
Samurai MasterSamurai Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Samurai Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:03:20 AM
5 points
Chemist MasterChemist Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Chemist Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:33:56 AM
5 points
Dancer MasterDancer Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Dancer Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/2/2025, 3:43:12 AM
5 points
Mime MasterMime Master
Reach the maximum Level with the Mime Job on a character.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 2:48:45 AM
5 points
Master of MastersMaster of Masters
Master every Job and obtain every Ability on all four party members.
✅ unlocked at 1/6/2025, 4:22:33 AM
25 points

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