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~Prototype~ Resident Evil 2 Progress

more about ~Prototype~ Resident Evil 2~Prototype~ Resident Evil 2
100.0% complete

11 / 11 🏆
25 / 25 points

iconinfoRA score
A Day That Never DawnedA Day That Never Dawned
Played the Resident Evil 2 GBA Tech Demo
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:48:57 AM
0 points
The Story so Far...The Story so Far...
Fully watch the opening cutscene and get to know the story.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:45:37 AM
0 points
Officer of PeaceOfficer of Peace
Beat the game without firing any bullets.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:48:56 AM
1 points
Swift Justice!Swift Justice!
Beat the game within 45 seconds.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:48:56 AM
5 points
Become food for the zombies.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:53:11 AM
0 points
Stay HungryStay Hungry
Beat the game without taking any damage.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:48:57 AM
2 points
Beat the game within 30 seconds, without firing a bullet and without taking damage.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:48:57 AM
10 points
Zombie Exterminator IZombie Exterminator I
Kill the two zombies by the restaurant.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:50:12 AM
2 points
Zombie Exterminator IIZombie Exterminator II
Kill the Zombie in the alley.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:50:56 AM
1 points
Zombie Exterminator IIIZombie Exterminator III
Kill the three zombies on the basketball court.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:54:19 AM
3 points
Rule #2Rule #2
Shoot a corpse to make sure that it's really dead.
✅ unlocked at 1/29/2025, 1:54:25 AM
1 points

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