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Terraria [Subset - Completionist] Progress

more about Terraria [Subset - Completionist]Terraria [Subset - Completionist]
Infinity% complete

8 / 330 🏆
55 / points

iconinfoRA score
Bat Some BatsBat Some Bats
Obtain a Bat Bat from a bat enemy.
✅ unlocked at 2/24/2025, 9:39:20 AM
5 points
Fully EnergizedFully Energized
Obtain a Beam Sword from an Armored Skeleton.
10 points
Get ShreddedGet Shredded
Obtain a Bladed Glove from an enemy during Halloween.
5 points
Oculus ReaverOculus Reaver
Obtain a Bladetongue while fishing in the Crimson.
10 points
Calcium CarverCalcium Carver
Obtain a Bone Sword from a Skeleton enemy.
✅ unlocked at 2/15/2025, 6:45:12 PM
10 points
Persian ParryPersian Parry
Obtain an Exotic Scimitar from the Dye Trader.
5 points
Are You Not Entertained?Are You Not Entertained?
Obtain a Gladius from a Hoplite.
5 points
Big Meaty JawsBig Meaty Jaws
Obtain a Mandible Blade from an antlion enemy.
5 points
Killed la KillKilled la Kill
Obtain some Stylish Scissors from the Stylist.
5 points
Need a Hand?Need a Hand?
Obtain a Zombie Arm from a zombie enemy.
5 points
Tax EnforcerTax Enforcer
Obtain a Classy Cane from the Tax Collector.
5 points
Icy Kiss of DeathIcy Kiss of Death
Obtain an Ice Sickle from a Snow/Ice enemy.
10 points
My Friends Are My Power!My Friends Are My Power!
Obtain a Keybrand from a Dungeon enemy.
10 points
One Lava DropOne Lava Drop
Obtain a Cascade from an Underworld enemy.
5 points
One Snow DropOne Snow Drop
Obtain an Amarok from a Snow enemy.
5 points
One Fire DropOne Fire Drop
Obtain a Hel-Fire from a Cavern/Underworld enemy.
5 points
One Dungeon DropOne Dungeon Drop
Obtain a Kraken from a Dungeon enemy.
5 points
One Jungle DropOne Jungle Drop
Obtain a Yelets from a Jungle enemy.
5 points
Support Your Local BusinessesSupport Your Local Businesses
Buy all 7 yoyo-related items from the Skeleton Merchant.
5 points
Obtain an Obsidian Swordfish while fishing in the Underworld.
10 points
Friday the 13thFriday the 13th
Obtain a Bloody Machete from an enemy during Halloween.
5 points
Blue-Collar BusterBlue-Collar Buster
Obtain a Combat Wrench from the Mechanic.
5 points
Spore DistributionSpore Distribution
Obtain a Shroomerang from a Spore Bat.
5 points
Ring RingRing Ring
Obtain a Bananarang from a Clown.
5 points
Paladin PounderPaladin Pounder
Obtain a Paladin's Hammer from a Paladin.
10 points
Rope DartRope Dart
Obtain a Chain Knife from a Cave Bat.
10 points
I Got My Eyes on YouI Got My Eyes on You
Obtain a Dripper Crippler from a Blood Eel.
10 points
Blessed WindBlessed Wind
Obtain a Terragrim from an Enchanted Sword Shrine.
25 points
Terra Blade ChroniclesTerra Blade Chronicles
Obtain all 100 swords.
50 points
Just One DropJust One Drop
Obtain all 19 yoyos.
25 points
Power of OdinPower of Odin
Obtain all 18 spears.
10 points
Round TripRound Trip
Obtain all 16 boomerangs.
10 points
Obtain all 15 flails.
10 points
Ultimate WeaponUltimate Weapon
Obtain all 13 miscellaneous melee weapons.
25 points
Reign in BloodReign in Blood
Obtain a Blood Rain Bow from a Blood Moon enemy.
10 points
Bone MarrowBone Marrow
Obtain a Marrow from a Skeleton Archer.
10 points
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out KidYou'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid
Obtain a Red Ryder from a Present.
5 points
Angrier TrapperAngrier Trapper
Obtain an Uzi from an Angry Trapper.
5 points
Bar FightBar Fight
Obtain an Ale Tosser from the Tavernkeep.
5 points
Weaponized ArtWeaponized Art
Obtain a Paintball Gun from the Painter.
5 points
Wasting Tax DollarsWasting Tax Dollars
Obtain a Coin Gun from a Pirate Invasion enemy.
25 points
Dirty BubbleDirty Bubble
Catch a Toxikarp while fishing in the Corruption.
10 points
Obtain all 32 bows.
50 points
Pew PewPew Pew
Obtain all 9 repeaters.
5 points
Say Hello to My Little FriendSay Hello to My Little Friend
Obtain all 25 guns.
25 points
The Big BangThe Big Bang
Obtain all 10 launchers.
10 points
Hobby ProjectHobby Project
Obtain all 16 miscellaneous ranged weapons.
10 points
Crystal Crowd ControlCrystal Crowd Control
Catch a Crystal Serpent while fishing in the Hallow.
10 points
Frostbite FlurryFrostbite Flurry
Obtain a Frost Staff from a Snow/Ice enemy.
5 points
Recluse RetributionRecluse Retribution
Obtain a Poison Staff from a Black Recluse.
5 points
Claim the ThroneClaim the Throne
Obtain a Resonance Scepter from the Princess.
5 points
Fallen Angel ArtifactFallen Angel Artifact
Obtain an Unholy Trident from a Red Devil.
5 points
Trade OfferTrade Offer
Obtain a Demon Scythe from a Demon.
5 points
Book WormBook Worm
Obtain a Water Bolt from a Dungeon bookshelf.
5 points
Forbidden MagicForbidden Magic
Obtain a Blood Thorn from a Hemogoblin Shark.
10 points
Stony GazeStony Gaze
Obtain a Medusa Head from a Medusa.
5 points
Storm ChaserStorm Chaser
Obtain a Nimbus Rod from an Angry Nimbus.
10 points
Pop StarPop Star
Obtain a Stellar Tune from the Empress of Light.
25 points
Terry PotterTerry Potter
Obtain all 38 wands.
25 points
Laser TagLaser Tag
Obtain all 12 magic guns
10 points
Ancient GrimoiresAncient Grimoires
Obtain all 9 spell books.
10 points
Magical ArtifactsMagical Artifacts
Obtain all 16 miscellaneous magic weapons.
25 points
Guardian GhostGuardian Ghost
Obtain an Abigail's Flower near a tombstone.
✅ unlocked at 2/15/2025, 1:56:49 PM
10 points
Bouncy BuddyBouncy Buddy
Obtain a Slime Staff from a slime enemy.
25 points
Vampyrius VampyrusVampyrius Vampyrus
Obtain a Vampire Frog Staff from a Blood Moon enemy.
10 points
Pixel PiracyPixel Piracy
Obtain a Pirate Staff from a Pirate Invasion enemy.
10 points
Blood Red BatsBlood Red Bats
Obtain a Sanguine Staff from a Dreadnautilus
10 points
Warrior of LightWarrior of Light
Obtain a Terraprisma from the Empress of Light during the day.
50 points
Vampire KillerVampire Killer
Obtain a Morning Star from an Armored Bones enemy.
10 points
Offensive LineOffensive Line
Obtain all 21 minion-summoning weapons.
50 points
Defensive LineDefensive Line
Obtain all 17 sentry-summoning weapons.
25 points
Obtain all 9 whips.
10 points
Obtain all 8 placeable weapons.
5 points
Flame On!Flame On!
Obtain all 6 types of flares.
5 points
Spray n' PraySpray n' Pray
Obtain all 16 types of bullets.
5 points
Rain of ArrowsRain of Arrows
Obtain all 15 types of arrows.
5 points
Rocket ManRocket Man
Obtain all 12 types of rockets.
5 points
Silent but DeadlySilent but Deadly
Obtain all 4 types of darts.
5 points
Solutions to World ProblemsSolutions to World Problems
Obtain all 8 types of solution.
5 points
Got a Bone to PickGot a Bone to Pick
Obtain a Bone Pickaxe from an Undead Miner.
10 points
Flying VFlying V
Obtain The Axe from Plantera.
25 points
Obtain a Bat Hook from a Goodie Bag.
5 points
Fish On!Fish On!
Obtain a Fish Hook from the Angler.
10 points
Fiery Fishin'Fiery Fishin'
Obtain a Hotline Fishing Hook from the Angler.
10 points
Listen for ScreamsListen for Screams
Catch a Demon Conch while fishing in lava.
10 points
Discord ModeratorDiscord Moderator
Obtain a Rod of Discord from a Chaos Elemental.
25 points
Calcium CasterCalcium Caster
Obtain a Bone Wand from a Dungeon enemy.
10 points
Contained EruptionContained Eruption
Catch a Bottomless Lava Bucket while fishing in lava.
10 points
Water VoidWater Void
Obtain a Super Absorbant Sponge from the Angler.
10 points
Lava VoidLava Void
Catch a Lava Absorbant Sponge while fishing in lava.
10 points
Cool Critter CatcherCool Critter Catcher
Obtain a Golden Bug Net from the Angler.
10 points
Eye See YouEye See You
Obtain some Binoculars from Eye of Cthulhu.
25 points
Piranha TreasurePiranha Treasure
Obtain a Jungle Key from a Jungle enemy.
10 points
Hydra TreasureHydra Treasure
Obtain a Frozen Key from a Ice enemy.
10 points
Rainbow TreasureRainbow Treasure
Obtain a Hallowed Key from a Hallowed enemy.
10 points
Scourge TreasureScourge Treasure
Obtain a Corruption Key from a Corruption enemy.
10 points
Vampire TreasureVampire Treasure
Obtain a Crimson Key from a Crimson enemy.
10 points
Tiger TreasureTiger Treasure
Obtain a Desert Key from a Desert enemy.
10 points
Also Try Minecraft!Also Try Minecraft!
Obtain all 44 pickaxes and drills.
50 points
Chop ChopChop Chop
Obtain all 41 axes and chainsaws.
50 points
Talkin' 'Bout the HammersTalkin' 'Bout the Hammers
Obtain all 32 hammers.
25 points
Master ElectricianMaster Electrician
Obtain all 8 wiring tools.
5 points
Home RenovationHome Renovation
Obtain all 6 painting tools.
5 points
Get Over Here!Get Over Here!
Obtain all 27 hooks.
25 points
I Just Wanna FishI Just Wanna Fish
Obtain all 11 fishing poles.
25 points
Instant TransmissionInstant Transmission
Obtain all 13 movement tools.
50 points
Tree HuggerTree Hugger
Obtain all 6 block-placing wands.
10 points
Tools of the TradeTools of the Trade
Obtain all 60 miscellaneous tools.
50 points
Spelunker's SpiritSpelunker's Spirit
Obtain a Mining Shirt & Pants from Undead Miners.
10 points
Rotten RainRotten Rain
Obtain both Rain set pieces from Raincoat Zombies.
10 points
Dead ColdDead Cold
Obtain all 3 Snow set pieces from Frozen Zombies.
10 points
Scuba DubaScuba Duba
Obtain a Diving Helmet from a Shark.
5 points
Unfortunate WishUnfortunate Wish
Obtain a Djinn's Curse from a Desert Spirit.
5 points
L Is RealL Is Real
Obtain a Green Cap from the Guide named Andrew.
5 points
For ValhallaFor Valhalla
Obtain a Viking Helmet from an Undead Viking.
5 points
Descend to the AbyssDescend to the Abyss
Obtain all 108 Pre-Hardmode armor set pieces.
50 points
Ascend to the HeavensAscend to the Heavens
Obtain all 118 Hardmode armor set pieces.
50 points
I... Am an EnchanterI... Am an Enchanter
Obtain all 10 wizard armor pieces.
10 points
Hard-Headed HeroHard-Headed Hero
Obtain all 9 miscellaneous armor pieces.
10 points
Do Not EatDo Not Eat
Catch a Balloon Pufferfish while fishing.
5 points
Frogger FeetFrogger Feet
Catch a Frog Leg while fishing.
5 points
Always a Full MoonAlways a Full Moon
Obtain a Moon Charm from a Werewolf.
10 points
Fly FishingFly Fishing
Obtain some Fin Wings from the Angler.
10 points
Layer by LayerLayer by Layer
Obtain a Depth Meter from a Surface/Underground enemy.
✅ unlocked at 2/15/2025, 5:44:22 PM
5 points
Coast to CoastCoast to Coast
Obtain a Compass from an enemy.
5 points
Keeping TrackKeeping Track
Obtain a Tally Counter from a Dungeon enemy.
✅ unlocked at 2/24/2025, 9:01:42 AM
5 points
Magical AffinityMagical Affinity
Obtain a Nature's Gift in the Underground Jungle.
5 points
Absolute ZeroAbsolute Zero
Obtain a Frozen Turtle Shell from an Ice Tortoise.
10 points
Target PracticeTarget Practice
Obtain a Magic Quiver from a Skeleton Archer.
10 points
Piercing PenetrationPiercing Penetration
Obtain a Shark Tooth Necklace from a Blood Moon enemy.
10 points
Target AcquiredTarget Acquired
Obtain a Clothier Voodoo Doll from a Dungeon enemy.
10 points
Underwater RaveUnderwater Rave
Obtain a Jellyfish Necklace from a Jellyfish.
10 points
Oh So PrettyOh So Pretty
Obtain a Jungle Rose from the Jungle.
10 points
Polar PlungePolar Plunge
Craft some Arctic Diving Gear.
5 points
Lucky LiftLucky Lift
Craft a Bundle of Horseshoe Balloons.
10 points
Getting CuffedGetting Cuffed
Craft some Celestial Cuffs.
10 points
Mana MagnetMana Magnet
Craft a Celestial Emblem.
10 points
Monster MashMonster Mash
Craft a Celestial Shell.
10 points
Pianta ImpersonatorPianta Impersonator
Craft some Fairy Boots.
10 points
Flaming FistFlaming Fist
Craft a Fire Gauntlet.
10 points
It Ain’t Easy Being GreenIt Ain’t Easy Being Green
Craft some Frog Gear.
10 points
Sticky FingersSticky Fingers
Craft a Greedy Ring.
10 points
Master of All TradesMaster of All Trades
Craft a Hand of Creation.
10 points
Craft some Hellfire Treads.
10 points
Master BaiterMaster Baiter
Craft a Lavaproof Tackle Box.
10 points
One With the ShadowsOne With the Shadows
Craft some Master Ninja Gear.
10 points
Let's Talk About Your Cars Extended WarrantyLet's Talk About Your Cars Extended Warranty
Craft a Shellphone.
10 points
Terrarian SniperTerrarian Sniper
Craft a Sniper Scope.
10 points
Wire KiteWire Kite
Craft The Grand Design.
10 points
Absolute AbsorptionAbsolute Absorption
Craft an Ultra Absorbant Sponge.
10 points
Wanna See Me Do It AgainWanna See Me Do It Again
Obtain all 65 movement accessories.
25 points
Free BirdFree Bird
Obtain all 29 wings.
50 points
Modern TechnologyModern Technology
Obtain all 25 informational accessories.
25 points
Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
Obtain all 14 health/mana accessories.
10 points
Battle ReadyBattle Ready
Obtain all 75 combat accessories.
25 points
85 Hours a Day85 Hours a Day
Obtain all 10 construction accessories.
10 points
Fish Love MeFish Love Me
Obtain all 14 fishing accessories.
10 points
Super StrandsSuper Strands
Obtain all 24 yoyo accessories.
25 points
Luxury GoodsLuxury Goods
Obtain all 29 vanity accessories.
10 points
Capture the MomentCapture the Moment
Obtain all 87 music boxes.
50 points
Hot ShotsHot Shots
Obtain all 14 golf balls.
5 points
Voodoo MagicVoodoo Magic
Obtain all 15 miscellaneous accessories.
10 points
Rapid PollinationRapid Pollination
Obtain some Honeyed Goggles from Queen Bee.
10 points
Slow and SteadySlow and Steady
Obtain a Hardy Saddle from a Golden/Titanium Crate.
5 points
Retirement ReadyRetirement Ready
Buy some Golf Cart Keys from the Golfer.
5 points
Chaos ChargeChaos Charge
Obtain an Ancient Horn from a Basilisk.
10 points
Obsessed With WolvesObsessed With Wolves
Obtain a Lilith's Necklace from a Wolf.
10 points
Rainbow RiderRainbow Rider
Obtain a Blessed Apple from The Hallow enemies.
5 points
Now You See Me...Now You See Me...
Catch a Scaly Truffle while fishing.
10 points
The Original MountThe Original Mount
Obtain some Reindeer Bells from Ice Queen.
10 points
Craft a Drill Containment Unit.
5 points
Trusty SteedsTrusty Steeds
Obtain all 20 Mounts.
50 points
Deal With ItDeal With It
Obtain a Minecarp from the Angler.
10 points
Powered by Bacon!Powered by Bacon!
Obtain a Pigron Minecart from a Pigron.
10 points
Modern MiningModern Mining
Obtain all 25 Minecarts.
25 points
Hero of TimeHero of Time
Craft all 3 Hero's set pieces.
5 points
Menacing GlareMenacing Glare
Obtain all 3 Lamia set pieces from lamia enemies.
10 points
Budget CostumeBudget Costume
Obtain all 3 Mummy set pieces from mummy enemies.
10 points
Become the PedguinBecome the Pedguin
Obtain all 3 Pedguin's set pieces from penguin enemies.
10 points
Mr. Video GameMr. Video Game
Obtain a Plumber's Hat from a Fire Imp.
5 points
Aww ManAww Man
Obtain all 3 Creeper set pieces from a Goodie Bag.
5 points
Baby, I Can Feel Your HaloBaby, I Can Feel Your Halo
Buy an Angel Halo from the Traveling Merchant.
5 points
To Hell and BackTo Hell and Back
Obtain a Badger's Hat from a boss.
10 points
Redshirt SacrificeRedshirt Sacrifice
Obtain a Dead Man's Sweater.
✅ unlocked at 2/15/2025, 4:56:39 PM
5 points
Beard of PiracyBeard of Piracy
Obtain a Ginger Beard from an Iron/Mythril Crate.
10 points
My Hat NowMy Hat Now
Obtain a Jim's Cap from the Painter.
5 points
Quote ThisQuote This
Obtain a Robot Hat from a Jungle enemy.
5 points
Bone HeadBone Head
Obtain a Skull from skeleton enemies.
5 points
Under my UmbrellaUnder my Umbrella
Obtain an Umbrella Hat from an Umbrella Slime.
5 points
Fashion ShowFashion Show
Obtain all 172 vanity set pieces.
50 points
Trick or TreatTrick or Treat
Obtain all 61 Halloween vanity set pieces.
25 points
On the Nice ListOn the Nice List
Obtain all 12 Christmas vanity set pieces.
10 points
That's What the Mask IsThat's What the Mask Is
Obtain all 21 vanity boss masks.
25 points
He Was #1He Was #1
Obtain all 52 miscellaneous vanity pieces.
25 points
Obtain an Amber Mosquito from extracted Desert Fossil.
10 points
It's Kinda Cute?It's Kinda Cute?
Obtain an Eater's Bone from Eater of Worlds.
10 points
Jump ScareJump Scare
Obtain a Bone Rattle from Brain of Cthulhu.
10 points
Problem ChildProblem Child
Obtain a Baby Grinch's Mischief Whistle from Ice Queen.
10 points
Irresistible SmellIrresistible Smell
Obtain some Nectar from Queen Bee.
5 points
You SHALL Pass!You SHALL Pass!
Obtain a Bone Key from the Dungeon Guardian.
25 points
Sleigh Ride Together With YouSleigh Ride Together With You
Obtain a Toy Sled from an Ice Mimic.
10 points
Tim's Pet CatTim's Pet Cat
Obtain an Unlucky Yarn from a Goodie Bag.
5 points
Keeper of the CoreKeeper of the Core
Obtain a Glow Tulip in the Underground or Cavern layers.
10 points
Dirt is DirtyDirt is Dirty
Obtain The Dirtiest Block while digging.
5 points
Keeper of the ForestKeeper of the Forest
Obtain a Stardrop from a purified Joja Cola.
5 points
Chillin’ Like a ReptilianChillin’ Like a Reptilian
Obtain a Lizard Egg from a Jungle Temple enemy.
10 points
Mini Minotaur's WeaknessMini Minotaur's Weakness
Obtain some Tarter Sauce from an Iron/Mythril Crate.
10 points
Puppy LovePuppy Love
Obtain a Dog Whistle from a Present.
5 points
Budding LifeBudding Life
Obtain a Seedling from Plantera.
10 points
Plushie PAWSPlushie PAWS
Obtain a Spiffo Plush from a Zombie.
10 points
Plentiful HarvestPlentiful Harvest
Obtain a Magical Pumpkin Seed from a Pumpkin during Halloween.
10 points
Sugar RushSugar Rush
Obtain some Eucalyptus Sap after shaking a Tree.
✅ unlocked at 2/15/2025, 10:37:03 AM
10 points
The Gentle West WindThe Gentle West Wind
Catch a Zephyr Fish while fishing.
10 points
Obtain a Wisp in a Bottle from Armored Bones enemies.
10 points
Loyal CompanionsLoyal Companions
Obtain all 47 pets.
50 points
Bright BuddiesBright Buddies
Obtain all 6 light pets.
25 points
Slime SlayerSlime Slayer
Obtain all 24 Slime banners.
50 points
Cavern SlayerCavern Slayer
Obtain all 20 Cavern enemy banners.
25 points
Corruption SlayerCorruption Slayer
Obtain all 8 Corruption enemy banners.
25 points
Crimson SlayerCrimson Slayer
Obtain all 11 Crimson enemy banners.
25 points
Desert SlayerDesert Slayer
Obtain all 13 Desert enemy banners.
25 points
Dungeon SlayerDungeon Slayer
Obtain all 16 Dungeon enemy banners.
25 points
Glowing Mushroom SlayerGlowing Mushroom Slayer
Obtain all 7 Glowing Mushroom enemy banners.
10 points
Granite Cave SlayerGranite Cave Slayer
Obtain both Granite Cave enemy banners.
5 points
Hallow SlayerHallow Slayer
Obtain all 7 The Hallow enemy banners.
25 points
Jungle SlayerJungle Slayer
Obtain all 17 Jungle enemy banners.
25 points
Marble Cave SlayerMarble Cave Slayer
Obtain both Marble Cave enemy banners.
5 points
Meteorite SlayerMeteorite Slayer
Obtain the Meteorite enemy banner.
5 points
Snow SlayerSnow Slayer
Obtain all 12 Snow enemy banners.
25 points
Spider Cave SlayerSpider Cave Slayer
Obtain both Spider Cave enemy banners.
5 points
Surface SlayerSurface Slayer
Obtain all 18 Surface enemy banners.
25 points
Underworld SlayerUnderworld Slayer
Obtain all 6 Underworld enemy banners.
10 points
Blood Moon SlayerBlood Moon Slayer
Obtain all 17 Blood Moon enemy banners.
10 points
Frost Legion SlayerFrost Legion Slayer
Obtain all 3 Frost Legion enemy banners.
10 points
Frost Moon SlayerFrost Moon Slayer
Obtain all 9 Frost Moon enemy banners.
10 points
Goblin Army SlayerGoblin Army Slayer
Obtain all 6 Goblin Army enemy banners.
10 points
Halloween SlayerHalloween Slayer
Obtain all 3 Halloween enemy banners.
10 points
Lunar Events SlayerLunar Events Slayer
Obtain all 23 Lunar Events enemy banners.
10 points
Martian Madness SlayerMartian Madness Slayer
Obtain all 11 Martian Madness enemy banners.
10 points
Old One's Army SlayerOld One's Army Slayer
Obtain all 10 Old One's Army enemy banners.
10 points
Pirate Invasion SlayerPirate Invasion Slayer
Obtain all 6 Pirate Invasion enemy banners.
10 points
Pumpkin Moon SlayerPumpkin Moon Slayer
Obtain all 5 Pumpkin Moon enemy banners.
10 points
Rain & Blizzard SlayerRain & Blizzard Slayer
Obtain all 4 Rain/Blizzard enemy banners.
25 points
Sandstorm SlayerSandstorm Slayer
Obtain all 6 Sandstorm enemy banners.
25 points
Solar Eclipse SlayerSolar Eclipse Slayer
Obtain all 14 Solar Eclipse enemy banners.
10 points
Windy Day SlayerWindy Day Slayer
Obtain the Windy Day enemy banner.
5 points
Residual EnergyResidual Energy
Catch all 14 gem critters.
25 points
The Midas TouchThe Midas Touch
Catch all 14 gold critters.
100 points
King of the CrittersKing of the Critters
Obtain all 91 critters.
50 points
Indescribable AuraIndescribable Aura
Obtain all 33 Strange Dyes from the Dry Trader.
50 points
Lunar LiaisonLunar Liaison
Craft all 7 craftable special effect dyes.
5 points
Feeling Like a FairyFeeling Like a Fairy
Obtain all 3 miscellaneous special effect dyes.
5 points
Express YourselfExpress Yourself
Obtain all 12 hair dyes.
5 points
Panning for PlatinumPanning for Platinum
Extract a Platinum Coin from a block.
25 points
...Another Man's Treasure...Another Man's Treasure
Extract Journeyman's Bait from a piece of junk.
10 points
So Shiny!So Shiny!
Obtain a Pink Pearl from an Oyster.
10 points
Level 99 FishingLevel 99 Fishing
Catch all 30 normal fish.
25 points
Motley CrewMotley Crew
Catch all 41 quest fish.
25 points
Loot CratesLoot Crates
Catch all 26 crates.
10 points
One Man's Trash...One Man's Trash...
Catch all 4 pieces of junk.
5 points
Obtain all 52 fishing rewards from the Angler.
50 points
Heeellllllo Terraria Enthusiasts!Heeellllllo Terraria Enthusiasts!
Obtain a Chippy's Couch from Skeletron.
5 points
Make a WishMake a Wish
Obtain a Desert Spirit Lamp from a Desert Spirit.
5 points
Early BirdEarly Bird
Obtain an Enchanted Sundial from a crate.
10 points
Night OwlNight Owl
Obtain an Enchanted Moondial.
5 points
Not Just a Hat RackNot Just a Hat Rack
Craft a Hat Rack.
1 points
Party Time!Party Time!
Buy a Pigronata from the Party Girl.
2 points
Aperture Science InnovationAperture Science Innovation
Buy a Portal Gun Station from the Cyborg.
5 points
Built Terrarian-ToughBuilt Terrarian-Tough
Craft a Target Dummy.
2 points
Feng ShuiFeng Shui
Obtain all 14 buff-providing/stat-boosting furniture.
5 points
Conversation PiecesConversation Pieces
Obtain all 5 item-displaying furniture.
5 points
Sprucing up the PlaceSprucing up the Place
Obtain all 11 themed furniture crafting stations.
5 points
Reflecting on Past MistakesReflecting on Past Mistakes
Obtain all 11 tombstones.
5 points
Property of Dead Man's SweaterProperty of Dead Man's Sweater
Obtain an Ivy from the Steampunker named Whitney.
5 points
Waving in the WindWaving in the Wind
Obtain a Wyvern Kite from a Wyvern.
10 points
These Licks Are SpicyThese Licks Are Spicy
Obtain a Rain Song from a Flying Fish.
10 points
Having a Wonderful Time!Having a Wonderful Time!
Obtain a Unicorn on a Stick from a Unicorn.
10 points
Trinkets and Knick KnacksTrinkets and Knick Knacks
Obtain all 52 novelty items.
50 points
Where's Waldo?Where's Waldo?
Obtain the Waldo painting from an Underground Cabin.
5 points
Buy the painting from the Clothier.
2 points
The Duplicity of ReflectionsThe Duplicity of Reflections
Buy all 4 paintings from the Golfer.
5 points
Good MorningGood Morning
Buy all 16 paintings from the Painter.
25 points
Buy all 8 paintings from the Painter in a Graveyard.
5 points
Princess 64Princess 64
Buy all 7 paintings from the Princess.
10 points
Benny WarholBenny Warhol
Buy all 22 paintings from the Traveling Merchant.
25 points
My SonMy Son
Buy the painting from the Truffle.
3 points
The WerewolfThe Werewolf
Buy the painting from the Zoologist.
5 points
The Creation of the GuideThe Creation of the Guide
Obtain all 25 paintings from Dungeons.
10 points
Love is in the Trash SlotLove is in the Trash Slot
Obtain all 6 paintings from Floating Islands.
5 points
Lizard KingLizard King
Obtain the painting from a Jungle Temple.
5 points
Happy Little TreeHappy Little Tree
Obtain all 32 paintings from Underground Cabins.
10 points
Snakes, I Hate SnakesSnakes, I Hate Snakes
Obtain all 14 paintings from Desert Underground Cabins.
5 points
Obtain all 12 paintings from The Underworld.
5 points
Lady Of The LakeLady Of The Lake
Catch both paintings while fishing.
5 points
Silent FishSilent Fish
Obtain all 8 paintings from the Angler's quest rewards
25 points
Obtain all 8 paintings from Solar Eclipse enemies.
5 points
Hallow's EveHallow's Eve
Obtain all 5 paintings from Goodie Bags.
5 points
Exotic TasteExotic Taste
Buy all 3 animal skins from the Traveling Merchant.
5 points
Beast ModeBeast Mode
Buy a Universal Pylon from the Zoologist.
50 points
Teleportation StationTeleportation Station
Buy all 9 Pylons.
10 points
Battle SimulatorBattle Simulator
Obtain all 26 enemy statues.
25 points
Animal FarmAnimal Farm
Obtain all 22 critter statues.
10 points
Art AppreciationArt Appreciation
Obtain all 24 decorative statues.
10 points
Kings and QueensKings and Queens
Obtain all 9 miscellaneous statues.
5 points
When Pigs FlyWhen Pigs Fly
Obtain a Money Trough from a Blood Moon enemy.
✅ unlocked at 2/15/2025, 11:54:24 AM
5 points
Into the VoidInto the Void
Obtain all 7 portable storage items.
10 points
Rags to RichesRags to Riches
Obtain all 8 Pre-Hardmode boss trophies.
10 points
Mechanical ManiaMechanical Mania
Obtain all 11 Hardmode boss trophies.
25 points
Star of the ShowStar of the Show
Obtain all 10 event boss trophies.
10 points
Fish Fear MeFish Fear Me
Obtain all 4 fish trophies from the Angler.
10 points
Pro Performance ProofPro Performance Proof
Buy all 3 golf trophies from the Golfer.
5 points
Climate AcclimationClimate Acclimation
Activate all 9 environment buffs.
5 points
Confidence BoostConfidence Boost
Activate all 33 equipment buffs.
5 points
Activate all 6 furniture buffs.
5 points
Light the WayLight the Way
Activate all 8 light pet buffs.
5 points
Coming Through!Coming Through!
Activate all 26 minecart buffs.
5 points
Beast TamerBeast Tamer
Activate all 20 mount buffs.
5 points
Animal WhispererAnimal Whisperer
Activate all 47 pet buffs.
5 points
Minion MasterMinion Master
Activate all 21 summon buffs.
5 points
Fire in the Hole!Fire in the Hole!
Use all 14 explosive items.
5 points
Balanced DietBalanced Diet
Eat all 80 types of food.
25 points
Man's Best FriendMan's Best Friend
Use all 3 animal licenses.
5 points
Performance-Enhancing PotionsPerformance-Enhancing Potions
Drink all 44 buff potions.
10 points
Extra EdgeExtra Edge
Drink all 8 flasks.
5 points
Recovery Is KeyRecovery Is Key
Drink all 15 recovery potions.
5 points
Experimental ConsumerExperimental Consumer
Drink all 5 miscellaneous potions.
5 points
Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development
Use all 14 permanent consumable items.
25 points
Use all 13 consumable tools.
5 points
Recreational ActivitiesRecreational Activities
Use all 13 miscellanous consumable items.
5 points
Breach and ClearBreach and Clear
Use all 20 consumable weapons.
10 points

more tools

© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).