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Flintstones, The: Bedrock Bowling Progress

more about Flintstones, The: Bedrock BowlingFlintstones, The: Bedrock Bowling
98.0% complete

35 / 35 πŸ†
245 / 250 points

iconinfoRA score
Cave CardioCave Cardio
Clear the Gravel Factory lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:39:09 AM
1 points
Perfect - Gravel FactoryPerfect - Gravel Factory
Clear the Gravel Factory lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:45:03 AM
5 points
Alert and AwareAlert and Aware
Clear the Gravel Factory lane without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:43:00 AM
5 points
Stone by StoneStone by Stone
Clear the Quarry lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:47:29 AM
1 points
Perfect - QuarryPerfect - Quarry
Clear the Quarry lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:52:54 AM
5 points
Evasive ManeuversEvasive Maneuvers
Clear the Quarry lane without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:47:30 AM
5 points
It’s Actually Not Flooded GuysIt’s Actually Not Flooded Guys
Clear the Flooded lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:55:12 AM
1 points
Perfect - FloodedPerfect - Flooded
Clear the Flooded lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:03:03 AM
5 points
Mindful MovementMindful Movement
Clear the Flooded lane without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 7:55:13 AM
10 points
Sticky SituationSticky Situation
Clear the Tar lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:03:48 AM
1 points
Perfect - TarPerfect - Tar
Clear the Tar lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:04:44 AM
5 points
Rock RoutesRock Routes
Clear the Tar lane having without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:03:48 AM
5 points
Chillin' With the BoysChillin' With the Boys
Clear the Pool bonus lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:06:36 AM
2 points
Perfect - PoolPerfect - Pool
Clear the Pool bonus lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:06:35 AM
5 points
The Open RoadThe Open Road
Clear the Freeway lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:07:39 AM
1 points
Perfect - FreewayPerfect - Freeway
Clear the Freeway lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:12:58 AM
10 points
Primitive PathwaysPrimitive Pathways
Clear the Freeway lane without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:07:39 AM
5 points
Whispers in the DarkWhispers in the Dark
Clear the Crystal Mine lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:18:18 AM
2 points
Perfect - Crystal MinePerfect - Crystal Mine
Clear the Crystal Mine lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:18:18 AM
10 points
Molten MarvelsMolten Marvels
Clear the Lava lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:20:22 AM
2 points
Perfect - LavaPerfect - Lava
Clear the Lava lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:38:28 AM
10 points
Dance with DangerDance with Danger
Clear the Lava lane without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:20:22 AM
5 points
King of the MonstersKing of the Monsters
Clear the Rockzilla lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:39:40 AM
2 points
Perfect - RockzillaPerfect - Rockzilla
Clear the Rockzilla lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:52:44 AM
10 points
Collision ControlCollision Control
Clear the Rockzilla lane without collecting any of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:39:41 AM
5 points
Buffalo RoamBuffalo Roam
Clear the Water Buffalo Lodge bonus lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:55:04 AM
2 points
Perfect - Water Buffalo LodgePerfect - Water Buffalo Lodge
Clear the Water Buffalo Lodge bonus lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:57:40 AM
10 points
Spark DischargeSpark Discharge
Clear the Zetox lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:59:11 AM
3 points
Perfect - ZetoxPerfect - Zetox
Clear the Zetox lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:59:12 AM
10 points
Alien WondersAlien Wonders
Clear the Gazoo's Asteroid lane.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 9:11:14 AM
5 points
Perfect Gazoo's AsteroidPerfect Gazoo's Asteroid
Clear the Gazoo's Asteroid lane having collected all of the items.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 9:11:15 AM
10 points
Century MarkCentury Mark
[No Save/Load] Reach a score of 100,000 in a single run.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 9:23:05 AM
10 points
Breaking BarriersBreaking Barriers
[No Save/Load] Reach a score of 200,000 in a single run.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 9:29:03 AM
25 points
Almost Perfect GameAlmost Perfect Game
[No Save/Load] Reach a score of 300,000 in a single run.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 9:52:37 AM
50 points
Big NumbersBig Numbers
Get a x4 multiplier.
βœ… unlocked at 2/15/2025, 8:54:56 AM
2 points

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