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Winter Sports Progress

more about Winter SportsWinter Sports
100.0% complete

9 / 9 🏆
62 / 62 points

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The End (Only the Beginning)The End (Only the Beginning)
Ski-jump 5 times and the game will end. This is it. Now you need to restart and do it again but better! [mode 1]
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 5:55:06 AM
1 points
Perfect JumpPerfect Jump
Ski-jump with a 95 or better result in one single jump [mode 1]
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:06:39 AM
10 points
Ski Jumping ChampionSki Jumping Champion
Ski-jump 5 times and accumulate a result of 350 or more at the end of the game [mode 1]
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:16:00 AM
10 points
Ski Jumping AdvancedSki Jumping Advanced
Ski-jump 5 times and accumulate a result of 200 at the end of the game [mode 1]
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:15:04 AM
5 points
Bad Weather JumpingBad Weather Jumping
Ski-jump 5 times and accumulate a result of 250 or more at the end of the game [mode 3]
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:26:43 AM
10 points
Jumping in a StormJumping in a Storm
Ski-jump 5 times and accumulate a result of 250 or more at the end of the game [mode 5]
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:28:54 AM
10 points
First Time SlalomingFirst Time Slaloming
Finish your slalom race with a higher amount of gates crossed than missed
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:30:05 AM
1 points
Slalom MasterSlalom Master
Finish your slalom race with 55 or more gates crossed and none missed
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:33:26 AM
5 points
No BrakesNo Brakes
Finish your slalom race within 60 seconds and with 45 or more gates crossed and none missed
✅ unlocked at 8/17/2024, 6:33:26 AM
10 points
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