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Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier Progress

more about Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm SoldierMugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier
38.3% complete

34 / 60 🏆
180 / 470 points

iconinfoRA score
Complete World 1.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:12:18 PM
5 points
Ice CavesIce Caves
Complete World 2.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:25:09 PM
5 points
Complete World 3.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:29:57 PM
5 points
Complete World 4.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:56:45 PM
5 points
Complete World 5.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:02:17 PM
5 points
Complete World 6.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:09:16 PM
5 points
Dark WorldDark World
Complete World 7.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:35:04 PM
10 points
City SurvivorCity Survivor
Complete World 1 without dying.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:12:19 PM
10 points
Ice Caves SurvivorIce Caves Survivor
Complete World 2 without dying.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:25:09 PM
10 points
Volcano SurvivorVolcano Survivor
Complete World 4 without dying.
10 points
Aquaducts SurvivorAquaducts Survivor
Complete World 5 without dying.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:02:17 PM
10 points
Forest SurvivorForest Survivor
Complete World 6 without dying.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:09:17 PM
10 points
Dark World SurvivorDark World Survivor
Complete World 7 without dying.
25 points
Gaida the Lord of EarthGaida the Lord of Earth
Defeat Gaida in Stage 1-2 without taking damage.
10 points
Frosthound WardenFrosthound Warden
Defeat the Frosthound Warden in Stage 2-1 without taking damage or using magic during the battle.
10 points
Geeva the Lord of WaterGeeva the Lord of Water
Defeat Geeva in Stage 2-2 without taking damage or using magic during the battle.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:25:09 PM
10 points
Izard the Lord of WindsIzard the Lord of Winds
Defeat Izard in Stage 3-1 without taking damage or using magic during the battle.
10 points
Emberforged WardenEmberforged Warden
Defeat the Emberforged Warden in Stage 4-1 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:50:37 PM
10 points
Venon the Lord of FireVenon the Lord of Fire
Defeat Venon in Stage 4-2 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:56:45 PM
10 points
Voltez the Lord of ThunderVoltez the Lord of Thunder
Defeat Voltez in Stage 5-2 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:02:18 PM
10 points
Sylvan WardenSylvan Warden
Defeat the Sylvan Warden in Stage 6-2 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:07:19 PM
10 points
Reiko KirishimaReiko Kirishima
Defeat Reiko in Stage 6-3 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
10 points
Darklord Rogles the EternalDarklord Rogles the Eternal
Defeat Rogles 1st phase in Stage 7-2 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
25 points
Rogles King of the Dark LordsRogles King of the Dark Lords
Defeat Rogles 2nd phase in Stage 7-2 without taking damage, having an active shield, or using magic during the battle.
25 points
Arcane AversionArcane Aversion
Complete World 2 without using magic.
5 points
Sorcery SuppressedSorcery Suppressed
Complete World 3 without using magic.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:29:58 PM
5 points
Enchantment EvasionEnchantment Evasion
Complete World 4 without using magic.
5 points
Wizardry WardWizardry Ward
Complete World 5 without using magic.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:02:18 PM
5 points
Mystic-Free MayhemMystic-Free Mayhem
Complete World 6 without using magic.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:09:17 PM
5 points
Natural CharmNatural Charm
Complete World 7 without using magic.
10 points
Basic BladeBasic Blade
Complete World 1 with a level 0 sword.
10 points
Novice's ValorNovice's Valor
Complete World 2 with a level 0 sword.
10 points
Apprentice Blade AceApprentice Blade Ace
Complete World 3 with a level 0 sword.
10 points
Blade's TriumphBlade's Triumph
Complete World 4 with a level 0 sword.
10 points
Valiant VanguardValiant Vanguard
Complete World 5 with a level 0 sword.
10 points
Swordmaster's LegacySwordmaster's Legacy
Complete Stage 6-2 and beat Reiko with a level 0 sword.
10 points
Blade Bearing ChampionBlade Bearing Champion
Complete World 7 with a level 0 sword.
25 points
Late for ClassLate for Class
Complete Stage 1-1 with 275 or more left on the clock
5 points
Legend of a Fantasm SoldierLegend of a Fantasm Soldier
Complete the game without using a continue.
50 points
Bullet BarrageBullet Barrage
Obtain the bullet power up.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:08:39 PM
1 points
Saber SavantSaber Savant
Obtain the saber power up.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:28:08 PM
1 points
Cutter CrusaderCutter Crusader
Obtain the cutter power up.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:09:08 PM
1 points
Hunter HeroHunter Hero
Obtain the hunter power up.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:11:14 PM
1 points
Arc Shot AceArc Shot Ace
Obtain the arc power up.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:15:48 PM
1 points
Valis ValorValis Valor
Max out your sword level with any weapon.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:15:18 PM
5 points
Honored HaroldHonored Harold
Score 10,000 or higher.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:09:19 PM
1 points
Glorious GuardianGlorious Guardian
Score 50,000 or higher.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:16:30 PM
2 points
Blade BrillianceBlade Brilliance
Score 100,000 or higher.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:24:10 PM
3 points
Masterful MademoiselleMasterful Mademoiselle
Score 250,000 or higher.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:35:01 PM
5 points
Swordmaster SupremeSwordmaster Supreme
Score 500,000 or higher.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:35:01 PM
10 points
Extra CreditExtra Credit
Acquire the life on Stage 1-1.
1 points
Above and BeyondAbove and Beyond
Acquire the life on Stage 1-2.
1 points
Arctic SpelunkingArctic Spelunking
Acquire the life on Stage 2-1.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:16:06 PM
1 points
Glacial HeightsGlacial Heights
Acquire the life on Stage 2-2.
1 points
Boldly BoulderingBoldly Bouldering
Acquire the life on Stage 3-1.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:29:08 PM
1 points
Inferno ExpeditionInferno Expedition
Acquire the life on Stage 4-1.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 9:38:37 PM
1 points
Falling with GraceFalling with Grace
Acquire the life on Stage 6-1.
1 points
Dark World TreasureDark World Treasure
Acquire the life on Stage 7-1.
✅ unlocked at 8/30/2024, 10:13:53 PM
1 points
Gammera the Protector of ChildrenGammera the Protector of Children
Find and touch Gammera the on Stage 5-1
1 points
Extreme Game of MemoryExtreme Game of Memory
Enter the debug menu. Warning! Progression achievements and leaderboards require starting on Stage 1-1 with default lives and upgrades.
0 points
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