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Life Force Progress

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Infinity% complete

4 / 36 🏆
20 / points

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Activate a speed upgrade during a run. Each ship has a different powerup configuration. Achievements prohibit using both ships in the same run. The powerup bar only appears in Japanese Life Force.
âś… unlocked at 1/11/2025, 7:17:50 PM
3 points
Activate a missle upgrade during a run.
2 points
Activate a pulse upgrade during a run.
3 points
Activate a laser upgrade during a run.
âś… unlocked at 1/11/2025, 7:18:49 PM
3 points
Activate a multiple upgrade during a run.
âś… unlocked at 1/11/2025, 7:16:42 PM
4 points
Activate a shield upgrade during a run.
5 points
Max SpeedMax Speed
Activate the max number of speed upgrades during a run.
10 points
Max MultiplesMax Multiples
Activate the max number of multiple upgrades during a run.
âś… unlocked at 1/11/2025, 7:19:29 PM
10 points
Max ShieldsMax Shields
Activate the max number of shield upgrades during a run.
10 points
Legit Extra LifeLegit Extra Life
Dev challenge: earn an extra life during a run without having lost a life. The ability to earn extra lives was added to Japanese Life Force.
10 points
Stomach Muscle ZoneStomach Muscle Zone
Clear stage one using any ship. This game has no continues. Unique stage bosses make their first appearance here in the Gradius universe.
5 points
Thunder MuThunder Mu
Clear the section containing Thunder Mu in stage two using any ship. Thunder Mu distracts you by causing the screen to flash different colors.
5 points
Kidney ZoneKidney Zone
Clear stage two using any ship. Vertifcal stages were first introduced in Salamander.
5 points
Stomach Inner ChamberStomach Inner Chamber
Clear stage three using any ship.
10 points
Liver ZoneLiver Zone
Clear stage four using any ship.
25 points
Lung ZoneLung Zone
Clear stage five using any ship.
50 points
Big CoresBig Cores
Defeat the mini-boss of stage six using any ship.
10 points
Big MoaisBig Moais
Defeat the mid-boss of stage six using any ship.
10 points
Code SalamanderCode Salamander
Clear stage six using any ship, including killing Zelos Force.
50 points
Code WormholeCode Wormhole
Access the hidden warp by leaving Zelos Force alive at the end of any loop.
50 points
Code ViperCode Viper
Clear stage six using Vic Viper, the ship for maneuverability. Amounts to a one-credit clear (1CC) of the game. Killing Zelos Force is optional.
50 points
Code BritishCode British
Clear stage six using Lord British, the ship for firepower. Amounts to a one-credit clear (1CC) of the game. Killing Zelos Force is optional. Lord British was first introduced in Salamander.
50 points
Max Rank Boss–Hunter IMax Rank Boss–Hunter I
Dev challenge: defeat the boss of stage one at loop one's max base-rank of 13. No specific loop requirement. A challenge indicator will appear if your rank qualifies.
25 points
Max Rank Boss–Hunter IIMax Rank Boss–Hunter II
Dev challenge: defeat the boss of stage two at loop two's max base-rank of 17. No specific loop requirement. A challenge indicator will appear if your rank qualifies.
50 points
Max Rank Boss–Hunter IIIMax Rank Boss–Hunter III
Dev challenge: defeat the boss of stage three at loop two's max base-rank of 17. No specific loop requirement. A challenge indicator will appear if your rank qualifies.
25 points
Max Rank Boss–Hunter IVMax Rank Boss–Hunter IV
Dev challenge: defeat the boss of stage four at loop two's max base-rank of 17. No specific loop requirement. A challenge indicator will appear if your rank qualifies.
25 points
Max Rank Boss–Hunter VMax Rank Boss–Hunter V
Dev challenge: defeat the boss of stage five at loop two's max base-rank of 17. No specific loop requirement. A challenge indicator will appear if your rank qualifies.
10 points
Max Rank Boss–Hunter VIMax Rank Boss–Hunter VI
Dev challenge: defeat the mid-boss of stage six at loop two's max base-rank of 17. No specific loop requirement. A challenge indicator will appear if your rank qualifies.
10 points
50K Club50K Club
Dev challenge: score 50K points in a run using any ship.
5 points
100K Club100K Club
Dev challenge: score 100K points in a run using any ship.
5 points
200K Club200K Club
Dev challenge: score 200K points in a run using any ship.
10 points
300K Club300K Club
Dev challenge: score 300K points in a run using any ship.
10 points
400K Club400K Club
Dev challenge: score 400K points in a run using any ship.
10 points
500K Club500K Club
Dev challenge: score 500K points in a run using any ship.
25 points
Viper EvacViper Evac
Dev challenge: perform the escape sequence using Vic Viper and without dying during the escape sequence on loop one.
100 points
British EvacBritish Evac
Dev challenge: perform the escape sequence using Lord British and without dying during the escape sequence on loop one.
100 points

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