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~Homebrew~ Pinky Xmas Progress

more about ~Homebrew~ Pinky Xmas~Homebrew~ Pinky Xmas
Infinity% complete

4 / 15 🏆
8 / points

iconinfoRA score
It Was Mint to BeIt Was Mint to Be
Collect all 25 candy canes and defeat all enemies in Level 1 without dying.
5 points
Step Into ChristmasStep Into Christmas
Clear Level 1.
✅ unlocked at 12/11/2024, 7:50:42 PM
1 points
Keep the Change, Ya Filthy AnimalKeep the Change, Ya Filthy Animal
Clear the secret room on Level 2.
✅ unlocked at 12/11/2024, 7:53:01 PM
3 points
Silent NightSilent Night
Clear Level 2.
✅ unlocked at 12/11/2024, 7:54:00 PM
2 points
The Cat in the Hat..?The Cat in the Hat..?
Defeat the first boss and clear the level.
5 points
Yukigassen ChampionYukigassen Champion
Defeat the first boss using 7 snowballs or less.
5 points
A Flamingo in a Pear TreeA Flamingo in a Pear Tree
Clear Level 3.
3 points
Pa Rum Pum Pum PumPa Rum Pum Pum Pum
Clear Level 4.
4 points
Santa Claus Is Coming to TownSanta Claus Is Coming to Town
Clear Level 5.
5 points
Grumpy Old Saint NicGrumpy Old Saint Nic
Defeat the second boss without collecting any candy canes or losing a life.
10 points
Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas
Defeat the second boss and beat the game.
10 points
A Flamboyance of FlamingosA Flamboyance of Flamingos
Beat the game with 5 or more lives.
25 points
War Is OverWar Is Over
Beat the game with a score of 180,000 or more.
10 points
Cane You Believe It?Cane You Believe It?
Collect 50 candy canes and receive an extra life.
✅ unlocked at 12/11/2024, 7:51:57 PM
2 points
Plenty More Where That Cane FromPlenty More Where That Cane From
Collect 150 candy canes in a single run.
5 points

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