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Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Progress

more about Castlevania: Dawn of SorrowCastlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
3.2% complete

7 / 68 🏆
20 / 625 points

iconinfoRA score
Tutorial SetTutorial Set
Obtain your first three souls
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 8:25:41 AM
1 points
Cuirass of LevitationCuirass of Levitation
Defeat Flying Armor as Soma
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 8:35:08 AM
3 points
Gigantor's FuryGigantor's Fury
Defeat Balore as Soma
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 9:20:55 AM
3 points
Soul ReaperSoul Reaper
Defeat Dmitrii as Soma
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 10:22:51 AM
3 points
Master of CrowsMaster of Crows
Defeat Malphas as Soma
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 10:25:25 AM
4 points
Defeat Dario for the first time as Soma
5 points
Ventriloquist of TortureVentriloquist of Torture
Defeat Puppet Master as Soma
5 points
Zombie Lizard KingZombie Lizard King
Defeat Gergoth as Soma
10 points
Defeat Rahab as Soma
10 points
Edward ScissorhandsEdward Scissorhands
Defeat Zephyr as Soma
10 points
Legion of BatsLegion of Bats
Defeat Bat Company as Soma
10 points
Reflective VisitorReflective Visitor
Defeat Paranoia as Soma
10 points
Daemon InfernoDaemon Inferno
Defeat Aguni as Soma
10 points
Guardian of the AbyssGuardian of the Abyss
Defeat Death as Soma
10 points
Dark MagicianDark Magician
Defeat Abaddon as Soma
10 points
No Dark Lord HereNo Dark Lord Here
Obtain the True Ending as Soma
25 points
Synthesis BeginnerSynthesis Beginner
Synthesize your first weapon
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 10:13:50 AM
1 points
Dual WielderDual Wielder
Obtain the Doppelganger ability
1 points
Lucky TrioLucky Trio
Obtain the Three 7s armor in the Garden of Madness
5 points
Ring of ScholarshipRing of Scholarship
Obtain the Shaman Ring
5 points
Greed is GoodGreed is Good
Obtain the Gold Ring
5 points
A True MegafindA True Megafind
Obtain the Rare Ring
4 points
Gravity RebelGravity Rebel
Obtain the Hippogryph ability
5 points
Spiritual MagnetSpiritual Magnet
Purchase the Soul Eater Ring
10 points
Dimensional HeistDimensional Heist
Obtain Dracula's Tunic, the Rosary, Megingjord, the Platinum Stud, and the Tear of Blood in a single playthrough
10 points
Journalism JunkieJournalism Junkie
Obtain every UMA News issue
10 points
Sword of LightSword of Light
Synthesize Claimh Solais
5 points
Blessed WindBlessed Wind
Synthesize Valmanway
5 points
Assault NoviceAssault Novice
Reach level 10 as Soma
✅ unlocked at 11/13/2024, 9:11:18 AM
5 points
Battle ApprenticeBattle Apprentice
Reach level 20 as Soma
5 points
Combat PupilCombat Pupil
Reach level 30 as Soma
5 points
Fracas ChampionFracas Champion
Reach level 40 as Soma
10 points
Skirmish VeteranSkirmish Veteran
Reach level 50 as Soma
10 points
Fit for a Bell TowerFit for a Bell Tower
Obtain the Bell
5 points
Your MajestyYour Majesty
Obtain the Crown
5 points
It's a Bird! It's a Plane!It's a Bird! It's a Plane!
Obtain Konami Man
5 points
Going Ape for FoodGoing Ape for Food
Defeat the first cryptid enemy for the first time
5 points
Mothra's LightshowMothra's Lightshow
Defeat the second cryptid enemy for the first time
5 points
A Spacefaring ScreamA Spacefaring Scream
Defeat the third cryptid enemy for the first time
5 points
The Mighty OdinsonThe Mighty Odinson
Test your might
10 points
Carmine ProfessionalCarmine Professional
Obtain every red soul
25 points
Cerulean AdmiralCerulean Admiral
Obtain every blue soul
25 points
Citrine TacticianCitrine Tactician
Obtain every yellow soul
25 points
Jack of All TradesJack of All Trades
Obtain every special ability
10 points
One Ring to Rule Them AllOne Ring to Rule Them All
Obtain the Chaos Ring
25 points
Grizzly TeddyGrizzly Teddy
Win the Terror Bear from the Boss Rush
5 points
Karate BeginnerKarate Beginner
Win the Nunchakus from the Boss Rush
5 points
Denizen of the UnderworldDenizen of the Underworld
Win Death's Robe from the Boss Rush
10 points
Rambo CruzRambo Cruz
Win the RPG from the Boss Rush
10 points
Belmont LegacyBelmont Legacy
Complete Julius Mode after defeating every boss
25 points
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the SkyFor the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Defeat Flying Armor as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
5 points
Lilliput vs BrobdingnagLilliput vs Brobdingnag
Defeat Balore as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
5 points
Talent BirthrightTalent Birthright
Defeat Dmitrii as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage or healing items)
5 points
The Wings of IlluminationThe Wings of Illumination
Defeat Malphas as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
5 points
Crucible ExtinguisherCrucible Extinguisher
Defeat Dario for the first time as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
5 points
No Strings to Hold Me DownNo Strings to Hold Me Down
Defeat Puppet Master as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
10 points
Absolution of ConfinementAbsolution of Confinement
Defeat Gergoth as Soma without taking damage (no MP refill items)
10 points
Jonah's SaviorJonah's Savior
Defeat Rahab as Soma without taking damage (no MP refill items)
10 points
Disciple of Saint GermainDisciple of Saint Germain
Defeat Zephyr as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
10 points
Solitary DominationSolitary Domination
Defeat Bat Company as Soma without taking damage (no MP usage)
10 points
Through the Looking GlassThrough the Looking Glass
Defeat Paranoia as Soma without taking damage (no MP refill items)
10 points
Trial by FireTrial by Fire
Defeat Aguni as Soma without taking damage while equipped with Paranoia and Flying Armor
10 points
Reaper SlayerReaper Slayer
Defeat Death as Soma without taking damage (no MP refill items)
10 points
Cheap TrickCheap Trick
Defeat Abaddon as Soma without using healing items while equipped with Paranoia and Bat Company
10 points
Redemption for CronqvistRedemption for Cronqvist
Defeat Menace as Soma without taking damage (no MP refill items or Chaos Ring)
25 points
Family FeudFamily Feud
Defeat both forms of Somacula without taking damage using only Alucard
25 points
The Dark Lord ReturnsThe Dark Lord Returns
Get the bad ending with Soma and discover the reason Julius Mode exists (in the room with Celia after the Aguni fight)
0 points
Congratulations, you now have Hell Fire!
25 points

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